Chapter 18

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Clauchice was in darkness.

A light brightened up the main island, burning Clauchice's eyes and frying her brain. She also heard a distant scream that got closer and closer until it was right next to her.

She glimpsed Lhrioun writhing in pain, while Hazefhur and Klickhaze crumpled on to the ground, covering their eyes and screaming.

Clauchice stumbled around trying to get her bearings and figure out where she was. She felt a tree's rough bark rub against her paws, so she guessed that she was still somewhere on the old island.

She pressed herself against the ground and waited for her eyes to go back to normal. As they did, she saw a large Catwing floating in front of her, his black pelt littered with stars and small galaxies.

Despite his strikingly identical appearance to Star Tail, Clauchice knew this wasn't him. "Comet Trail," she said. "Thank you for frying our eyes while making your appearance."

He laughed. "Sorry about that," he said. "I didn't think my light would blind you. Let me help."

A moment later, clarity began to come back to Clauchice. I can finally SEE!

She saw her brother and friends-including a very flustered Haphmoun-slowly get up after writhing in pain for a while.

"What do you need to tell us?" Lhrioun asked.

"As you know, there is a prophecy," Comet Trail started. "I gave part of it to your brother, and I'm here to complete it, since it's been three months since the first couplet."

Words began to slither in front of Clauchice until they eventually formed sentences:

'An evil will rise from ancient times

They must find a way to light

Good and corrupt must fight

When united, they will get rewarded

If they fail, all is lost

A friend of the Underneath and the Forgotten One

Shot up wreathed in fire

Taking down and defeating the Cosmos

And saving the world

By their deeds.'

"You can see that there are a few things to figure out," Comet Trail pointed out.

"Great," Lhrioun grumbled. "Something vague that will require days of thinking."

Comet Trail shrugged. "You never know if the realization comes faster than you think."

With those words said, he disappeared with a popping sound.

The prophecy faded away with a soft hiss. Clauchice turned to Lhrioun. "I already know one of them," she said.

He nodded in agreement. "The Cosmos, which is Star Tail in this case."

"But who is 'the friend of the Underneath' and 'the Forgotten One?'" Klickhaze asked.

Clauchice had a slight idea as to who those two were, but she didn't dwell on it just yet. Right now, it was more important to figure out the entire prophecy and then focus on that part.

"I think it's more important right now that we figure out the entire thing," Lhrioun said, voicing her thoughts.

Hazefhur shrugged. "That sounds fine." He glanced at Haphmoun. "Are you doing okay?"

She nodded. "I'm fine, really. Just a slight headache, but other than that, nothing hurts."

"Let's go back to the camp and dissect this entire thing," Clauchice said.

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