Chapter four

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Sophia's P.O.V

I woke up and Sawyer was laying on top of me. I tried to lightly push him off but it wouldn't work, and I ended up waking him up in the process.

"Good Morning Soph." He said in a cheery voice. I will never understand how some people can be so peppy at 8 in the morning.

Of course I always had to wake up at that time or earlier but I hated it. "Hi" I grumbled cuddling into my sheets.

Sawyer laughed at me and pulled me up next to him. "Not a morning person?" I just grumbled as a response, earning a chuckled from my twin. I eventually got him off of me and went to my bathroom.

I did my business, and brushed through the tangles in my long hair. I lifted up my shirt to look at my ribs and they looked extremely bad. They were practically all the colors of the rainbow and had some strike marks all around the bruises.

I cringed at the disgusting sight and walked out of the bathroom to get clothes 

When I walked out I realize Sawyer had already left, properly to go get ready as well. It's weird  how's he's treating me. I surprise myself every time I talk to him, I mean I never say sir and I look at him in the eye. It's weird that he doesn't get mad or hit me.

I grab my backpack and throw on my extra clothes. I'm even more surprised my elder brothers haven't hit me. By the looks of it all of them tower over me, they could make some insane damage.

I didn't know if I was allowed to go downstairs yet, so I decided to just relax in my room. 

I didn't have too much time to myself though, since the second I sat on my bed the triplets came bursting in.

"Come on it's time for breakfast." What do they mean? Are they trying to tell me it's time for me to go make the food? I just nodded and followed them out of my room and downstairs . They lead me to some dining room, and I looked around for the kitchen.

The last thing I wanted was to be punished. As I was trying to locate it Cooper cleared his throat gaining my attention. I realized him, and the rest of my brothers were sitting at a round table. Cooper was patting the seat in between him and Sawyer, I guess he wanted me to sit and watch them eat.

I sat down with my head hung low and played with my fingers as the maids passed out the food. I heard silverware clatter, indicating that they stated eating. I just decided to keep my head low and let them eat. 

This was going perfectly fine, till I heard someone calling my name. I looked up and saw everyone looking at me. "Hmm?" I asked "What aren't you eating?"Xavier questioned, looking from me to my plate. 

I was shocked. I was never asked to eat at my step-fathers house."Am I allowed to eat, sir?" With my question every one went silent. 

"Sophia you don't have to ask, you can always eat." "Thank you sir." I picked up the fork and looked at the fruit and eggs in front of me. I ate a few pieces or fruit and a couple bits of eggs, but after that if I ate anymore I think I'd blow up.

I put my fork down and noticed everyone was still eating. I noticed the eldest three boys taking in hushed voices while most of the younger kids talked amongst themselves.

I saw Dean look at me, then my fork that was on the table, then my plate. "Your not done eating are you?" I nodded at him and it caught the attention of the rest of my brothers. "You need to eat more Sophia." I shook my head, indicating that I was full.

"You said you had diabetes right?" Zion asked I nodded my head "Well if you don't eat a good amount you blood sugar could go up and down." I nodded, I already knew this.

"Eat more, then meet me in my office." He and the other elder two walked away, properly to his office. I tried to eat more but I could only get one or two bites in before I would throw up if I ate anymore. 

Xavier looked at my plate, then sighed before grabbing it from me and putting it on top of his. "Don't tell Zion, come on I'll take you to his office." I stood up and followed him down the same hallway my elder siblings walked down just a few minutes ago.

He led me to a door and knocked on it for me. When someone inside said come in he opened it and gestured for me to go in. I walked in and stood in front of his desk, whereas the other three were behind it. "Sit" I sat in one of the chairs behind me and  Xavier left us.

"Did you eat more breakfast?" I just nodded cause I knew that he would know if I was lying if I talked. "Don't lie to me I can always tell." My eyes widened and I sunk back into my chair. "I'll let it go this time, but you have to eat more later today." I nodded.

"Since you have diabetes, I need a way to monitor your sugar levels." "I have an app on my phone that monitors it for me, you can get it too." I pulled my phone out of my pocket and showed him the app. He got it and handed me his phone so I could connect it to my monitor.

His phone was extremely fancy, compared to my phone, which was an iPhone 3 with major cracks. I gave him back his phone and he went to check my levels. He looked skeptical but let me go telling me I'll have to have a large lunch.

I practically ran upstairs and to my room, where when I walked in my twin was laying.

"Hey!" He perked up when I walked in. I waved and plopped down on my sofa. "What did he want?" "To be able to see my blood sugar levels." He nodded and sat next to me on the couch.

"Im happy your home." He whispered "Me too"


Heyyyyy. Thx for reading!! Comment if you see any issues!! I'll post another chapter in bout a week.

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