Chapter two

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I woke up to Nathan shaking me and telling me we were about to land. I sat up and ran my fingers through my blonde hair trying to straighten it out at least a little bit. 

When we landed Nathan grabbed the bag from my hand and his own bag and leaded my off the plane. Once again we were on the runway as we got off, and there was a car waiting for us right next to the plane. 

Nathan walked right up to it, me trailing behind him, and opened the back door, motioning for me to get in. I slid in all the way and Nathan sat in the seat next to me. "Where are we going sir?" I asked Nathan. "Home." He answered very vaguely.

 "How far away is it sir?" "Not that long around 10 minutes." I nodded and laid my head on the wall. "Sir?" I said turning to look at him "Yes Princess?" I giggled at the nickname making him smile.

 "You don't need to call me sir by the way, I'm your brother you can call me Nathan or Nat." I shrugged at this. It was a habit to call everyone sir. "How many siblings do I have sir?" His smile faltered a little after me calling him sir but didn't say anything.

 "You have 11 brothers." What. "No sisters sir?" His smile kept growing "Nope." Crap. I turned to look out the window to see a humorous house, and to my shock it was the house the driver pulled into. "Is this your house sir?" "This is our house Sophia." 

Well they must be billionaires or something this is crazy. We pulled into the driveway and Nathan lead me out of the car and in front of the house. He walked up to a key pad and typed in SKZ 02, then the big doors swung open and he grabbed my hand pulling me inside. 

Here's where the nerves started to kick in. What if they don't like me? Will they kick me out? Will they act like how Mark did. 

Before I could continue overthinking this situation Nathan lead me into a big living room where 10 other boys were sitting. They were all talking amongst their selfs, but the second we walked in all eyes fell on me. I sifted my weight on my feet nervously not liking their attention on me.

 Finally the eldest looking one stood up and stalked over to me. He was humongous he had to be at least 6'4 and looked terrifying. He walked right in front of me and kneeled down. Subconsciously I fixed my gaze to the ground but he grabbed my chin firmly and lifted it.

 "Hey Soph." He whispered. "Hi,sir" I whispered back causing him to crack a tiny smile. "I'm Zion your eldest brother." He said standing back up and walking back towards the sofa he was sitting on originally. 

Nathan grabbed my hand, making me flinch and lead me to the only open chair and sat down moving me onto his lap. "Everyone introduce yourself in order please." Zion order loudly.

 "I'm Lorenzo, nice to see you again doll." He smiled at me from his chair across from me.

 "You already know me." Nathan said from behind me

. "Knox." A black haired boy from beside me grunted. Okay definitely not crossing his path, he looked pissed.

 "Hi! I'm Xavier! I'm Xanders twin! It's absolutely amazing to see you again love!" A blonde headed kid from the other side of me said. 

Then there's was another brother on the side of Xavier who just grunted before grabbing Knox's arm and dragging him out of the room. There was dead silence for a while before Xavier spoke up "That's Xander, sorry he can get a little moody at times." He piped before the rest of my brother introduced themselves. 

"Hey beautiful, I'm Connor and those are my triplets Callan and Cayden." They both said there hellos before the others continued. 

"I'm Dean and welcome back darling." He came up to me and kissed my head before returning to his stop. And finally I noticed a kid who looked about my age walking over to me and Nathan. 

Once he got to us he grabbed my arm causing me to flinch and tugged me out of Nathan's grip and hugged the daylight out of me.

 "I'm Sawyer your twin." He whispered in my ear. "I have a twin!" I yelled moving away from Sawyer. Crap. Now they're going to punish me for yelling and not calling them sir. To my shock he just smiled back at me before pulling me into a other hug. 

After a few seconds I hugged him back before pulling away. I sat back down but on the floor and Sawyer sat down next to me. "What's wrong with Xander and Knox?" I whispered to Sawyer while the others watched us curiously.

 I don't know why but I feel like I can trust him. He doesn't seem dangerous."Oh who knows something's always wrong with them." He whispered back. 

"Also why does everyone keep saying welcome back?" I whispered again but this time he didn't answer. "Why don't I show you your room?" He asked standing up and offering me a hand up. I took it with a little hesitation and didn't let go as he lead me towards the stairs

. "Please meet us all back in my office in 20 minutes. Show her the way Sawyer." Zion said standing up and walking away. 

I followed Sawyer up the stairs and into a long hallway with many doors lined up on the left and right side. "The bedrooms and oldest to youngest so it goes Zion, Lorenzo, Nathan, Knox, Xavier, Xander, Connor, Callan, Cayden, Dean, me and, you." He said pointing to each door on the way down the long hallway. 

When we got to the finale door he opened it and I was amazed at what I saw. It was an all white bedroom with light gray walls, there was a grey rug and bed side tables. My bed was covered in all white sheets and pillows with a little hold here and there. It looked like a room for a princess. I opened the two other doors in my room leading to a bathroom and closet. Sawyer must have saw my amazed looks cause he laughed at me making me turn around. "You like it?" He asked "Love it." I answered. He smiled and grabbed my backpack from me. "Come on I'll help you unpack."

 We unloaded my very little items and he looked shocked when I told him that was it. He checked the time on his watch and cursed under his breath grabbing my hand and running out of the room.

 I followed him all the way to another hallways with three doors and Sawyer knocked on the first one. 

After a faint come in he opened the door and pulled me inside. I found all of my brothers there with Zion sitting behind a desk, with Nathan and Lorenzo standing behind him.

 The others were scattered around the room. Zion motioned for me to sit in the chair in front if the desk and Sawyer stood beside me.

 "Sophia since you will be staying with us now I thought we should make up some rules for you to follow so you won-" Before he could finish his sentence I felt my arm being lifted up.

 I looked to my side and saw Callan lifting it looking at my stomach weirdly. "What's that?" I looked down and saw my blood sugar monitor that was strapped into my pants. I quickly took my arm away from his grip so he didn't see anything he shouldn't and answered his question. 

"My blood sugar monitor, sir" I answered quietly. "You have diabetes?" Sawyer questioned. I simply nodded. I found out I had diabetes around six years ago, I went to the nurse at school, since I wasn't feeling well, and she brought me to the hospital and they diagnosed me with diabetes.

That night I got one of the worst beatings I've every had, for making him pay a hospital bill.

"Well anyways the rules are, 1.No drugs, alcohol, or fighting, 2.You must try you best and get good grades in school, 3.No boyfriends/guy friends-they only have bad intentions, 4.if you leave the house you must be with one of us."

 Ok those are just stupid. My best friend was a guy before he moved away. But there's no way I'm fighting them on it. I still don't trust them. They could hurt me. I just nodded in response when Zion lifted an eyebrow at me. 

"Okay then, you're free to leave Sophia." I stood up and was about to walk out before Zion called out "Oh and I'll need a way to keep up with your blood sugar." I walked out and tried to find my way back to my room.


Here's chapter two thxs for reading!! <33

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