Chapter six

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After I finished throwing up I laid on my bed clutching my stomach. I was just about to get up and take a shower when someone barged in.

I shot up and saw the twins, one looking very happy, the others the opposite. "Sawyer told Zion that you came with barely anything so we're going to the mall in 30 minutes with us, the triplets, and Sawyer." Xavier said before walking out of the room.

I was about to go take a shower when I realized Xander was still there staring at me. I just started back and this continued for about a minute before he snapped out of it and left slamming my door.

I sighed before taking off my clothes and going in the shower. I immediately turned it ok the coldest setting, which took me a second to find since there's like 20 buttons. I've always showered in cold water while at Marks cause he's told me I deserve nothing more.

I washed myself off before wrapping a towel over me and walking into my main room to grab the clothes I came in yesterday.

I walked back into the bathroom and checked my bruises before pulling my clothes over me. The bruises still looked horrendous. I grabbed a hair brush and brushed my hair, its soft blonde curls reaching my waist.

I grabbed my concealer and put it over all my buries and walked downstairs. I actually found the living room on my own and saw Sawyer waiting there.

I walked over and sat on the couch next to him causing him to look up from his phone. He smiled and yelled at the other boys to hurry up.

All the boys eventually came down and we left.


In the car I was sandwiched between Callum and Xavier. Sawyer was in the back between Dean and Cayden, Xander was driving and Connor sat next to him.

After a 30 minute drive we stopped at a large mall and got out. I realized that there was two black cars, one in front and one behind us that trailed us the whole way here. When we walked up to the mall all the men in the cars stood around the exits of the mall.

I thought it was strange but let it go. Now I have to go shopping with 7 of my brothers.


Okay so this is awful. I've only been here an hour and we've already filled up a car. Every time I look at something for more that 2 seconds it's in the cart. I've told them a million times I don't need all the stuff but they don't listen.

Every time I put something back Xander glares at me until I put it back in the cart. Once we got plenty of clothes they brought me to an Apple shop and practically got one of every thing. I just kept my head down feeling awful they were spending all this money on me.

Were they going to take it all away when we get home? Or rip it in front of my face? Mark used to do that.

I continued following their shoes wherever we went until someone shook my shoulder. I looked up and saw Dean looking at me worriedly. "We're going to go stop and get food then we can go get your school supplies okay?" I nodded and looked back down at the floor before Xavier came over and grabbed my chin. "Just so you know Zion and the others will want verbal responses from you, I don't know why but they always make us do it." 

I nod before he raises and eyebrow "Yes sir" I whisper. He sighs and Sawyer grabs my hand leading me towards the food places. 

Sawyer leads me to a big table as the others go to get us food. Out of the corner of my eye I see some middle aged man staring at me and Sawyer. I start shifting in my seat feeling uncomfortable. Sawyer scrunches his eyebrows and turns to look at what I was looking at but he  vanished. 

He was about to ask me something but a box of chicken nuggets was placed in front of us before he could say anything.

Xavier smiled at me before sitting down beside me and eating his food. I opened the box and grabbed a nugget chewing it slowly. 

I looked back in the direction of the man and saw him there starring again. I turned back to my food when I looked up and saw Xander and Xavier staring at the guy.

"Triplets take the twins and Dean to the car we will be there soon." Xander said standing up and walking away.

I looked up at him, he was looking back at me and quickly looked away the second our eyes met.

I was quickly hurried out of the mall and back to our car.

Xander POV

I looked at the member of our competing mafia with so much hatred. I knew the news about Sophia would get out eventually but I never imagined it would happen this fast. 

When he realized he had caught the attention of the Italian mafia he tried to run. I hurried the kids out and ran after him. He was trying to get information on my baby sister and that wasn't going to happen.

I eventually cornered him, he looked petrified. I smirked at him before punching him in the gut, causing him to double over in pain. I grabbed him hair and yanked his face up "Why were you trying to get information on my sister." I yelled. He stayed silent.

Bad idea.

I punched him in the jaw and heard a popping noise. He held his jaw as he talked. "My boss wanted to see if the rumors were true. That's all I swear." He mumbled defeated. 

I smirked. "Now if you would've told me that at the start I might've let you go." I whispered. That was a lie. He was a dead man the second he laid eyes on my sister. I knocked him out and ordered some of our man to pick him up and bring him to our warehouse. I turned around and saw Xavier looking at me with wide eyes.

"Let's go." I walked to the car and drove us home. I saw Sophia looking at my bruised knuckles and hid them out of view. I knew the triplets and Dean knew what I did, Sawyer doesn't know yet and won't be told till he's 14. I'm pretty sure we'll never tell Soph. It's just too dangerous for her, people will try and kidnap her and it's just better if she doesn't know.

She also just got here and she's already scared of us. I can tell.


HEY GUYS!!!! YALL I lost my account info :((((( that's why I haven't been posting but here you go. Thx for reading 

Word count-1136

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