Chapter Six

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I was struggling to sleep, since Benjamin was snoring very loudly. I sat down, thinking.
'If I can't sleep, what should I do?' I asked myself. I looked at the walls, and the moist carpet underneath me. Then I looked up at the ceiling and the annoying buzzing lights.

'I should explore the place a bit.' I thought to myself. 'since I found a hair band before, doesn't it mean that I can find something else around here?'

I stood up and looked in the backpack, feeling thirsty. There wasn't much water left, only 3 full bottles and a half empty one. I took the half used one and walked toward the closest wall I saw. As I peeked behind it, I saw more walls. I went back, thinking of a way of how to not get lost in this maze of walls. In the backpack there was a lot of trash, after used water bottles and food. This could work.

I grabbed some trash and stuffed it into my pocket. It wasn't a lot, but I won't go that far.



I was walking farther and farther away from the camp, I could hear, that Benjamin was still sleeping. I was throwing trash behind me every once in a while, to mark the path I was going with. The snoring of my friend was getting quieter, until it was completely silent apart from the buzzing lights above me. The amount of trash in my pocket was also getting smaller. I drank up the water, that I brought with me, so I used the bottle to mark the path too. Nothing was changing, there were the same walls around me.

After some time, that felt like eternity, I  noticed something was not right. I looked around and saw a square-shaped object. As I got closer, I realized it was a wooden crate, with rusty nails hammered in it. Between planks that it was made from, I could see something colorful inside. I searched for a handle, but had no luck. I thought about a way, to get it open, and I realized: 'I could just break it!' I thought about punching first, but the crate seemed to have lots of splinters in it, so that wasn't an option. Then I decided to kick it, since my shoes had a hard sole. I tried kicking it once, but It didn't work.

"Second time's the charm!" I said, and kicked it as hard as I could. The crate broke open, showing items stored inside it.

There was some food and other things in the crate. There was a bag of potato chips, some big, red apples, a pack of chocolate and a rope. I also saw three plastic bottles, full of liquid. It smelled sweet, but looked like water. I grabbed a bottle and read the words on it. "Almond water" it said. I had no idea what that was, but I took it. It is what it is! I showed everything I could in my pockets, and the rest I held in my hands. I was very happy about my findings. The items were slipping out of my hands, but I still took them. It was hard to transport them.

I've decided to walk back to the camp. The items were heavy. I also felt like something was watching me. I was kind of used to weird feelings in this place, but still, it was uneasy. I started walking back. As I was walking, I was picking up the trash that I threw before, shoving it in my pants, since I had to place left in my pockets. I know, it's disgusting, but it is what it is. It might be useful for the next time. Who knows?

I have no idea why, but I started thinking about fries with ketchup on the way back. Maybe I was just hungry?

I also heard some noices on the way back. It sounded like a party, I heard people talking and laughing. I'd do a lot to be there. I had no time to go investigate, so I countinued walking.

As I was getting closer to the camp, I heard Benjamins voice, talking. Who was he talking to? Was he going insane? I got closer and closer, until I got to a wall, that Benjamin was behind of. I lisened closer to the conversation he had.

"That's so lucky!" He said, sounding impressed. "Is it going to be three now?"

"Three? What do you mean?" I heard another voice, it was a female. I froze in place. Is it just me, or did I hear this voice before? Yes, I definitely know this voice. It was from before, when I slept and heard a falling sound!

"Three people I mean." Benjamin answered.

"Is there someone else here?" The voice said. I had no idea if I was going insane, but I swear, I heard this voice from somewhere else too.

"Yes, I met her not long ago. She went somewhere, I think she will be back soon. You can sit down, please."

'I should go and see who it is.' I thought. I hesitated for a moment and finally decided to take a few steps forward, and peek behind the wall. I took a deep breath and looked.

It was a tall teenager girl, around my age. Her clothes were soaked with the liquid in the carpet and she smelled bad, I could smell it from here. Her face was hidden, since she sat with her back towards me. She was nodding to what Benjamin was talking, but I wasn't lisening to him. When she turned her head towards the backpack I saw her face. I knew her. I knew her from over 5 years. She is the reason I'm here.


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