Chapter five

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I woke up and realized I was asleep on top of Sawyer.


I got off the couch very slowly and checked the time. 2:28 AM.

I sighed and walked back to my twin. I shook him awake and whispered "Hey, you fell asleep, you should go back to your own room." He nodded and lazily walked back to his room. 

I got on my bed and tried to fall back asleep. Once I realized that wasn't happening I started thinking. How was I already getting so close with Sawyer? Why don't I feel scared of him? What if he betrays me? I was just next to him, if he woke up before me he could've punished me for touching him. Why are they being so nice to me? Why are they acting like they care? When will they start punishing me? What will happen when they realize how not special I am? 

I tried to shut my thoughts out, but more and more kept coming. I closed my eyes really tightly and tried to fall asleep to ease my mind. I think I laid they for about an hour before my mind finally gave up and let me sleep.


Sawyers P.O.V

I heard yelling and immediately shot out of bed. When I relized it was my idiot brothers I laid back down. That's the down side of having ten older brothers, it's always noisy. I groaned when my door was thrown open and looked at the culprit. "What?" I yelled at Dean who was smirking at me. 

"breakfast!" He screamed before running out and slamming the door. I rolled my eyes and got out of bed. I walked past Sophs room just to see Dean waking her up by rubbing her back and whispering to her.


I walked in her room glaring at my brother, who gave me a smug look and jumped on a Sophia's bed. "Good morning twinny!" I saw her flinch when I started bouncing, but she calmed down when she saw it was me.

That little action probably made my day. It made me feel good that my little sister was trusting me again. It was amazing getting to see her again after all these years. I barely remember her, but I really missed her. I still remember the day when Zion explained what happened to my precious twin.

That was the worst day of my life.

But this moment, getting to see her smiling again made up for all the saddest I had, while she wasn't here.

I smiled at her cute little face and held out my hand for her to take. She took it with only a little bit of hesitation, it's improving, and I lead her downstairs to meet the rest of my brothers.


Sophia's P.O.V

I walked down the stairs hand in hand with Sawyer. I was glad someone came and helped me find the dining room, cause I wouldn't have been able to fine it in my own.

I sat in between Dean and Sawyer, whole across from Knox. I could see the glare on his face, but his eyes told a whole different story. His face showed he hated me but his eyes showed he loved me. I don't know what to think of everyone here anymore, it's all so confusing.

(Lol idk what I just wrote, that was so cringe)

I ate very small bites so it looked like I ate more, but I only got through 1/6 of the plate before I was stuffed. I put my fork down, which Zion observed, before checking his phone and shaking his head.

"You need to eat more Sophia, your sugar is low." That caught every one's attention, which I hated. "It's fine, I don't eat a lot, it's been low before and I didn't eat and I was fine." I shrugged and didn't make a move to eat anymore.

Zion rolled his eyes before replying "I will stay at this table till you eat at least half of that plate." My eyes widened and I looked down at my very full plate.

I looked back up and saw his face was very serious. I decided if I wanted to survive in this house I should just do what they said. Which is confusing to me. Why do they want me to eat? What enjoyment to they get out of that? Maybe they'll make me eat until I'm so full I barf.

I mentally gagged at that before picking up my fork and continuing eating. Zion seemed satisfied and went back to working on his phone.

It took me 20 more minutes to be able to eat half of the plate. Once I finished I felt as though I was about to explode. Before I left Zion checked his phone one more time and sighed. "Your still a little low, you'll need to eat more lager okay?" I just nodded knowing athtvif I speak I'll probably puke. 

I ran upstairs as fast as I could and threw up all of the food I just ate. It was completely disgusting and a feeling I hope to never feel again. Once I finally finished I laid on the bathroom floor feeling too weak to move. 


Sorry guys I know this one's  short but I needed to post so I'll post two times this week. THANKS FOR READING. Pls leave any recommendations in the comments! If anyone's actually reading this lol. Pretty sure this is my least read book but I think I like this one the best so I'll probably post on this one a lot.

Kk byeee

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