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Yes darkness.The thing most weak mortals have a dislike towards.Some try to make their exception through phobia but for me its pure weakness, something that they never wanna accept it as silly weakness, something they never wanna fight, something they've made themselves comfortable with accustomed themselves with and made it part of their lives.

How pathetic.

Im stuck in a void,in complete darkness in a space where it feels like my soul is floating.I cant get through and despite that im still comfortable as I float around the void.The reason why im here?well that's quite interesting.My so gracious step mom send me here.How? That's another funny thing.She killed me.What!?.Yeah i know.Why? Thats something I to was tryna come up with conclusions.Actually i know the cause, I knew it from the day we became related a decade ago that I had a special place in her heart,where i was stored with all hatred.Actually it did bother me when i was younger but as I grew up i knew power, I knew no care,I knew vengeance,I knew how it felt like,people great and small cowering in fear just by the mention of me.I was what every man would call sweet destruction, beautiful yet lethal,soft yet stoney,warm yet cold,calm yet like a raging tsunami.
I loved how my prey would plead with me to make it quick for them,yet id only make it unbelievably slow and torturous to them.I loved making the great crumble on their feet just at the mention of me and how they would collapse by the mere glimpse of me.Wow how i loved to bask in their torment.Call me a sadist for all I care but the priceless looks on their faces when they came to the realization of whom they've crossed paths with was something I loved to watch.
I guess thats what made my lovely step mom to loath me so much,I always knew the woman was cunning but i never thought she would poison me with my own poison.The poison that I made myself,the current poison I was working on making a damn antidote to,a poison that could kill an assassin like me with eight rings of power in less than sixty seconds.I scoff just at the mere thought of that.I blame stupid menstruation for my death.She got that beautiful chance to poison my tea because i was vulnerable to a point that even my enhanced sensing skills had gone on hibernation how sweet.

Actually being an assassin I've always thought that I'd die a rather adventured death like die in an explosion, maybe a plane crush after a missile strikes,maybe being tortured to death or even maybe I die of old age you know something big but dieing due to a cup of poisoned tea and by my gracious steps mom humble hands............how great.

Im just floating around in the void full of darkness when I here a faint voice carried by the rythm of the soft wind calling out my name.The voice is filled with anguish, bitterness and resentment.I strain my hearing to my best ability as I listen to the unknown feminine voice.

'please Rui Long please avenge me,avenge the misery they put me through,dont spare even a single one of them'

And as soon as it came it went.Suddenly its as if I'm falling.I try to grasp something, anything I could hold on to but nothing is there.A bright light enough to blind me comes in contact with my eyes as I squint them involuntarily.I see tall trees come rushing as I go down with lightening speed.I see brown moist sand and I close my eyes bracing myself for the coming impact as I hit the ground but nothing, instead I open my eyes as I take in a deep breath as if to bring my lungs back to life.
I look at myself and to say I'm in shock would be an understatement.
Like what the literal fuck I'm I wearing.
I'm dressed in a dark blue clothe that I dont even know whats its called, I have white baggy pants that are now brownish due to where I laid in the mud. I'm wearing some sort of black boots and beside me is a small crude looking dagger.
There is a sharp pain in my head that nearly makes me fall back from the sitting position that I  was in, suddenly flashes of events of a particular girl's life come crushing to me.The miserable things she had gone through the hands of people that branded themselves as 'family',She is despised by her family due to the fact that she is only one ring powerful and the step family despised her since she was the biological heir of the family,she is mistreated even by the servants in her own hall.Her step mom who is biased towards her step sister and the latter who abused her to the point of feeding her poison for her own amusement

'what the fuck is wrong with step moms?'

How she came here because her 'future husband 'had brought her hear together with her sister in the name of *bonding* and how they bit her up and let her die.I could feel all the pain and suffering she went through,all the crying the beating the poisoning she went through.

Now I understood why she seek vengeance and now I was more than willing to do that.First the step mom really was my point of annoyance then the poisoning mostly because I related to that,but now I'm into destroying everyone that even dared to look at her condensingly, I'll repay her for giving me a chance to live again by avenging her.

I took the simple looking blade beside me since in her memories I  felt how she was greatly attached to it since it was gifted to her by her biological mother and I couldn't bring myself to leave it behind.
I was about to stand when a pain shot to my right ankle making me to stumble and hold on to a tree.Yeah the husband person had pushed Xhen and caused her to twist her ankle.This was nothing actually I didn't need to do anything to it.My eight rings of power that I had magically reincarnated with would heal me.I smirked as I started formulating my plan as I made my way out of the forest.

I'd surely give them a sweet revenge,one which would be recorded in books and would be told generation after generation.They better get some rest now because I'll be going after them.Its payback time assholes.........

~Därk Röyälë

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