Chapter 1

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"Stop being so ominous," Lhrioun said, rolling his eyes.

"I can't help it. I'm a bit bothered by the fact that a human is out here in hot weather," Littefhur admitted. "Besides, it's the summer. I'm surprised that she's not dying of heat stroke."

"All of these decades have been hotter than usual."

Lhrioun was right. Ever since Jhaufyther left, the winter was nowhere near as chilly as it used to be. There was basically no snow, and every khit in every camp was disappointed. And it takes a lot to disappoint a khit, he thought with worry.

"The khits didn't have any fun these last two decades," Littefhur recalled. "I just hope they're more happy."

"They're wreaking havoc on the camps," Lhrioun said with a snort of laughter. "I don't think they'll be sad for a while."

Dlhithirk and his siblings, along with Huniklick and Bericlau, were already basically adults. Since they're Jhaufyther's khits, Dlhithirk and his siblings grew at five times the speed of a normal Catwing. Which means that in one thousand years, Dlhithirk-along with his siblings- will already be adult Catwings. But at this time, they're the equivalent of an adolescent human.

"Aren't they growing fast?" Lhrioun asked.

"I know right?" Littefhur agreed. "It seems like yesterday they were suckling milk from their mother."

Littefhur thought of his own khits, who had grown into fine Catwings. "I wonder how Huniklick and her brother are doing."

Meanwhile, Huniklick was stuck with her brother. "You're wearing out the floor," Bericlau commented. Huniklick stopped pacing and looked down at the moss, which was starting to rip due to her constant pacing. "Sorry. I'm just-"

"Anxious," her brother finished for her. He got up and stood in front of her. "I'm fairly sure that Dlhithirk's fine. You know how he always is."

As soon as he finished talking, Dlhithirk's blue and white head popped out of the bushes. "Is she gone?"

Huniklick tilted her head curiously. "Who's gone?"

Looking to the side, he jumped out of the bush and shook himself, leaves and twigs falling out of his fur. "I may have kinda accidentally stole Trihtleph's mouse she was saving for later."

Bericlau winced. Their friend, Dlhithirk's sister, was known to have a severe temper that flared easily. "Why did you steal it?"

Dlhithirk shifted his front paws. "I don't know. I was hungry, and Flihkfhur didn't bring a squirrel like he promised. Also, Sam and Carlos are both busy with something, and I didn't want to bother them."

Huniklick sighed. Dlhithirk always managed to be selfish and selfless at the same time. "As long as she doesn't realize that you stole her mouse, you should be fine," Bericlau advised.


His eyes widened. "Uh oh." He opened his wings and shot into the air just as Trihtleph stomped in. "Have you seen my brother?" she growled.

Huniklick glanced at Bericlau. Telling Trihtleph where Dlhithirk was would be something she doesn't want to take part in.

"Uhh... he left a long time ago," Bericlau said, hesitating.

Trihtleph narrowed her eyes at him. "You do realize I know that you're lying, right?"

Dang it. Huniklick should've known that Trihtleph would know that they weren't telling the truth. "Okay, fine. He left just before you came here demanding where he is."

Trihtleph scanned the trees until her eyes lit up with triumph. She went toward a tree and shook it until a very dirty Dlhithirk tumbled out of it. "What was that for?" he snapped. "And how did you know-" Realization dawned on him and he whirled toward Huniklick. "You told her where I was?" he snapped, glaring at her. His tail was furiously lashing.

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