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(A/N): This is gonna be a chapter mostly about Howl, in his perspective, FYI.

I miss him... I mean, he was my best friend. He told me to protect (Y/N), but I can't stand her. I can't blame her though. It's not her fault that he couldn't contain himself anymore. I can just feel he's dead. He was my fu- No Howl, if you start cursing you'll make it worse. 

He was the bestest of friends i'd ever had. And that says a lot, because i've had a lot of friends.

I was laying on my bed, over thinking, again.

"This is a damn mess!" I whisper yelled.

I should try not to think about him. It's not fair towards (Y/N). She did nothing wrong.

If I can't be close to him, I'll settle for (Y/N). I'll be nicer to her.

And I went downstairs.

(A/N): Sorry this chapter was as short as my height (sadly). Pls vote and comment. Bye ily guys.

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