Chapter 3

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To say that Sia's birthday went way gloomier than she would have wanted was an understatement.

Her best friends Michael and Chelsea arrived around 6 in the evening. They were expecting a bear hug from their friend's cheerful mom, but had no luck. They seemed to notice that the air around the house was way gloomier than it should have been around a birthday site. They tried asking what was wrong but both Sia and her mother denied and said everything was fine.

As Chelsea was stuffing her mouth with the extremely delicious birthday cake, Michael had whispered to Sia that he had managed to convince Quinn that they would come tomorrow. That's when it hit her that she was supposed to be leaving tomorrow.

"Oh Michael I'm so sorry. I can't come tomorrow as well. You will have to go alone. I am leaving for, uh, California tomorrow. Just got the news. We have to cut the party short, I really need to pack now. I am really sorry."

Michael tried asking her what she was gonna do about college. Chelsea seemed shocked, to say the least.

"What about college?" he asked her.

"Tomorrow is just the official ending of the term. We are not having any classes. I will leave after returning from there."

Sia continuously apologized to them as they were leaving, but seriously, she had to pack now or she won't be able to take all the essentials.

She hurried off into her room and took out her suit case and started packing. It was a great workout- locating all her stuff, arranging them in her bag, and finally shutting the bag. It all wouldn't fit so she had to get out her travelling bag as well. When it was all done, she slept for tomorrow.

It was 12 o'clock as Sia finally left her college. The term had officially ended and they were finally free to enjoy their holidays. Everyone was staying back, chatting with their friends. She would have too if she did not have to leave. She hugged both her best friends and bid them goodbye as she made her way to her mom's apartment.

When she reached the outside of the apartment building, she saw the same man in the suit from yesterday waiting outside for her. Her mother had loaded her luggage. She was not going after all.

Sia hugged her mother tightly. To be honest, she had no idea where she was going. Sure, her mother had described Eden to her, but still it felt like a strange world, and to find out you belonged there was unbelievable. She finally let her mother go and stepped inside the car.

As the car sped up, she could make out the blurry outlines of her mother fading in the distance. She sighed and turned.

"Um sir, if you don't mind me asking, what's your name?" she asked the man in the suit.

"Call me Mr. Dorman" he replied.

"How are we going to reach there anyway? From what I remember, our ancestors combined the force of the 4 elements to go there."

"Aiy, that's what we will do as well."

He sped up the car. Sia quickly buckled her seatbelt for safety. As they continued speeding, she could swear that they were so fast that the people looked blurry to her. She thought they were gonna crash. Instead, as they moved to a different road she couldn't recognize, she saw a giant circle in front of them glowing golden. They were going towards it. Sia closed her eyes and when she opened them, the glow had subsided and instead she saw the most beautiful place ever.

The car was now driving at a normal speed on a smooth stone path surrounded with beautiful archways covered with leaves and many flowers. She could make out that they were passing through the most beautiful garden ever; surrounded with the highest stone walls she had ever seen. She turned back to see where they came from but was surprised to only find a stone wall there.

"Where are we now, Mr. Dorman?" she asked the man.

"We have entered The Land of The Elements and now we are passing through the Garden of Blossoms, which serves as the middle point between the 4 kingdoms present here. Soon we will get to the crossroad and you will understand better."

After a while they arrived at a crossroad. The main path they had been taking got separated into 4 different routes. They took the 3rd route and passed through such scenic beauty that it was a shame that Sia couldn't get off and click some photos.

Soon they reached a magnificent door. It was very beautiful. The frame was made of white marble which seemed to blend in with the unique white stoned walls. The door was made of dark oak wood with some golden branch patterns on it.

The car stopped and Mr. Dorman exited the car and moved towards the doorway with a fountain of gold beside it, signaling her to do the same.

"Take this golden apple and place it in this fountain and say- 'O Ayante, I present you a tribute of respect, for I know that you are everything that we have, and it is us you have helped live and thrive, and I request you to let me pass through this barrier of protection into the lands of Eden, for I pledge to cause none any harm'. And then the door should open up."

Sia did exactly what Mr. Dorman told her to do. The door flew open and she saw a beautiful and enchanting city with the noise of liveliness ringing in her ears. She again entered the car.

They had been driving for almost an hour when they finally reached the royal palace. It stood magnificently in the heart of the capital with all its glory. You could see it even from afar.

They exited and Mr. Dorman handed her luggage to the maid, signaling her to take it inside. Sia followed the man inside and she was mesmerized by the beauty. The throne room was wonderful. In front of her was the king, whom she had heard about in the stories. Suddenly she felt a feeling of anger inside of her. Unable to explain it, she ignored it and controlled herself.

"You have finally bought our guest, our last warrior. She doesn't look much. She has lived in the mortal world for so long, I don't expect her to be much versed with this place. Nonetheless, she may bring my daughter back," the king spoke.

Suddenly he turned to Sia and said, "You shall train for a month here and get to know your team mates before you begin. You will start from tomorrow. Martha will take care of all your needs and answer your questions. Tell her if you need anything."

Sia now began wondering how to survive here. The king spoke to her rudely, but she felt he was familiar somehow. How?

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