Chapter Seven

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"Violett..?" I whispered to myself, in shock to see my best friend. Apples from my hands fell on the floor with loud banging. She turned her head towards me, hearing the sound. She looked confused for a moment until she saw my face.

Her eyes lit up. I felt like I was cooking up inside. I was so happy to see her. After a silent moment, Benjamin realized, that she was looking at me.

"Oh! Hi Hope, where have you been?" He asked, not knowing what's up.

"Violett..!" I said again, louder. I came out of the back of the wall and came closer to her, so close, we were almost touching. Moment later I threw myself in her arms, holding her in a tight hug. She hugged me back. I was too shocked to talk, we were just hugging.

"You... Know her?" Benjamin asked again. I looked as him, silencing him, I didn't want him to ruin the moment.

"I've missed you so much!" Violett finally said something. "I thought, I will never see you again!" She broke down to tears. My eyes were also watering. I can't believe I did it! I found her!

For a long minute we were hugging, not saying a word. I loosened the hug a bit, then I let go. I looked in her beutiful grey eyes and smiled at her. After we both calmed down, she asked.

"But... What are you doing here?"

"I came here to save you! To find you!"

"You shouldn't risk your life like that!" She said, louder then before. "I'm not worth it." She whispered to herself.

"Yes you are! If I'd stay home, I'd die from how much I miss you anyway!"

We sat down, I just realized how skinny she was. She must have not eaten this entire time!

I grabbed all the apples, that I dropped before. I handed her one.

"Eat it. You need it."

"No, I'm fine." She said.

"Stop saying that, it's not funny anymore. You're in danger. You have to eat it!" I yelled at her.

She slowly took a bite of the apple. It was so juicy that the juice dropped down on the carpet. After a few minutes she finished her apple. I took a few protein bars from the backpack, and literally through them at her.

"You act like my grandma." She said, munching on her food.

I didn't react. I was too scared about her health. She might have died, if Benjamin didn't find her. Speaking of him, he was sitting on the side, looking at us. I stood up and came closer to him. He was still sick, but he looked better. I gave him one of the apples. He thanked and started eating.

I was doing great! I found two people and saved their lifes! And I found the one, that I was looking for. But now I realized, that it's not over yet. We have to leave this place. Alive and healthy. Or at least alive.

Everyone finished their meals. I felt very tired, from all the emotions I felt today. Violett yawned. I stood up and put all the items I found in the backpack. I also took the sleeping bag out of it. I opened it, to make it bigger to fit us three and layed it on the ground.

"You brought equipment! Seems you're not that stupid after all." Violett said. I looked at her annoyed and layed down on one side of the bag. I called over the others, and they did the same. After a few monents I could hear Benjamin snoring. I closed my eyes and fell asleep, happy with what I've done today.


After we woke up, we cleaned the area, packed up all the things and ate a small part of the chocolate for breakfast, that I found earlier.

"We should get going." I said. "We need to find a way out of here."

We started walking in a random direction. I didn't really know, what we were looking for. I decided to chat with others, to pass the time.

"So.. Violett, meet Benjamin. We met a few days ago." I said. She nodded and waved at him.

"Hello." He said. "Umm... It seems you know each other, right?" He asked.

"Yeah, we know each other for a long time."

"7 years to be exact." Violett said. "We are best friends." She explained

"Is this who you were talking about when we met, Hope?" He answered.

"Yes. I came here just to find her. And now that I found you, why not save you too?" I giggled.

"Violett... That a pretty name! Actually my favourite color is violet." He said.

"Thank you. How old are you?" She asked randomly.

"I'm... Around 15."

"What do you mean by "around"? How long have you been here?"

"I don't know." His voice was breaking down. "But for a long time, that's for sure."

Silence filled the room. Or should I say the backroom.

"For how long have I been missing?" Violett asked. I assumed the question was aimed at me.

"When I entered this place, you were missing for around 3 days. Considering that I've slept here around five times, than you have been missing for something like 8 days." I said.

"How did you find out about this place?" She asked.

"On the internet. But let's not think about that." I said. "We should be happy, that we found each other! I was so worried about you... I was thinking about you everytime something bad was happening. And that kept me going."

"Aw... Thank you. I appreciate what you risked for me." She said.

"Hey, let's not forget about me! I was also found!" Benjamin said.

"I found you by accident and I didn't think of finding other people here... But yeah, I found you too, so I will try as hard as I would try for her to get you out of here."

"Thank you. You're the best."

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