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"Calcifer, send some hot water to my bath." Howl said as he went upstairs. "Yeah, yeah yeah fine." Calcifer said as he rolled his eyes. "Make it boiling" You said jokingly. Calcifers eyes widened as he heard what you said.

"Oh nonononononononononono I am not going to do that to Howl." Calcifer said, scared for what Howl might do if  he did what you had said. "Yeah! Master Howl would kill us." Markl stated "Calm down, Cal, Markl." You began. "I'm just kidding." Calcifer breathed out heavily. You glanced at him with a sparkle in your eyes.

"GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH (Y/N) WHAT HAVE YOU DONEEEEEEEEEEE!" You all suddenly heard Howl scream at the top of his loungs. "Damn what's all the fuss about?" You asked Markl and Calcifer. "(Y/N)" Calcifer began. "You didn't clean the bathroom, did you...?" Markl finished his question. "I did, why?" You asked as Howl ran down the stairs, his bottom half covered in a towel.

"LOOK AT IT (Y/N)! LOOK AT IT!" Howl screamed. His hair looked like Markl's. Orange.

"Oi oi calm down man!" You said. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'CaLm DoWn!?'" How said. 

He went to the char before Calcifer and sulked. "You should look at it now." You said as you went over to him. "Black looks great on you." You stated.

"I give up."

"You what now?"

"I give up. I see no point in living if I can not be beautiful."

You rolled your eyes as you saw Howl having a mental breakdown, his body covered in green goo and random spirits getting summoned.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up." You said, slightly irritated as you picked up Howl and travelled the stairs. You heard the soft fabric of a towel falling on wood. Shit.

You didn't bat an eye as you put him in the bathtub filled with foam.

"Markl I beg you please I swear I'm still a minor." You said in despair.

"I am too! Plus, I got to study some uh... potions... Yeah." He said, obviously lying. You rolled your eyes.

"Howl, you're gonna have to do this by your damn self. I am not in the mood to see you naked." You said and you walked away, leaving him for himself to fix. You had no idea how to stop his tantrum and you most definitly didn't want to see him naked.

"C'ya, Howl!" You said as you left the bathroom and settled on the couch.

(A/N): Hey sorry this was a day later, but I didn't have enough time to finish, sorryyy. I hope u like this chapter and pls comment and vote. No ghost readers allowed :'). Byee.

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