Chapter 3

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Carlos didn't think that the desert would be so big.

As soon as they stepped onto the sand, he could feel the heat radiating off it. He looked up and saw the far-away shape of Littefhur's camp.

"This is gonna be a long journey," he grumbled.

"Well, at least Clauchice provided us with some water," Sam said.

When they told Clauchice that they were going to go to the desert, she looked at them as if they were a new species of lifeform she's never seen. "Why?"

"We heard that Crystal was traveling over there," Carlos had explained. "Going over there is the best way we can avenge Riley's death."

"How did you know-" Clauchice whipped around and glared at Hazefhur, who was there with them. He stared at her with wide, innocent eyes.

"You told them where she was?" she growled.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Hazefhur said. "They may have just eavesdropped."

"Really? And where do you think they would be 'eavesdropping' from?"

"In the bushes," Hazefhur said, as if that answered everything.

"I can't with you right now," she snapped. She turned back to Carlos and closed her eyes, breathing deeply. "Alright. You're gonna need some water and food."

"Well duh," Carlos said.

Clauchice glared at him. "Just so you know, some foolish humans have traveled to the desert in the past with no food or water. They were found dead a few days later."

Well, that took a dark turn, Carlos thought.

Clauchice walked away, her tail lashing. Hazefhur looked at Carlos, shrugged, then followed her. He turned to Sam. "Guess we better wait, then."

Carlos didn't want to convince himself otherwise, but he was well aware that Dlhithirk was watching him. After Clauchice departed, he crept out of the bushes. "It's better if I take you there," Dlhithirk declared.

"We can manage being in the desert," Carlos said. "But thank you."

"You don't understand." Dlhithirk walked forward and sat down in front of Carlos, his blue eyes drilling into his. "Look. The desert is much bigger than you think. There's so much sand that it stretched towards the horizon, seemingly endless. It's so wide that even I had trouble finding Littefhur's camp."

"Not to mention, it's always hot over there. Always. You'll be dying before you think about," he added.

Carlos lingered on his words. If the desert was as deadly as it was, he'll need to pack some water along with food, and a lot of it. The trip was going to be long, and Carlos needed to make sure that Marissa and Tommy were part of the experience.

"You're thinking about something," Sam commented.

"I am. Let's go visit Marissa and Tommy to see what they say."

Tommy found it a bit difficult to accept Carlos' offer when a Catwing loomed behind him, glaring at Tommy with piercing blue eyes.

"So what do you think?" Carlos asked hopefully. "Will you come?"

"Uh..." The Catwing behind him growled at him, almost like he was saying: If you say no, I will make sure you and your sister don't live to see another day.

"I guess," Tommy accepted. He turned toward Marissa, who was looking at the Catwing warily. "Is he going to come with us?" Marissa asked.

"Well duh," Sam replied. "He's a Catwing after all. He can protect us from scorpions and such."

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