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Everything was smooth,maybe too smooth.It has been four moons since I visited Feng at the Fuyang house,she had sent me a letter confirming everything was going as planned. I didn't need details to know so the simple letter had read:

The rat has taken the cheese bait, the stupid moth is still circumnavigating around the illusion of light,when darkness falls may the hunter rise.


A simple yet complex message.To anyone it seemed as a cheesey narrative to a friend but to me and Feng it was the beginning of a destruction that we already had VIP seats at the front row to watch.Few moons from now the King's party will be held and im planning on executing my plan then.I bring my cup of herbal tea to my lips and the concentrated smell fill my lungs, actually since the incident with my beautiful step mom I dont just take anything that is brought to me.On several occasions a maid had tried to poison me under my sisters orders,she never knew I knew the tea they gave me was poisoned since I always took it.It was a slow killing poison that once consumed after some years maybe two or three could have already eaten all your vital organs,its like a plant growing inside you,the poison is deadly and if I should mention since I was an assassin coming across poisons and being poisoned was nothing big to me leave alone the part that I was killed by poison.I have learned a lot about antidotes and poisons.Long story short I had the antidote for the poison.I took my antidote which is a small yellow pill that is made from the same flower that makes the poison before consuming the tea.

"My Lady the Master wants to meet you"The maid who had brought in my tea said once she was certain I had drank all the tea.I gave a meek nod as I stretched my hand to hold on my clutches.Yes since I couldn't appear magically healed mostly after my sister twisted my ankle I had to pretend to be crippled for sometime.She has not graced me with her presence since that night majorly because she was going from one dress maker to the other so that she may get the best to impress some damn prince or something.

Power hungry wench.

Walking down the hallway I could hear muffled voices one which I recognized as my fathers and the other which I couldn't pinpoint who it belonged to.

"The King is having a big announcement at his party thats what the council has been saying"the man said his voice dripping with excitement.

"Thats the reason for all the guests then"my father mused and I couldn't help the grin that formed on my lips.

Perfect. More guests more shame.

I cleared my throat to make my presence known.The two men turned to me and my father had this glimmer in his eyes as he approached me.

"How are you feeling?"he asked as he eyed me from head to toe.I was dressed in whatever the hell they wear around here that I didn't give two shit trying to know.

"Greetings father, Sir "I bowed slightly to the two men infront of me.I came to know that it was custom here for children to greet their elders with a bow "Im doing better father my appreciation for your concern" I added sweetly that my father and his guest were impressed.I nearly gave myself a pat on the shoulder for my outstanding act.

"Its my duty to be concerned Yun,you are my child afterall"he smiled as he held my arm and led me to seat and the man followed us taking a seat opposite to us "Yun this is Minister Bai he is in charge of defense"he gestured to the middle aged man who was smiling at me.

"We are investigating your attack,and I'd like to ask you some questions if its alright with you"Minister Bai said to me and I nodded my head in affirmation.

"You said there were two people who attacked right?" He asked and I nodded my head again and he continued,"Is there someone who would want you dead,any suspects?"

No.Not suspects but the culprits themselves. My sweet sister and caring fiance.

"No.I have no suspects,no one I could think of."I said slowly with an exhausted sigh.

"Alright, last question.How did you survive?"He asked and for moment I needed to congratulate whoever made his questionnaire since not even my father thought of that,like their daughter was a weak person No offense Xhen but thats common sense a question even the most stupid person should be concerned about. No offense to father buuttt........

"I passed out when they were beating me out and the fact that I'm weak made them think I was already dead"which I was "soo they just left me there to be found dead by people or some bear or wolf.The deity must have been with me"I sigh and tremble and the look of pity on their faces proved that I once again nailed the performance.

A round of applause.

"It must be traumatic what you went through,I would advise you to always be guarded and dont stray away alone until we come to the bottom of this" he said as he got up to leave "I'll get back to you once we get something"My father gave him a slight nod and we watched him as he walked away and disappeared.

"Have you prepared for the event?"The General asked as he led me back to my room.

"No I havent"I answer as we continue walking."I don't have anyone to go with to buy the necessary things,as you can see your poor daughter is crippled"I add with a strained laugh.

"I'll take you tomorrow,how is that?"he asked as he stopped in his tracks and turned to me.I actually did feel happy,this man definitely resembled my dad back home.He made me miss him even more than I already did.

"That would be highly appreciated father.Thank you" he held my shoulders and wiped a stray tear that I didnt realize was falling.He pulled me in a tight embrace and I didn't feel awkward this time.I let him hold me and after sometime he let go of me and continued with the remaining distance to my room before we could part ways an irritating high pitched voice spoke.

"Xhen its been long,how are you?"Yeah the evil mistress is back.She had been gone to another Kingdom to her cousins wedding that I couldn't careless about.My father and I turned to her,him wearing a charming smile and me an expressionless face.

Yeah. Father congratulations for landing yourself a snake for a wife .

"I can say the same mother"I say showing no emotion and she raises her arched brow to me before pinching the skin between her brows where her three ring power mark is and give out a humorless laugh.

"Seems you both have a lot of catching up to do, maybe later.Now go rest up Yun I have something to discuss with your mother"he said as he opens the door for me.I got in and closed the door, I threw the damn clutches.I walk to my bathroom and and fill the tab and submerge myself inside the hot scalding water.Moments pass and I come out when the water has turned cold,I wrap a towel around myself and walk to the drawer which is connected with my bedside lamp table and pull out the letter I read it once more and set it ablaze before picking up some ink,paper and a quill and write and urgent letter to butterfly.

Its time we spice up things.

~Därk Röyälë

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