Chapter 5

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Jhaufyther regretted leaving Riley.

She looked so miserable and sad. But he had to tell her. Otherwise, the world may end as the both know it. After Riley was transported to the real world, he sat down and concentrated. He had to give her some of his power, also known as a Blessing. He felt some of his power rush out of him, so fast that it was out of the dream world before he knew it. After it rushed out, he gasped and stumbled back.

"Get a hold of yourself, Jhaufyther," he muttered. "You'll get your power back."

He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. He needed to relax; he wasn't giving his power to some stranger. He was giving it to Riley, a person he's known her whole life, even if she didn't know it until she died.

Poor Rachel. She was forced to leave the island because someone was after. The de-aging curse still lingered, though. Her kids also had it through genetics, so none of them had aged at all.

That's a story for another time, Jhaufyther thought. For now, I have to focus on Riley.

"You made the right choice."

He turned to see a Catwing floating in the air, his pelt swirling with galaxies and stars. He hadn't seen Comet Trail in a while, but he decided to show up today.

He was about to bow before Comet Trail shook his head. "No need to bow. I'm just a Catwing, after all."

"Just a Catwing..." Jhaufyther shook his head. "You're the ancestor of EVERY Catwing on this island. How can you say that?"

"That's true," Comet Trail agreed, nodding. "But, in this case, I am in my incarnate form. My power is... limited."

"Why are you here?"

"Well, I just wanted to pop up on you, see how you're doing."

Jhaufyther snorted. "Out of the thousands of Catwings that live here, you choose me."

"Sure. Why wouldn't I?"

"It was my fault Riley died in the first place," he moaned. "If I was there earlier, I would have prevented her death."

"Riley's death could not have been prevented," Comet Trail said sternly. "When united, they will defeat the evil."

"What evil? And who will be united with who?"

"You have to figure that out," he said with a slight smirk. He disappeared with a pop.

Words started to appear on the wall, forming something that Jhaufyther hadn't seen in a long time.

"An evil will rise from the ancient times

They must find the way to light

Good and corrupt must fight

When united, they will get rewarded

If they fail, all is lost. "

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jhaufyther said to no one in particular. "Now I have something else to worry about."

After trudging through the desert for what seemed like days, Carlos finally found signs of some sort of civilization. "Please tell me we're almost there," he moaned.

Dlhithirk nodded. "We are. Hang on tight, Carlos."

He was trying to do that, but the sun beat down on him, draining all his energy out of him. "It's kind of impossible to 'hang on tight' when it's boiling out here," he muttered.

Walking for a while more, Carlos noticed that Dlhithirk's fur shone. The sunrays bounced off his fur, resulting in massive glare and making Carlos's eyes hurt.

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