Juno the case worker

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Tracey backs away from the door with relief as her farther walked over to the book as he picks it up"we need some help I read something in this book just worrying about emergencies."he says flipping to the page as Tracey and Barbara walked over"all right here is in case of emergency draw a door"he said walking over to the brick wall as Tracey and Barbara share a confused look.

He then draws a door with a thing of chalk"draw a door I don't know why we keep looking in that stupid book. Hey maybe we should try the Beatles guy"Barbara says.

Tracey shakes her head as she crossed her arms"I don't think so I don't have a good feeling about to do and it seems pretty suspicious mom"she says. Adam steps back as they stared at the door before he realized he didn't draw a door nob before doing so."you didn't actually think that was going to work did you and Tracey I know but what other choices do we have honey"Barbara says as Adam looks over the book once more before making an uh ha sound"knock three times"he says walking over to the wall as he knocked three times before stepping back.

The family waited before mystical strange music was heard as a slight rumbling was heard as Tracey's eyes widen when the door her father drew starts to open with a glowing green glow inside. Lydia was shown stareing wide eyed as the underneath the door glowed green.

The Maitlands then shared a look Adam set's the book down before slowly walking towards the now opened wall door into the green glow as the wall door slowly closes behind them. The green glow was shown again as the Maitlands family walks through as they entered what looked like a waiting room and what they saw shocked them.

In the room many dead people were shown like a women with pale blue skin cut in half,a man with spiked hair wrapped up in a sleeping bag with a rattle snakes tail being his head, a swimmer with a shark stuck with his leg in its mouth and holding an oxygen tank,one male with a large chicken bone stuck in his neck,a hunter with a shrunken head there were all kinds of dead people as she looks around as she stays close to her parents as they walk to the information desk where a pick a ticket number roll box was.

Adam goes to take a number but the roll just came out the thing before he knocked on the window in front of him a woman with dark green skin with a pageant outfit on with a sash as she opens it before squinting her eyes"you don't have an appointment do you"she asked.

"Well well we didn't know how to make one"Adam explained.

"Appointment for what"Barbara asked.

The women sits back down doing some work"what do you want"she asked.

"We need some help"Barbara says.

The women let out a laugh "ha! Already? You just bit the big one two months ago and you want help"she says making them confused.

"2 months what does that have to do with anything"Adam asked confused.

"You're going to use up all your health vouchers: d-90's"she says slamming a pack of papers in front in them"you spend $125 years on Earth actually in that house... During which you get only three class one d90 intercessions with Juno"she explains as they all look over the papers.

"You probably haven't even read through the manual completely yet"she says with a huff shaking her head as she takes a seat"you'll have to wait if you don't have an appointment"she says going to close the window.

"An appointment with whom"Adam asked.

The women rolls her eyes"for Juno your case worker"she says slamming the window taking a seat beside standing up opening it as she sticks her head out "number 54,000,601. Ferndock"she says as the man with the large chicken bone stuck in his neck gets up.

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