Secret Dating

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Kase (KaixJose)
(Secret dating/Fluff)

Jose's Pov:
It was 2 weeks since the day I told Kai aka my crush that I liked him, after that lunch. We went on a date after school that day, it was perfect. During that date me and Kai talked about telling the science club about our relationship but.. we decided to keep it between Us and V. We'll try our best hiding it from people.

AlexM's Pov:
I was sitting in French like I usually do before seeing Kai with Jose walk in. I was confused because Jose doesn't have French with us, I thought about it for a second before looking back up and seeing Jose leave and Kai walk towards his desk. I assumed Jose dropped Kai off to class but he never usually does that so I kinda questioned it. I ended up forgetting about it when my teacher started talking. Around 10 minutes later she stopped and I saw Kai looking at his phone like always before seeing he was actually texting someone. I didn't have a good look but I could tell he was smiling and laughing at the texts. I was a bit confused so assumed he was talking to one of his other friends and such. After that period I had science and Kai had math so I started to walk to science since I forgot to leave early that time and saw Jose speed walk- no I wouldn't say speed walk, I would say run over to Kai and give him a hug before rubbing his head. I was even more confused because Jose never does that. I decided to ask Kenzie and Tero at science.

Gavin's Pov:
I was walking to math before seeing the same thing AlexM saw, Jose running. I went to him and said, "Yooo Jose! I didn't know you could run so fast!" Before hearing him reply, "Nah it wasn't that fast, I just thought I was late!" I was confused because why would he hug Kai before going in if he thought that. I just brushed it off before seeing a teacher walk to our door and open it. I realized we had a supply and I was pretty happy. I saw as Kai grabbed Jose's hand and dragging him inside the classroom. I laughed seeing it and decided to go in at that point. Seeing Tyler wasn't there that day I was gonna go sit beside Kai since I thought Jacob wasn't here that day but I saw Jose sit beside Kai and start talking to him. I was even more confused because he never switches seats unless he's asked, I hummed looking at them before getting a shock from someone scaring me from behind. I looked and saw Jacob, I smiled at him before saying, "Yoooo Jacob! Hey!" He smiled back replying with, "Gavin! Did you see my new cats??" He said as he showed me his phone that had battle cats on it. After he showed me his cats he went over to Kai and Jose and started talking to them. I walked over and stood by Jose and saw him squeezing Kai's thigh. I as now really confused because usually Kai does that to him, I hummed before it saying, "Ayoooo Jose what are you doing??" I saw Jose immediately stop before turning a bright red. "I wasn't doing anything:)" he smiled before patting Kai's head. I glared at him before telling Jacob to continue about his battle cat rant.

Hanz's Pov:
I was doing my work before finishing and seeing Gavin and Jacob around Kai and Jose. I got up and snuck behind Kai before poking his sides making him "moan", I started laughing as Kai covered his mouth and started asking why I did it and what was the reason. Jacob back off saying, "Ayoooo" along with Gavin but what caught my eye was Jose whispering into Kai's ear saying something that made Kai hit Jose on the head and turn a bright red. I was confused but played it off by saying, "Ooooo Jose what you say to him??" Jose shook his head saying, "Nuthin:)" I frowned before squishing Kai's face. "Can't even tell your best friend, how rude!" Jose just scoffed before making me take my hands off of Kai. I was now really confused because he never acted like that, I assumed he was in a mood so I let it slide.

It was the end of class and I was the first one out like usual. I saw Kai waiting for Jose like always but I decided to wait for them. They were the only ones in the room before I peeked in and saw Jose pull down Kai's mask and kiss him. I was shocked because usually it's Kai kissing Jose, with a mask. I left and sped run to the science club and saw everyone already sitting down and talking. I sat down beside Yousef and just talked to him as he played Roblox.

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