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The purpose of coming here was entirely business,like yeah visiting a brothel in an assassin like attire was surely something serious around here right?
I mean it did mean business back in where I came from it shouldn't be that different right?
But whatever, business is what brought me here, I came to visit Xhen's old friend, I need to know if I could trust her.I need her to help me execute my plan concerning my sweet fiancé,she has never liked him and I'm pretty certain she wouldn't mind helping me get rid of him.
I scan around the room and I see her flirting with someone that I didnt have time to identify as my eyes land on a mysterious greek god.....yeah cliche right I know...but he's one fine gentleman.I check him out and I like what my eyes see.... he's not the ideal type of man that I would want if I was the old me,yeah toned type with crazy tattoos and maybe a scar on his face with alot of piercing an underground Mafia leader,was actually my ideal type,you know the type that every parent would tell their daughters to stay away from that they were trouble!?....yeah those but since am in another timeline I guess that man would definitely do but not today .....
I dont like tampering with missions or mixing pleasure with work,thats what my dad taught me and aint planning on forgetting that.I avert my eyes from him and walk through an alley that I suppose leads to the private rooms.Im walking to one of the rooms when I hear a commotion in one of the rooms.I enhance my hearing and start eavesdropping on the conversation that was happening.

"She didn't die?so you are still pushing through with the wedding?you promised to get rid of her,you dont love-"a female voice was cut by a familiar male voice shushing her.

"We'll handle it,there is no marriage,it won't happen,I promise....I love you and you know that" a voice that I know pretty well spoke.
Now this is going on well more than I accepted.One I know this dickhead comes here just as I thought and I also have another beauty on my list...


This should be easier than I initially thought. I'll kill two birds with a single stone.I find myself smirking as I start walking to the furthest room while inspecting if there was anyone around making sure the conversation that I was going to have with Feng wont be heard,I just hope she gets my message quickly.I still had to go back to the manor before dawn.

"Why are you following me?"I ask as my voice which I had slightly changed rang through the empty hallway and immediately a shadow appeared from a corner.

"Impressive"he said chuckling as he leaned on the wall checking me out as a predator.There was something about him that reminded me of someone from where I came from, someone I had smashed with not twice but kinda alot of times. He was a close family friend of our family whose family also had an underground organization that we worked side by side with.We had been in alot of missions together and honestly except from my dad he was the only other person that I at some point seeked approval from.

"Aren't you tired of checking me out?You did that some minutes ago for a full minute"I said in an uninterested tone.

"You were also checking me out if I should point out"he said in a gruffy tone which if I had not been in a very important mission I would have found it unresistable.I roll my eyes at him and start walking away and I hear him clicking his tongue. "Playing hard to get now huh"he said and before I could reply clicking sound of heels caught my attention and I sighed internally as I saw Feng my childhood friend approaching with calculated steps I definitely didn't have the time and the energy to deal with whoever this guy was.

"Excuse me but I need a moment with my client"she said with a bored tone immediately she came up to us.I already like this fiesty woman in front of me and now the issue was if I could trust her. "This way"she gestured to me as she led the way and I followed her but not before turning and chuckled at the guys questioning and curious facial expression.

Now he has a double meaning.

We walked a few corridors before Feng led me to a private room which seemed very expensive.She locked the door and practically threw herself to me in the name of an embrace.

"What happened?I heard from some guards that you were attacked,how did it even happen?are you ok?"she asked as tears formed at her eyes while scanning my whole body for any fatal injuries.

"Im fine now"I said and I saw her visibly relax.

"What happened?"How I'm I supposed to explain all of that.I guess ill just have to tell her some of it and tell her why im here.

"My amazing sister and fiance tried to kill me,beat me up and then left me to die in the middle of nowhere "I say and the concern that filled her eyes was misplaced by anger and im sure she was seeing red right now.

"I've always warned you,that piece of shit is supposed to be dead.Did you tell your father about it?"she asked eyeing me.

"You know its their words against mine,even though my father would believe me what about the rest? Zhen would only make my life more miserable "I say with a sigh,though it wasn't the truth but it also wasn't a lie.

"You are right. I'll handle him for you then"she said very determined and I couldn't help the smile that formed on my lips as I hugged her.This one I could trust with my life.

"That's why I'm here.No need for you to handle him for me, I'll handle him I just need your help in trapping him"I added the last part slowly as I stressed each syllable.

"I definitely don't know what happened to my sweet Xhen but I definitely love this version of you"She said with a crazy grin "How I'm I to be of service to you if I may ask?"

I smiled evilly as I narrated my psychotic plan to her and the wicked smile on her face made me excited for the outcome.

"I love this version of you,please remind me never to get on your bad side"she said as she laughed like a maniac.

"Definitely you shouldn't"I joke back as we laughed " But I need to get back at the manor before they notice I'm gone"

"How did you even get past the guards? never mind I dont want to know"she said and we giggled as we walked out of the room to the hallways.

We got back to the main hall and we hugged as I was preparing to leave.

"I'll visit you before the event to make sure everything is ok,until then take care" I said as I walked to the entrance she nodded her head and waved.I stepped out of the premises and I took a deep breath of the chilly air.I closed  my eyes and aligned myself with the shadows as I went back home.

Revenge has just began....

~Därk Röyälë.

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