xxvi JB?

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Montana was close to dozing off, the alcohol in her system added to the jam-packed day she had had was all finally getting to her. Her eyes fluttered shut feeling the cool breeze flying through the vent of Sarah's car on her cheek lulling her into a dreamless nap. The other three spoke quietly to themselves about the events of the evening and how nice the cool air conditioning felt, they finally felt like they had a moment to stop and breathe in this kook car. They were all too focused on themselves to notice the shadowed figure walking past the car towards the lookout, if they had noticed him and the pure rage clouding his vision, maybe they could have stopped him or talked him down but they didn't.

Montana was pulled from her sleep hearing the distant screaming of her blonde best friend, 

"Someone help!" 

She sat up straight, alerting the other three that she had woken, Montana wasn't sure if she had imagined or dreamed it and couldn't make out any other screaming over the harsh winds outside and the conversation happening inside. Montana waved her hand into the back of the car, opening her door slightly to hear better as she shushed the boy who sent her a dirty look but still complied. 

"What?" All three of them looked at the girl leaning slightly out of the car, worried expression coating her features. "I thought I heard something, sh" making all three of them hush and listen out as well. 

"Please, somebody, help!"

Montana was quicker than the rest of them since her door was already open as she ran towards the sound."Oh, wait, no, I hear that." The blonde threw his door open, not looking back as his quick steps turned into a sprint. "Shit." Pope copied the other two's actions following in their direction. "What the fuck?" Kiara mumbled under her breath being the last one to exit the car and book it. 

Montana was the first to arrive at the scene and was horrified at what she saw; John B lay lifeless on the ground with a crying Sarah cradling his head. "JB!" She all but whimpered, her blood had run cold, no way this could be happening, he was going to be fine, he had to be fine, how had this happened? "Oh my God S! What happened?" Montana was in shock but knew seeing him like this would be equally as hard if not harder for the other three so she had to compose herself so she could be there for them. Montana took in a deep breath letting herself feel the fear of the moment before crouching down next to Sarah, which wasn't as easy as it looks, especially in heels. Montana pressed her fingers to the boy's wrist, feeling a steady heartbeat she let out a breath of relief. 

"I don't know what to do. He needs help. Topper shoved him." The Cameron girl was in hysterics holding his head, Montana's eyes widened as the other three arrived and she looked up to see the railing broken. Montana quickly pulled Sarah's hands away from the boy's head, replacing them with her own before she set it down on the ground. 

"Okay S, we need to keep his head still, we don't know if he hurt his spine" She replaced her hands with Sarah's to keep it still as she stood and went to Kiara's side seeing the girl almost in tears; both from hurt and fear. The taller girl immediately interlocked their hands gripping like it was a lifeline not tearing her eyes away from the boy. Kiara didn't want to think about if he'd be okay because the last conversation they had had was an argument about the blonde girl holding his head and whispering sweet nothings to him.

"Where the hell is he?" She could hear the blonde mutter angrily but she also picked up on the sense of fear in his voice. Montana had pulled her phone out of her clutch that she didn't even realise she had brought out of the car with them and began dialling 911 seeing the panicked looks the group was sharing. 

"Oh, please, please, please get help. I don't care who. Just call someone." Sarah couldn't think properly and hadn't seen Montana already doing that. 

"Yeah, I'm on it S" Montana reassured the girl holding the phone up to her ear hearing the familiar beeping as it connected. Both boys turned to Montana seeing her holding the phone up to her ear, thankful neither of them had to leave their best friend.

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