Saving Tracey from beetle juice

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Lydia looks around the model before spotting him in the cemetery sitting on a couple of graves"please you've got to help them"she begs as Tracey continues to watch her parents with tears.

Beetle juice who was now wearing a black and white striped suit looks up smirking at the two girls"sure I can help them buy either of you gotta help me"he says.

"What"Lydia says.

"Look I'm what you call an illegal alien. Okay I want out for good and in oder for me to do that hey I gotta get married hey these are my rules come to think of it I don't have any rules."he says with a crooked smile.

"Look I'll do it I'll marry you but first you have to help my parents deal"Tracey says as Lydia looks at her wide eyed.

"Sure"beetle juice says with a smile as he pats down his suit.

"Beetle juice, beetle juice, beetle juice"Tracey says three times as beetle juice smirks"it's show time"he says as lighting flashes outside with thunder.

Suddenly the whole model started to shake as the girls slowly back away as a light shine through the middle gaining everyone's attention as they slowly come over to see what's going on sarah gasps with shock as her husbands eyes widen as beetle juice slowly rises out with a gaint carousel of monsters on top of his head as his arms were rolled up to his chest."attention Kmart shoppers. Well I'm back i feel good about myself you what I mean so... without further delay"he says before the lights turn on the carousel on top of his head as the monsters spin around slowly"welcome to winter river museum of natural greed. A monument to the board business men come on a little closer step right up test your strength "he says.

He unrolled his arms as they start to blow up into wooden hangers as Sarah and her husband smile with shock not noticing two strength measurement pulls up here and behind them as Charles and Delia eyes widen going to warn them before beetle juice smashed the hammers down shooting maxie and Sarah up there the ceiling as they disappeard.

Lydia quickly runs over to her parents who hold her as otho quietly trys to leave as beetle juice jumps over laughing "thank you"he says with a cigar "that is why I won't do two shows a night anymore babe I won't"he says to Tracey who glares at him.

"What do we go her tonight kids"he says flicking his cigar away as he looks around before looking at the Maitlands"well we got the Maitlands. I think they've had enough exercise for tonight "he says before acting like he was golfing before Tracey rushes over to them as she helps them.

Otho then trys to leave before beetle juice jumps onto his back"no so fast round boy we're gonna have some laughs"he says kissing othos cheek before laughing as otho rushes forward.

"Otho"Delia says in disbelief that he was leaving them. Beetle juice acts like he was shooting a gun before othos black clothes rip off showing light blue as otho looks at his clothes before screaming as he runs off.

Beetle juice Combs his hair"well the Maitlands are taken care of. Everything seems to be back in oder"beetle juice says before remembering the deal he and Tracey made as he smiles before turning around in a red wedding suit as he holds a hand out to Tracey"shall we "he says.

Tracey looks down at her self to see her in a red wedding dress with long sleeves and a veil gasping as she suddenly glides over to beetle juice who hooks her arm with his.

Barbara looks up seeing her daughter in trouble as Adam's jaw breaks off before she helps him put it back on.

"I called the caterer. He's got a great band. Whoops were gonna need witnesses"he says before turning to the deetz's "would ya"he says before lighting and thunder roar outside as deilas sculptures come to life as they head towards the deetez before they were trapped.

Tracey trys to pull her arm away"leave them alone!"she says as beetle juice smirks as he whistles"man I like them firey"he says as she looks at him with a glare.

The fireplace sudden changes as it rises before slanting slightly as the brinks open with a green glow as a small shriveled demon walks out as beetle juice has a grip on Tracey's arm forcing her with him up to the small demon"come on let's get on with the ceremony "he says as Adam and Barbara were going back to normal as they glare at beetle juice who was making there daughter marry him.

"Do you betel--"the demon goes to say before beetle juice makes a sound wagging his finger"no says the b word"he says to the small demon.

"Do you take this woman to be your wedded wife"the preacher asked as beetle juice has a whispering battle with him self before rushing back over"yeah sure"he says as Tracey trys to pull her arms loose.

"And do you Tracey take this man--"the preacher says .

Tracey glares"no! Beetle!--"she goes to say before beetle juice covers her mouth before she can finish"she's a little bit nervous uh maybe I should answer for her okay 'im Tracey and I'm of  sound mind. The man next to me is the one I want you asked me I'm answering yes I love that man of mine'"he says before saying the last part in her face as she stomps his foot makeing him let go of her mouth as she wipes off the dirt from his hands.

The preacher nods his head "then by the--"he goes to say but is cut off.

Adam walks forward with a glare"beet-"he goes to say but beetle juice snaps his fingers and all of sudden Adams teeth fall out as they fall to the ground as beetle juice turns to the preacher "come on come on"he says.

Adams teeth were shown "Betelgeu--"they go to say before beetle juice stomps his feet before danceing as Adam's teeth hop around "scram"beetle juice says before rushing over to Tracey grabbing her arm again "come on!"he says before stopping Adam mid run as he was rushing over"take a hike"he says before making her father disappear as he was shown reappearing in the model as he looks around before looking up.

"May we continue with the ceremony"the preacher says as Barbara was shown Walking over in her wedding dress with a glare "beetle juice"she says causing beetle juice to look at her with a high pitched screech before snapping his fingers as a zipper went across her mouth before she unzips it"beetle juice"she says.

Beetle juice then acts like a baseball player before all of a sudden a metal piece was smacked over her mouth as she trys to take it off."strike come on let's get rolling now rev"he says.

"Then by the authority in me--the ring please "the preacher says causing beetle juice to panic as he looks through his pockets.

"Jewelry store here"he says taking out a snake as he drops it on the ground with other things.

Adam moves the broken lamp off the truck model before closing the hood as he gets in the truck. Barbara continues to struggle getting the metal off her mouth before beetle juice snaps his fingers as she disappears before reappearing on Saturn as she looks around before hearing a familiar roar of a sand worm before turning forward.

Adam back up the truck before speeding forward. "Ahh here it is"beetle juice says as he pulls out an dismembered finger with a ring as Tracey groans with disgust .

Beetle juice holds the right "I'm telling you honey she ment nothing to me nothing at all"he says taking the ring off the finger before grabbing Tracey's hand just as Adam drove the truck in high speed of the floor of the model as the truck bounced hitting the ground as he drives forward with speed.

"I know pronounce you--"the preacher says.

Beetle juice was fighting with Tracey to get the ring on her finger"yeah yeah come on "he says.

"No I pronounce you man and---"the preacher goes to say just before Adam rams the truck into beetle juices foot as it sparks"ow!"beetle juice says just before looking up with a scream as a sand worm bust through the ceiling with Barbara on it as Tracey jumps to the side as it eat beetle juice killing him for the second time as a gaint whole now rest in place on the floor as Tracey sits on her knees before tossing the bouquet of flowers and to the hole.

"Oh honey are you all right"Barbara says as Adam helps his daughter up as she smiles"yeah and I'm glad y'all are are right"she says before they look over to the deetez who were now Free before they all share a smile with one another before the preacher disappears in a green flame as he heads back to the neither world.

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