Chapter 8

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Sia was walking with her fellow mates as they were making their way to the Garden of Blossoms. It took way longer for them to reach the place than it had taken Sia to come there. Now she was wondering if she should have asked them for a means of transport or not.

It took them almost half an hour to reach there by foot. Once they were there, Sia collapsed on a soft stretch of land with wet green grass; exhausted after walking for so long and the others followed and collapsed around her.

"Anyone got a plan?" asked Bob.

"Well, the king wanted us to first find the Laira. She should be in the kingdom of Forlight. We might be able to get her to tell us if we should go to the Moors of Carta cause once we go there, no returning until we get the job done," Lynna replied.

Sia was super tired. She had no idea what to do. Yea, she was kinda smart, but when it came to all this magic stuff, she was as clueless as a baby. She looked at Prince Carter for any hint. Martha had told her that he was a wonderful scholar as well as a great fighter.

"Do you have any suggestions, Prince Carter?" she asked him.

"I do actually. Let us first go to Forlight and search for the Laira and clear off some doubts and confirm her location. Princess Siofra might not be in the Moors of Carta but the soldiers might have missed something. If we must, then we will go to the moor via Forlight," Prince Carter said. "And no need to call me prince; just call me Carter."

Sia had to say, she was impressed by the Prince's presence of mind and his quick strategies.

"Do you have any weapon Sia?" the prince suddenly asked her.

"No actually. Mr. Gorg took me to the armoury to test the weapons but none of them were balanced for me. So he just taught me to fight using my air abilities."

"Using elemental powers won't be effective in close combat" saying this he took out a silver dagger and gave it to her. "It has a switch in the side. If you click it, it will become a sword."

Sia was admiring the beautiful dagger Carter had given her. It had a very sharp tip and was double edged. The handle and hilt were covered with unique looking leather making it comfortable to hold. On its side was a tiny button which she clicked. Instantly, the dagger became a long silver sword and its handle was still wrapped in the comfortable leather. She again clicked the button and strapped the dagger on her belt securely.

"Thank you very much, Prince Carter," Sia spoke.

"Only Carter, and no problem," he replied.

After drinking some water, they set off for the road leading to the kingdom of Forlight according to the plan suggested by Carter.

According to Carter and her guide book to the Terram Elementorum, the kingdom of Forlight is the most guarded. Hence, unlike the other three kingdoms where you have to pay tributes and pledge non-violence to get in, they will probably have to go on some sort of side quest to get there.

As they were going, Sia decided to talk to Lynna to pass the time.

"So, are you from Eden or some other kingdom," she asked her.

"I was born in Eden but brought up in Velsmar by my father. This makes me a rightful citizen of Eden by birth as my mother was from Eden. I may also stay in Velsmar due to my father's citizenship there," she replied.

As they were talking, they finally reached the gate leading inside the kingdom of Forlight. It was made of some sort of pink wood with a stone frame and very high walls surrounding the kingdom. She guessed there were many enchantments placed on the door. Guarding it was an orange monkey standing on its two feet with sharp teeth wearing- a suit?

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