Chapter 15

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Sia stood in front of the king without falling down as best as she could. Her friends, her mother and Martha were all there encouraging her.

"My king, we have discovered the truth regarding the disappearance of Princess Siofra" Sia spoke.

"Then tell me. What are you waiting for?" the king demanded.

"Of course, You're Majesty. As you would know, my mother used to work for our previous late queen. It has been discovered that she had taken Princess Siofra to the mortal world, away from the magical folk in hopes of keeping her safe a little longer on orders of the queen." At this, Sia's mother's face fell as the king glared at her angrily.

"I knew it! I will have to see what to do with you later. Now tell me, where is my daughter?" the king questioned.

"In front of you, You're Majesty." At this, everyone's faces fell except for her teammates.

"What kind of joke is this?" the king thundered.

"I am not lying, Your Majesty. The Laira told this herself and the Demon Queen who can't lie also confirmed this. I have not gotten over the shock myself upon finding out. You may ask my teammates. They are under no controlling magic." Sia spoke with a determined face.

Her friends just nodded. But the prophecy was still not completed, which was bugging Sia. She also remembered Princess Deor's words before they left for the quest. Just then the king spoke.

"It seems as that Sia is speaking the truth. Welcome my daughter! I would like to speak with you alone. And for Maria, she shall be imprisoned" the king spoke with a smile which did not reach his eyes after being convinced.

As the guards began approaching her mother, Sia felt as if something clicked inside of her.

"Father wait! I am not done. The prophecy from my birth is not complete yet, indicating something is wrong. It said that I would be taken away by a demon from the land of thorn. But mother is not a demon. If she was, she couldn't have entered the kingdom. Let her speak the truth under the influence of a truth potion" Sia spoke.

The king hesitantly nodded and Lynna fed Sia's mom Maria a truth potion and she began to speak.

"The previous queen had discovered that the king was going to sacrifice their daughter to Carta so he could rule forever without worrying. So she explained me everything and asked me to leave with the princess. I refused, but when the king poisoned the queen after he found out she knew, I took the princess and left."

It was as if someone had taken the oxygen away from Sia. She felt like she couldn't breathe. All of them were disgusted by the king. Even the current queen and the prince and princesses. When she glanced at him, he had an evil grin.

"You are right. I am a redcap, born to Carta. Unlike the rest of the monsters, I resembled a human in appearance. This set motion to my mother's plan. The previous king had no heirs and so I impressed him and became the ruler and married his daughter. Once you were born, I wanted to sacrifice you. But she got in the way. When you disappeared, I hoped you had died. I became influential. I got the rulers of Velsmar and Forlight to block the entrances so she couldn't reveal my identity in anger. Now I will kill you!" Saying this he edged closer to try kill Sia but Carter used his ability to raise the earth and trap the king. This gave Sia time to think. She remembered a rule of the lands she had read in her guidebook.

"Guards, according to the rules of Ayante, if a ruler betrays his own land, then he is no longer considered the true ruler of the land and that title shifts to his eldest born unless given away. I, Princess Siofra, the eldest child of previous ruler King Roxman, command you to imprison the traitor," Sia spoke with a confidence.

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