Chapter 4

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Sia was being led through a weird long hallway by a black haired girl who looked a few years older than her. She continued leading her through different passages. How was she gonna remember the way?

Soon they arrived in front of a huge oak door. The girl opened it to reveal a wonderful bedroom. In the middle was q queen sized bed with white bed sheets and a pale pink canopy above with many pillows. Either side of it was bed-side tables with a drawer each. On the opposite wall was a lovely vanity with a big wardrobe nearby. The walls were lined with slabs with flower vases and there was also a bathroom there. Sia's luggage was lying in a corner.

"I don't deserve such a wonderful bedroom!" she exclaimed.

"I agree not. I believe every warrior and scholar who works hard deserves more than this. And I believe you are also worthy," the girl spoke to her. "I am Martha. I shall be your personal maid."

Sia was grateful that someone thought she was ok, since she just arrived here.

"Would miss like to get changed? Do get comfortable, as it is evening by now. But Madam must make sure to wear a decent dress to dinner as the king expects good etiquette from his guests."

Sia thanked her and got changed. She wore a plain white t-shirt and some black pants because, as Martha hinted, she will have to change again anyway. As she sat down, Martha began brushing her hair and Sia didn't complain.

"Madam must know about this place before leaving for dinner or else the guests shall make fun of her," Martha spoke to her gently.

"All people here can control one element, which is called their major. Madam must choose her major soon so she can start training with her powers. I would advise you to go with air. It is easy yet very powerful. The other 3 masters and mistress have the other 3 elements as their majors, and hence it shall help Madam. Madam must also know about the current royal family. His Majesty remarried after the death of his queen. Her Majesty is kind so do not fear. They have 2 daughters and one son. The oldest is Prince Philip. Next is Princess Deor and the youngest is Princess Primrose."

Sia nodded as Martha continued, being an attentive listener.

"I must warn Madam about Princess Deor. She is not as kind as the rest of the family. She may dislike you as she dislikes almost all. But do not argue back, as she is His Majesty's beloved, after Princess Siofra of course. She can cause you much trouble and it's wisest to ignore her remarks."

They continued talking, and it turned out that Martha was a good friend. She gave Sia all kinds of advice and answered all her questions. It was easy to talk to her.

As the clock hit 8, Sia rummaged through her wardrobe to find a decent dress, as Martha had luckily brought some dresses in case the new visitor did not have any. She picked out a simple white off-shoulders dress with not too many details. Martha braided her hair and gave her some simple shoes and guided her through the passages.

"Do not worry Madam, I shall guide you through during your stay here," Martha told Sia as she was eyeing the many routes.

Finally they reached the dining hall. It was simple- a long giant table in the centre with many chairs with a chandelier on top. The walls were also lined with flower vases and there were all kinds of food laid down on the table.

Sia saw the king with a beautiful woman sitting beside him at the far end surrounded by their children. Near the prince sat a boy who was almost her age and he was very handsome. He had the build of a ruler. Next to him was another boy, not as good-looking as him, but definitely looking like a pro wrestler and quite buff. On their opposite sat a girl with half brown and half blonde hair wearing a green dress.

As Sia entered, all eyes turned to her. All this attention made her a bit nervous. Even during college, everyone used to tell her that she was very beautiful with her lovely red hair and blue eyes.

Sometimes, she was even told that her eyes appeared to change colour randomly but she didn't believe that.

"Greetings, Your Majesty and Her Majesty," Sia spoke feeling obliged to do so.

For a moment, she thought the king looked a bit surprised, but he signaled her to sit after regaining his confident posture. She took a seat next to the Blonde-Brown girl.

"Finally, all the warriors have arrived. I apologize for not introducing you all to each other earlier. But I had been waiting for our final guest. Now we may finally familiarize ourselves with the company with have tonight. This is my wife Esmeralda, Queen of Eden. This is my son Prince Philip, one my most noble warriors and next in line for the throne. These are my daughters- Princess Deor and Princess Primrose."

As the king continued introducing the rest of the important officials and guests, Sia found herself losing focus and instead staring at the boy sitting beside Prince Philip. He had wavy black locks and piercing blue eyes. He was wearing the attire of a royal and had a gleaming golden sword strapped to his belt. He had a golden circlet dangling from his head which made Sia think he was also a prince. He had a confident posture and looked like he could beat a hundred goons and still not break a sweat. Sia found herself blushing gently, but she shook it away and decided to continue listening to the king.

"And finally ladies and gentlemen, the moment we have been waiting for. The time to introduce our brave warriors who shall bring back prosperity to this land has arrived," the king spoke.

"This is Prince Carter, prince of our ally kingdom Uroma and a wonderful swordsman. He has agreed to help locate the princess to enjoy such an adventure. And this is James, one fine builder and technician, and a new find. And this is Lynna, a great healer and archer. And lastly, our latest arrival to Eden who came just today. She has been living in the mortal world but The Oracle has chosen her as our last member. Please introduce yourself, Miss-"

"Sia," saying this she stood up. "I am Sia Rivers. I will be honest, I just arrived today and I not know much about this wonderful kingdom. But I promise that I will learn fast and find and bring back the princess safely with my life."

How Sia knew what to say, she had no idea. The words came flowing through her. She sat down again. For a moment, she thought all of them would burst into laughter, but instead all of them clapped for her on how she spoke so confidently.

After that, they all enjoyed eating. The courses were better than any food she had eaten. And the desserts were the best!

Sia left the hall with Martha as all guests got up and talked with each other in the hallway outside. On her way, she bumped into James.

"Hello there. You are Sia right? I must say, the way you spoke, it seemed like you had a load of experience. I barely managed to talk properly when I first came here. When you are a new find, you got to work double to prove yourself," he told her.

On this, Sia agreed. The other two didn't have as much on their plate as them. They just got a boost by doing nothing. But she wasn't someone to judge people, so she thanked James and left.

As Martha was once again guiding her way, she bumped into someone far less welcomed.

"G-Greetings, Princess Deor," Martha stammered nervously.

But Princess Deor wasn't looking at her. Instead, she was looking at Sia.

"Sia right? I suppose that you already know I am Princess Deor. And I came here to say that, even if you sound like some experienced warrior, know your place. You're just a commoner from the world of those vicious demons. You made quite an impression on my parents and siblings and you're supposed to be teammates." At this she frowned a bit. "Anyways, best of luck. I shall leave now." At this, she walked away as if she just hadn't threatened Sia.

Danger was the only word Sia could think of to describe the weird princess.

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