Chapter 14

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As they Sia was still sobbing and Carter was reassuring her, she suddenly spoke up.

"I can't just keep crying right now. We need to get out. Carta can't wage war because the entrances are blocked. We need to return. We need a plan."

"You're right. They didn't check our backpacks and all. We still have the partitius powder. But we have to bring Lynna and James back to normal," Carter replied.

"I know! I will challenge Carta to a duel while you find them and get them back to normal," Sia suggested.

"You are not fighting Carta. You would die! Besides, we need the essence of light to get rid of the cage of darkness controlling them. How are we going to get that?"

"Check Lynna's bag. She is a healer. She might have been carrying some."

When they checked Lynna's bag, there was luckily some essence of light. After some arguing and convincing, Carter agreed to the plan. "As soon as you fix them, come to the hall and just when you get a chance, teleport away with me. I will try distracting her long enough."

They teleported out of the prison and went to the throne room. Lynna and James were standing as statues in one corner. Carter rushed to them stealthily while Sia approached Carta.

"How did you escape, mortal!" Carta asked angrily, glancing at the hags who imprisoned them.

"With some partitius powder. I wish to challenge you to a duel. If you win, I will give you the rest of the partitius powder. But if I win, we leave. What do you say?" Sia asked.

Carta grinned evilly as she stepped down the throne. She tossed Sia her sword as she took out her own, a long black sword made of obsidian.

"You have just asked for a death wish mortal."

Saying this, they sparred. They attacked each other with full strength. Sia barely missed the fatal blows sent her way by Carta. She used her elemental powers to keep Carta at bay for a roughly a minute when she summoned darkness to engulf the floor. Sia manipulated the air to fly, escaping from her grip. When she spared a look, she saw Carter had fed the essence to them and they were regaining consciousness. Just then, Carta slashed her sword against Sia, injuring her in the stomach. As she fell, she managed to control the air to slow down her fall. She could see her friends rushing towards her.

"You thought you could win, mortal? Now die!" But just then Sia saw Carter throwing the rest of the essence of light on Carta, vaporizing her.

"Ahhh! You can't kill me, mortals. I will return!" Carta shouted angrily.

"I know. But at least I can get rid of you for a while for us to escape," Carter replied.

They rushed to me. Carte held me close to him.

"This is bad, very bad. Carta's sword destroys one's aura from inside. You're dying! I knew this was a bad idea," Carter spoke as he kept me closed.

"Step aside. Healer on duty. It can be fixed. Life for life. Carta has kept many souls trapped. James, summon them and burn them. They will be freed from the solid prison and their ashes can fix Sia. Carter, fend off the monsters approaching us" Lynna said hurriedly.

Both of them went to do their jobs. Carter kept the monsters at bay as James summoned the trapped souls who came swarming to free them from their solitude. He burned them, and beams of white light left. He brought their ashes to Lynna who applied it on Sia's wound, starting to heal it. Alas, Sia took a deep breath, her heartbeat returning to normal.

"We need to leave, NOW!" Carter spoke as he rushed to Sia. He picked her up bridal style as James teleported them out of their, right inside the throne room of the royal palace of Eden, in front of the King. When Martha saw her, she rushed towards her.

"What happened?" the king questioned.

"Your Majesty, our quest has ended. We will give you your answers. But first, please let me take Sia to rest. She almost died," Carter explained.

When the king nodded, Martha lead Prince Carter to the room Sia had been staying during her time here, followed closely by Lynna and James. From the corner of her eyes, Sia could see Princess Deor glaring daggers at her. Then everything went dark for her.

When Sia opened her eyes, she could see Martha tending to her along with Lynna while the boys were arguing with the king about something.

"What are they arguing about?" Sia asked weakly.

"Do not worry, Madam. The king wishes to speak to you but you are too weak that's why they are arguing," Martha replied gently.

Sia slowly got up, catching the eye of the king.

"She is strong enough to answer my questions first. She may rest after that. And tell her that her mother has come to visit her, hearing the news about her getting injured." Saying this, the king left, enraging Carter.

Just after that, the door flew open once again, and in came Sia's mother. "Oh my god! Thank goodness you are okay. You have no idea how worried I was.

Sia just smiled weakly as her mother took a seat beside her. Just then she remembered that she was not her real mother, which made her sad. But she had taken care of her as her own and Sia still considered her as her mother.

"I want to go see the king per his wish in the courtroom. I am strong enough now" she said which made the other surprised. "Please" she added seeing their expressions.

"But-" Carter began to say but was cut off when Sia raised her eyebrow which made him remember when he still resumed the quest even after getting hurt.

"Fine, but only on one condition. Me, Lynna and James and the others come with you. Either we all come as well or you don't go" Carter said.

When Sia nodded, Carter held Sia to make sure she didn't fall while walking, her red locks dancing behind her, followed by the rest.

When they reached the throne room, Sia spoke to the other 3-"It's time."

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