Chapter one

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I was tossing and turning in bed, before I realized the time. I checked the clock on my bedside table and when I saw it was 7:13 AM I jumped out of bed and quickly through on a random top and brushed my hair before running downstairs. 

I ran into the kitchen and quickly got out a pan and eggs. As I was frying the eggs I heard noise from behind me. I knew who it was but I still checked. When I looked over my shoulder to see my awful step-father behind me. 

"Why's the food not done brat?" He spat at me. "I'm sorry sir the stove wouldn't turn on." I lied quietly. "Liar!" He yelled hitting the back of my head, forcing me to fall over.

 "I know you woke up late Brat!" How the heck does he know everything. "Finish the cooking" he mumbled "I'll deal with you after school."

 My step-father has been taking care of me since I was 3, I lived with him and my mom, but she died when I was three. Ever since then I've lived with Mark. They weren't very nice people, they would hit me and punish me for everything I did wrong. But it got so much worse after my mother died.

I stood up and shoved the eggs on a plate and placed it on the table. Making sure everything was good, I ran upstairs and quickly applied concealer over the marks on my face and checked the bruises on my ribs. 

They were all black and purple since I got them last night. I pulled my shirt back down and made my way to school. The walk to school is never that bad, it's only 30 ish minutes and it's a great exercise. (Note the sarcasm)

 I finally made it to school and walked to my class with my head down. I walked into my first period and made my way to my seat in the back. I sit by myself at at two person table. I've made friends over the past 10 years of living with my stepdad, but he always forbid me to have any.

 More students walked in and eventually Mrs.Z started our math lecture. An hour into our lesson about Pythagorean Theorem, an office aid came in and handed Mrs.Z a note

"Sophia Jones, to the front office." She yelled to me from the front. I was stunned, I've always been a good student, so what did I do? I grabbed my pass and walked as slow as possible to the office. 

The second I walked in I saw two police officers and my principal. There was a desk in the middle of the room with the police officers on one side, and an empty chair on the other. The principal was standing behind the officers.

 "Ah, Ms.Jones! Please sit down." Mr.Kole (our principal) said. I sat across from the officers. "Good morning." The officer to the left said. "You're Sophia Jones correct?" "Yes sir." I said. God what have I done? "We are sorry to inform you that your guardian Mark Jones, has been arrested for selling drugs."

 Oh. My. God. I knew Mark was bad, but I never thought he would sell drugs. "We've run a DNA test and found a match that is willing to take you in." 

The heck? I don't have any family. Mark said so. Why would she lie? "But before any of that we need you to answer a few questions." Ok I can do that.

 "Did you know Mr.Jones had any drugs with him?", "No, sir", "Do you know anything about his business?", "No, sir", "Do you know anything that might be useful to us?", I had to think about that for a minute. But I know nothing, it's not like he ever talked to me. "No, sir".

 "Okay, thank you. We've already contacted your brother and he's coming to get you as we speak. Your brothers live in New York, so it might be awhile."

 Brothers? I thought it might be some aunt or uncle or something like that. Never as close as a brother. Also, brothers? That's plural, that means at least 2. So I have a family.

"We are going to take you to the station now." I stood up with the officers and let them lead me to their car. The car ride was long ,silent and very uncomfortable. We finally got there and they lead me to an office and left me there.

 I saw a couch in the corner of the room, so I decided to take a nap. I laid down, and was out within seconds. 


I was woken up by someone lightly shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see a man, in a full suit standing at my eye level, next to me. He had jet black hair, and dark blue eyes. He had a small smile on his face. 

"Hey Sophia." He whispered. I sat up in a seating position to see him better. "I'm Nathan, your 3rd eldest brother." Ok well now I know I have at least 3 brothers. "I'm here to take you home." 

His smile grew with that sentence

. "I already filled everything out, so we can just go." I stood up and grabbed my backpack. "Do you need to go to your old house and get some of your things?" I shook my head, I don't have anything except the clothes I'm wearing right now, and it's only a long/sleeve white top and black pants and the things in my backpack. 

He looked confused for a second, then snapped back to his smile. "Let's go to the airport then." He nodded at the officers before leaving, with me trailing behind him. Outside the door there were 4 men, in all black suits. 

The second we started walking out of the room two of the guards went behind me and the other two went in front of Nathan. What the heck are they doing?

 I followed Nathan to the parking lot and he lead me to a black limo with extremely tinted windows. Nathan opened the door for me and I slid in and took the corner seat farthest from the door, he sat on the other side right across from me.

 The whole drive was very silent and very awkward. I played with my fingers in my lap for the whole hour. Nathan was doing something on his laptop but he would occasionally look up at me. 

Once we got to the airport we got to skip security and walk strait on the runway! "How are we out here sir?" I asked quietly. He seemed confused but then shook it off"We own this plane." He smiled down at me and lead me to the plane. 

I walked in and I'm pretty sure my jaw dropped in shock. It was enormous. The whole plane was draped on black leather. It had like 7 sections.

 I sat down on a humongous chair that was three times my body. Nathan sat right across from me. Nathan told me the flight was 7 hours so I should rest. I laid my head on the wall and fell asleep in seconds.


This will be around the length of the chapters maybe a bit longer, thx for reading <33

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