My dumbass

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Jacus (JacobxMarcus)

Marcus's Pov:
It was French and I was on my phone most of the time but something caught my eye, I saw my friend Jacob get his leg stuck in his desk, I started laughing at him, "You fucking dumbass, what happened??" I was recording him with his leg stuck in the desk. "Are you recording?? You fucker!" I heard him yell. "My N##@@.. of course I am, this shit is hilarious" I said laughing while recording. I watched as Jacob tried grabbing my phone but I quickly backed away so he couldn't, I saw him grumbling words and I started laughing even more. I was blushing as I laughed at him and I could obviously tell how embarrassed he was, "Ok ok my bad, don't be mad dumbass I'll help you get unstuck" After around 8 minutes I finally got him unstuck, "Dumbass, don't do that shit again" I said going back on my phone. While on my phone I was realizing how attractive Jacob could be, he can be so fucking hot and not notice, like my n##@@ is fucking attractive- as my thought were going through my head my face became redder and redder by the minute. I felt Naeem get into my view before saying, "Yo why are you blushing so much? What are you looking at?" I responded to him saying, "Nothing curry man, go make your curry and mind your business" I said as my blush quickly left. "Wow someone's in a bad mood" I heard Naeem say in a sarcastic way. I rolled my eyes before getting up and packing my stuff. The bell rang right after I packed so I went to my english class-

But before I could get to English I felt someone grab my shoulder. I turned to see who did it and saw it was Jacob, he asked if I wanted to skip with him. I thought for a minute before nodding my head and following him away from the English class. Around 8 minutes later we were in the library by our selves, I thought about asking Jacob out but I didn't know if it was the right time. In the middle of thought, I got snapped out of it by Jacob who was showing my an opened love letter. "Look what I got" I saw Jacob smirk in a cute way from my prospective. I was shocked because I didn't know that dumbass could pull bitches- Wait he pulled me, this fucking N##@@- anyways. I glared at the letter before asking, "What is that?" He responded to me saying, "It's a love letter you fucking chicken eater, should I say yes?" I thought for a minute.

(What do I say?? If he says yes I can't have him, if I say no he'll leave me for his new friend. Fuck it, here goes nothing.)

"Yo dumbass, I need to tell you something." Before Jacob could answer, I came out to him. "Jacob I fucking like you. You fucking dumbass. Your fucking attractive and I want you to be mine. So please.. give me a chance. Just a chance and I'll be the man you've always wanted-" I was cut off by Jacob who said, "Is this a joke?" I looked at him and blushed even more when he asked, "No you fucking dumbass, I wouldn't be saying all of this if it wasn't-" I was cut off again by Jacob, "Well I guess I'm your dumbed now" I saw him smiling at me. "You were always my dumbass." I said glaring at him a bit, "I know that Marcus."

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