The commercial

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The deetz were shown all sitting around a table with Cantonese food with burning candles for light as Delia makes a mace as she lightly spits out the piece of food in her mouth back into the box she was eating out of with chopsticks."I can't believe we're eating Cantonese is there no Sichuan up here"she asked.

"I plan on having a stroke from the amount of msg that's in this food"Lydia says with a black hat on her head with a black lace Vail.

"This is our first meal in this house... So why don't we all do our little private parts to make it a pleasant one" deila says with a fake smile.

"Don't bait your mother pumpkin soon as we get settled will build you a dark room in the basement okay"Charles tells his daughter with a small smile.

"My whole life's a dark room one big dark room"Lydia says.

"So you're miserable in new York city and now you're going to be miserable out here in the least someone's life hasn't been upheaved"deila says."don't know about you too but I'm perfectly happy here those people in New York just don't know what they're missing"Charles says as there was silence between the family before it was broken by deila breaks it."you know we could become the summer arts center of New York I could start sculpting again you know I'm only truly happy if I'm sculpting"she says.

Charles nods his head"that's a very good idea to help you very time consuming"he says.

"First the house otho and I have some great ideas "she says making him drop his shoulder with an annoyed look.

"I think we should keep the way it is"Lydia says as Charles lifts up his head with a smile "good idea"he says as Delia looks away with a sigh.

"Furniture truck is coming we're going to have to decide what goes and what stays"Charles says.

"Everything goes along with what's up in the attic "deila says as the Maitlands were shown watching through the kitchen door with frowns.

The next day was hectic the movers where here as they switched everything with what was there's out to put the deetz's stuff in as well as changing the inside the house. A crane was shown lifting some kind of weird looking sculpture as another crane was shown lifting up a whit wall with one window shaped in a small shape of a house. The house looked different on its own now with some contributions made on the outside of the house.

Otho was shown instructing the workers on the wall being lifted up"yes put it up come on"he says.

Delia was shown walking down the steps to the side of the house following one of the workers"you see if you tell me what you do I'll tell you why my husband will fire you"she says but the man just ignores her walking off as she huffs.

Tracey was looking out the door with her mother while her father was flipping through the book"isn't there an index or something"Barbara asked.

Adam shakes his head"no nothing "he says before something falls out folded up"what's this"Adam says as he picks it up.before they were all looking out the window again as workers were moving furniture all around Lydia was shown as she takes pictures of everything "no no I'm sorry that does not go there do you people know where that's going is there anyone tell you where to--why are there only three sculptures there were four sculptures here where is the 4th what's the fourth culture?!""Delia is heard before she was shown look up as a crane was carrying up tye court sculpture "no no what are you doing!"she says.

"There takeing away all of our stuff mom ,dad"she says with tears before Barbara pulls her daughter into a hug as Adam then unfolded the paper as they looked confused at it"beetlegeuse the bio exorcist shoveled by the living. Is does a problem and not the solution I'm happy with eternity having difficulty call beetlegeuse"Adam reads.

Before a crashing noise was heard as they look back out the window before they looked at the paper"that's it there's no number or instructions"Barbara says.

"It's sounds a little suspicious "Tracey says not having a good feeling.

Another crashing was heard as they looked out the window. Charles was shown coming down stairs into the kitchen where two workers when unloading dishes from some boxes "hey yes why don't you guys take a break for about half an hour okay"he says as they shrug before putting things down as they leave. Charles sighs closing the side exit door as he walks to the kitchen sink making him some tea as he takes out a tea bag from one of the cabinets going to set it in his tea cup before screaming when one of deilas sculptures crashes through the window"what the hell are you doing out there!"he yells as he was now shown through the broken window.

"Listen to me no!"Delia shouts as the sculpture falls and traps her against the house as some workers ran over"why are you doing this to me this is my art and it is dangerous do you think I want to die like this!"she says as they try to help her.

Lydia was shown taking pictures before looking up with the camera at the window they were looking out as she freezed before lowering her camera she could have sworn she saw something as the Maitlands were shown were shown looking out the window before a car horn was heard making Lydia look away from the window.

It was Jane pulling up as Lydia looks back up at the window but there was nothing there before she walks over to Jane's car.

"Did she just"Tracey asked with slight shock.

Barbara nodded her head"that little girl saw us"she says.

"Honey's nobody can see us"Adam says to his wife and daughter."but she did"Barbara says as they share a look.

Lydia walks up to Jane in the car"what happened to the previous owners "Lydia asked 

"They drowned "the little girl in the back says.

"Yes they were family I was devastated "she says before hanging Lydia a key"here take this"she says 

"Is this the key to the attic"Lydia asked.

Jane nods her head"that's a skeleton key it will unlock any door in the house give that to your father. And you might want to mention that I single-handedly decorated the house in case he needs any advice in the area have him come see me"she says handing Lydia a card before leaving.

Tracey was shown unpacking some of her sketches as her mother and father do there own thing. Some workers where shown surrounded by smoke as they were taking off the wall paper as Lydia walks by as she heads up the stairs. The family heard the stairs creak as they all look towards the door "don't worry I will hug the door"Adam tells them while leaning over his model of the town.

Soon lock rattling is heard shocking then before they rush over the door as they hold it shut as Lydia was showing rattling the skeleton key in the lock but froze hearing foot steps from the attic. Just then the TV statics on as they look over.

A man is heard laughing before a rugged looking man was shown dressed as a cow boy with a cow as he was sitting in it in a cemetery with a sign with lights that says beetlegeuse."having trouble with the living you tired of having your home violated? You want to get rid of them pesky living critters once and for all well come on down and see me folks I'm the afterlife leading bio exorcist"the Man says.

He then gets down off the cow"yes sirre come on down here and I want to tell you I'll do anything."he says as Lydia was shown as she hears voices behind the door.

"I'll scare the real bad the point is folks I'm going to do anything to get your business. Hell i'll possess myself if I got to"he says before falling to the ground with his legs shaking in the air"wow! Yo, I got demons running all through"he says before standing back up"all through me come on down here and see it. And hey if you act now you get a free demon possession with every exorcism. Now you can't beat that can't you and bring the little pards down. Hell we got plenty of snakes and lizards for them to play with no problem at all. So say you want say twice their cost of char and to remember: I'll eat anything you want me to eat swallow anything you want me to swallow so come on down I'll chew on a dog"the man says before letting it a holler before the TV shuts off.

"I'll say it again that pretty suspicious"Tracey says as they all share looks while keeping a hold on the door as Adam walks back over as he helps them as the lock rattles again before Lydia freezes again as she slowly lowers her hand. Adam picks up a small rod the size as the lock on the door as he slowly slides it in before Lydia watches wide eyed as the skeleton key pops out the lock falling to the ground.

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