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Carlos was dead.

His entire body burned. His eyes felt like they melted and poured out of the sockets in white goops of liquid. He couldn't move, or talk. All he could was sit there, paralyzed, as strange flapping sounds continued to happen around him.

He felt something pinch on his arm, but at this point he didn't care. All he wanted to do was go to sleep and not wake up.

A surge of a powerful, potent liquid shot through his veins. He sat up with a gasp, his vision clearing and finally being able to see for the first time in... he didn't know how long they've been flying, but he guessed it's been a long time.

"Oh, god. OH, JESUS. THAT HURT SO MUCH!" he yelled.

Jhaufyther smirked. "That does that to you. It's been a long time since I had to use that."

"What is it anyway?"

"It's an antidote. The Vilis gives Khrillin death while this gives you life."

He pronounced the word "Krstin" like Kry-thin. "Did it have to hurt that much?" Carlos complained as he looked at the spot on his right arm. It was now searing hot, and it already started to swell around the edges and turn an ugly purple.

"Well, it depends on the person. In your case, you're a strong, healthy teenage boy. Which is why it hurt so much."

"So the healthier someone is, the more this shit will hurt," he grumbled. "Remind me to never be healthy again in case if I get another injection."

Jhaufyther laughed. "No, it's fine. Continue being healthy. You were brought back to life easily, weren't you?"

"I suppose I was." Carlos glanced below him. They were over the ocean, and there was no island within, like, two hundred miles. The water glittered in the rising sun.

"Where the hell are we?"

"So after the collision-which was massive, by the way-Star Tail told me to meet him in the Abyss. He said something about his father, but at that point I was already passed out. I soon realized we were falling-with you still on my back, which was really weird-and woke up to adjust my wings just before we were going to slam into a tree trunk."

"I don't care about all that," Carlos snapped. The after effect of the antidote seemed to make him incredibly grumpy. "We're going to meet Comet Trail?"

"Sounds like it."

They continued flying without a word until they arrived at a part of the sky that Carlos had never seen before. It was basically a large amount of soupy, black mist that floated horizontally. When Carlos reached out to touch it, it felt exactly like the putty he used to play with when he was younger. You know, the ones that come in the metal canisters.

"So we're in Puttyland." Carlos grinned. "Nice."

They made their way through the goopy putty until they were in an all black void. Carlos yelped when he realized that Jhaufyther's fur was black. He screamed even more when he realized that he was completely transparent. He got off Jhaufyther's back and tried to run away, but he soon found out that the mist was a waterlike consistency, meaning he could only swim or wade through it.

In front of him was a... not massive Catwing. He was, surprisingly, the same size as Slaughlitte, with black wings that took up an entire "side" of the void. They were speckled with white dots, and if Carlos looked closely he could see that they were shining brightly.

Stars in wings. Why does that sound familiar?

The Catwing also had smoky black fur that whirled with small nebulas. Except for the sparkling stars in his wings, there was nothing shiny or extravagant about him. In fact, if Carlos didn't know who this was, he would even consider him... normal.

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