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The Gui's manor was big with perfectly trimmed lawns,a small fountain,statue of who I guess is a legend or something.I stare through the closed window of my room, Xhen's room as I see maids wrapping up their work so that they could retire to their quarters after a long stressful day of working and working.
According to Xhen's memory this is the Wu dynasty,a patriarchal lineage.
The King was the 19th King with Four sons and a daughter.The first son is The crowned Prince, the second and third were just there and the fourth,yeah that one is quite interesting, he's a general, very known and then again not known at all.I wonder what he's like.

Im cut from my imagination as I hear angry steps walking over to my room.I could hear her angry breaths,I could feel her anger in her heartbeat and I couldn't help the smirk that formed on my lips.
I walk to my bed and lay down as she approached like a raging bull.I close my eyes and relish on her anger.

Mmh so sweet,come set your own trap sister.

She pushed the door with unecessary force, I say its unecessary because the door wasn't locked.She always beat up the old me whenever I would lock my door so the use of that kind of force was actually irrelevant and a waste on energy.
I jump up faking surprise at the rude invasion,She took slow steps towards me like a predator and for a moment she seemed intimidating.

"Wow,look what we have here,the ugly wench who the reaper refused"she said with a smirk.I flinched back and she gave out an amused laugh "You know for a moment I thought you had grown some guts,Can you imagine Huan coming to me saying you threatened him,but look at you"she said eyeing my seated posture up and down "you look so scared of me and I haven't done anything.Yet."she said as she approached the bed.She grabbed my bandaged leg which the physician was so humbled to treat together with some other injuries.
"I hate you Xhen Yun"with that she twisted my ankle in an abnormal angle and I yelped.She took a step back and eyed my leg with a satisfied smile as if she was proud of her art."Good night,have a peaceful night"she said sarcasm dripping from her voice as she walked out of the door but not before giving me a side glance.

Don't worry bitch,an eye for an eye.

I relocated my ankle with no problem and got up from the bed and made my way to the window,my best friend had already swallowed up every light and was calling out for me to hunt.I took a deep breath as I stared at the little diamonds that twinkled in the sky,so small from down here but still pretty.The winter breeze caressed my skin as I opened the window, so refreshing.I stare at a distance,a place I had to visit tonight.I had already started with my plan towards revenge and I had to find someone to help me with it.
I was going to meet Xhen's friend from their childhood who worked in the capital at a private brothel where she was sold to entertain royals.
I needed to be inconspicuous as possible,so I had to wait until everyone else was asleep and use a disguise.I walk around the room as I let my mind run wild of all the things I would have to do, I needed to make sure the revenge I serve them should be pleasing to Xhen, I want to serve them while the revenge is still hot,I want to repay them tenfold,sweet and slow,hot and hard, long and legit.
Wow how much I'd like to torment and torture them until they beg for death.


This place seems more crowded and noisy than the last time I was here.The place was filled to the brim to a point that im sure we were competing for oxygen.
Zai and I had were seated at a reserved section for nobles with a private stage where entertainers danced sensually.I fix my disguise as I make myself comfortable as I grabbed the goblet which was filled with liquor and took a big swig from my drink and watched at Zai threw flirtatious winks to one of the entertainers.

"She's not that bad"I say to him and he turns to me with a raised brow

"What do you mean 'she's not that bad '"he said mimiking my voice earning a scoff from me "she is perfect,You know if I were you I would find someone to have fun with before getting married "he added making me groan in annoyance and roll my eyes at him.

"Then lucky you,You are not me"I say and if one could see sound im pretty sure mine had an eye roll,"But I'll still get someone"i add taking another mighty swig.The woman who was virtually flirting with Zai started coming our way and honestly she was someone I wouldn't mind having for a night.She walked with calculated steps until she was standing in front of me and beside Zai.I scanned her from head to toe before averting my eyes and focusing on the entrance.Zai started talking dirty with her and I tuned them off as I thought of the responsibilities the King wants me to handle.
He is so invested in getting me someone when the crown prince himself isn't married.Isnt he aware of something called protocol? Like who marries his fourth son when the first three still haven't? Something definitely is going on and whatever it is I want no part in it.
I stare absentmindedly at the entrance and my eyes catch site of something, I mean someone.
The person is wearing a midnight black,her dark hair in a high ponytail with a few strands falling on her sides framing her round face perfectly,half on her face that is her nose,mouth and chin is covered with a silky black mask.She has cold brown eyes that twinkle with mischief and intelligence,gentleness and cunningness,clear yet full of mystery, reserved yet like a tornado.
Damn did I just conclude all of that just by looking at her eyes,the liquor must have gotten to me.I havent seen her full face but im certain she's a beauty not to be reckoned with,a force.
I watch her as she scans the place and as if she could feel my eyes on her she turned to my direction.I could tell she had a smirk on her face as she raised her brow to me.I didnt stop checking her out and my eyes shamelessly traveled down her milky skin which was slightly visible on her neck and im sure even a single light love bite would be visible as hell on her.Just by the thought of that I involuntarily licked my lips.I went further down and checked out her bossoms,the two molds on her chest looked perfect,her slender waist,her lower curve that were accentuated by the not so fitting pants that she wored.I found my eyes traveling back to her eyes and I found her checking me out with a glint in her eyes and I was glad the attraction was mutual.

I guess I've got something that would do..... 

~Därk Röyälë

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