Chapter 7

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Sia couldn't read Martha's expression on her statement at first. But slowly, as her facial features adjusted, she could make out one clear expression, sorry, two actually. A mixture of shock and fear.

"W-What? What does Madam mean by saying that the Laira is missing. That is very horrible!" Martha exclaimed in shock.

"Why is it so horrible? Who is the Laira?" Sia asked once again.

"We must not talk about it here. If the king finds out that you have told such an important thing to me, he will certainly be angry." Saying this, Martha quickly led Sia back to her bedroom.

Once they were back, Martha closed the door and asked Sia to sit.

"Before Madam knows who the Laira is, Madam must know that each of the 4 elements have stirred a conscience over the years and have become gods embodying their particular element. One day, the elements understood the need for a medium of ensuring peace. Hence, they created the Laira. The Laira is collection of energy solidified into the form of a woman who is the wisest among all, and knows the answer to everything. She makes the elements see sense while fighting. The king wished to ask the Laira for his daughter's whereabouts, but he couldn't due to the prophecy. Now as finally all 4 of you have been gathered, he wanted to seek the Laira for help, I believe, but as Madam said she is missing."

Sia had no idea how to process this information. She just found out the Laira was the key to completing their quest, and now when they needed her, she was missing. How was she supposed to react?

The next few weeks were a big blur for Sia. She really didn't remember properly what she did that day after figuring out that very valuable bit of information about the Laira. She continued training to become an Air bender. She learnt how to increase the air pressure to make a shield and to attack, how to mark out the direction of wind as it usually leads warriors to their destination and other important powers and skills.

Funnily, during these days she also became friends with Lynna, the water bender and a member of the quest. It was really an accident when she accidently stumbled across her while returning from training one day.

"You're Sia right? I am Lynna. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. It is first time seeing you after the dinner actually," Sia told her.

"Well then, we should get to know each other better. Mind tagging along for a walk?" Lynna had asked her.

That day both of them found out they were very similar. And Sia was wrong about one thing- Lynna didn't get a boost. She had to practice for months before participating in a bending ability competition which led her to getting most of her fame there. Since that day, they have been spending time together after training sessions and Sia has came to respect her as a friend.

Prince Carter also kept walking up to her sometimes and starting a small conversation. He even smiled at her on rare occasions. She also talked to James when she could. She was trying to get to know them better as teammates.

Surprisingly, Princess Deor hadn't bothered her after her talk with her after dinner. She did seem to send Sia a few glares now and then while passing through corridors. But other than that, there was nothing to worry about, well except for training and the quest maybe.

It was the day when all 4 of them would be leaving for the quest. Martha had brought her a special backpack made from enchanted leather which could fit way more than it should have been able to. She stuffed it with a few pair of clothes, a compass, some cash, some toothpaste and a toothbrush cause you got to take care of your oral hygiene, and lots and lots of food etc. She also took a guide book for the Terram Elementorum (Land of the Elements) with all the important information about this place and a summary of the 4 kingdoms- Eden, Uroma, Forlight and Velsmar.

"Thank you so much for all this stuff and being with me for the past few weeks Martha," Sia said as she was leaving

"Do not thank me Madam. I was just doing my job. All I wish for you is to succeed on this quest," Martha replied.

Sia hugged her. Martha had become a kind of a big sister for her the past month. She was sad when she had to leave. She practically begged her to accompany her till the entrance gate of the royal palace.

When Sia reached the entrance, she saw the other 3 ready and waiting. Prince Carter was talking with James and Lynna approached her when she arrived.

"Ready to begin this death adventure?" Lynna asked her.

"Ready as I will ever be."

They looked back when they heard the king speak.

"My dear champions, I wish you the best of luck for your quest. I know you will do well. You have my blessings."

The king was standing with the queen with their 3 children beside them. Prince Philip and Princess Primrose were smiling at them while Princess Deor simply refused to look away from her mirror except to talk to Prince Carter.

As they were making their way out of the palace alongside the royal family, Princess Primrose caught up with her.

"Hello there," She smiled while speaking.

"Greetings Princess Primrose," Sia said politely.

"No need to refer to me so formally. I just came here to apologise to you."

"Apologize?" she asked surprised.

"Yes, apologise. I wanted to apologise to you for my sister's rude behavior towards all of you, well except Prince Carter. She is really trying to flatter him and make him notice her. She has a huge crush on him, you see. And she is just jealous how you got him notice you so easily. So she is especially rude to you," Princess Primrose explained.

Sia now started to understand the glares sent her way by Princess Deor especially when she was talking to Prince Carter.

"That suddenly makes a lot of sense now."

Princess Primrose just smiled at her. They talked for a few more minutes before she slipped away to the other quest members.

As Sia continued walking, she felt someone else beside her. When she checked, she saw someone far less welcomed. Princess Deor. She was starting to almost wish she never talked to her. She reminded her of Quinn but worse.

"Looks like someone has got a high sense of importance for themselves after being complimented so often that she has forgot to greet me, a princess of the prestigious royal family of Eden," Princess Deor whispered in her ear with a bit of venom in her voice.

"Greetings Princess Deor," Sia spoke to her with no particular emotion.

"Now you might think that you are going to become some sort of celebrity once you return from the quest, and if lucky, find my elder sister, but you could not be further from the truth. My father will just cast you aside. Trust me, I know him. He doesn't care about the Princess. He just wants her back so his rule does not end."

Sia just looked at her blankly. She couldn't comprehend what she just heard. She knew that the king was a bit ruthless from the stories she heard, but just using a group of teenagers about to go on a deadly quest for him and his own long lost daughter for his own gain was just evil. But before she could dwell on it further, Princess Deor started speaking again.

"If you were to take my advice, I would suggest you to just leave this place as soon as possible. I shall give you some partitius powder and you can just pray to Ayante in the Garden of Blossoms and the portal will open and you can leave. It is not worth it to risk your life for the recognition you won't get." Saying this the princess thrust a box of powder in Sia's hands and left.

Before Sia could think further, she realized that they were already standing in front of the gate. She stuffed the box inside the bag.

"Alas, it is time for our champions to leave for their wonderful adventure to the lands beyond. Now it is time for us to step back as we can do nothing but wish them luck and hope for their safe return along with our long lost princess, my daughter Siofra. We all believe that you shall succeed," the king said as all of them took one step back.

She hugged Martha one last time and glanced at all the hopeful faces staring at them that will be anticipating their return.

It was time. Sia looked ather teammates. They all were looking at each other for encouragement. They allcrossed the gates of Eden together knowing that they might not return.

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