𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓞𝓷𝓮

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The glittering sun had spread the blanket of bright light in the sky, with the birds fluttering their wings amidst those white cottony clouds. The air mixed with the warmth of the afternoon heat casted the dark shadows of the livings on the mother Earth. The trees stood still, with some dried leaves wilting out from the branches just as the despair and dismay sheds out of the Pandora box.

Far away from the chaos of the world, the big bonedi haveli of the Thakur's, one of the powerful zamindars of KumarBadi, stood solidified surrounded by the huge pine and Ashoka trees, offering its shadows and greenery to it. The white, crystal clear marble rocks were shining amidst the blazing sun and the walls were beautifully intricate with the floral and other fine carvings. The huge front yard was decorated with colourful alpona to welcome the visitors. Stepping inside the haveli, one could feel the ambience of traditions and the wealth of the Thakur's , for each and every wall radiated the aura of bliss. The huge pillars stood firmly in the corridor, with intricate designs that were painted with green and red amongst the white. The photo frames of the forefathers of Thakur descent hung properly on the ceramic walls with the sandalwood garlands.

The white bright curtains flowed with the every puff of wind that peeped inside the small seep of windows. The visitants were welcomed by the huge hall room which had a huge chandelier that hung from above. The red, handmade carpet of silk was spread on the floor along with the lavishing sofas properly arranged at one side. The room was so big as if the voice would echo there. A sort of sweet fragrance prevailed in the room, with the pot of lotuses and water kept at a corner. The walls were decorated with the garlands of marigold flowers that hung down. The room was enveloped with the sandalwood incense sticks, spreading a different purity in the air.

Amidst the chaos of the guests, she sat on the beautiful carpet with a sitar properly gripped in her soft palms, the fingers dancing rhythmically on its strings.

Piya tose naina laage re
(My gaze is fixed with you my beloved)
Naina laage re
(My gaze is fixed)
Jaane kya ho ab aage re
(Who knows what will happen next?)
Naina laage re
(My gaze is fixed)
Piya tose naina laage re
(My gaze is fixed with you my beloved)

One could sense her honey dripped voice filling in the air, probably soothing the ears of all the listeners. That's how her baba always describes her singing. Some were enjoying the sweetness of the sound vibrant, others engrossed in jeering her. But she had devoted herself with the song, closing those orbs and weaving the dreams of her life. Singing is the only activity that levitates her from those luxuries, connecting to another world. What if a prince would come and take her to 'their' castles of happiness? Princes don't exist, she believes. It's all about the destiny which plays the game of life, deciding who has to meet whom, where and how their journey would go and how will it end. She didn't realize when her song ended, unless the sudden applause of claps filled in the atmosphere.

Adjusting her skirt, she stood up before paying respect to her sitar. The bright faces lightened up her heart, the warm smiles embracing her with the blanket of positivity.

"Wowwwww!! That was surreal. Felt as if Maa Saraswati resides in those vocal chords. Stay blessed." The wife of town head, Mrs Sumati appreciated.

"Thank you so much Kaki(Aunt)."

"Priyala Khub Bhalo!!" Someone appreciated.

"Dhonnobad Kaka(Thanks Uncle)."

A familiar sound caught her ears. She decided to swallow the fresh lump created in her throat. Her brain asked to respond accordingly.

"I will catch you later. Maa (Mother) is searching for me."

Leaning down, she touched Sumati's feet, proudly following the Indian cultures before biding them a goodbye.

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