Moving Into The Fruit Bowl {Day 0}

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Molly fidgeted with her fork for a minute before looking up and nodding. "Yes, I would like to try to be your little."

"Perfect! I'm so excited! It's been so long since we had a little around here! Let me show you to your bedroom." Molly quickly followed Edwin down a hallway. He was acting like a giddy child on Christmas morning and he didn't even realize Molly had to run to keep up

"This is your room! What do you think? It's pink now but we can paint it any other colour! Whatever you want, just ask!"

Molly looked around the room, stunned. "This whole room is just for me? I've never had a room this big before!"

"Of course! It already has some clothes like pjs, and other things that would be easy to size up or down. We will be going shopping tomorrow after we have another Big Girl Chat about your rules and punishments. Oh!" He scurried over to the bedside table excitedly. "Everything in this room is for you. You don't have to ask first. There are some basic little items already here to get you started, this drawer in your nightstand has different pacifiers! They can seem weird at first but I'd like you to at least try them out. They are here in case you want to try them while sleeping."

Molly blushed a million shades of red at the thought of being a baby little. "Umm okay..." Wanting to change the subject to literally anything else, Molly looked around the room and noticed the pretty pink tulle canopy that is over the double bed. So pretty like a real princess bed! "But why is there extra wood on the sides of the bed?"

"Oh, those are guard rails so little girls don't fall out of bed. If you want you could sleep in a crib or in my bed when you want to, any of the 3 options are completely your choice."

"Oh... ummm.... okay... I think this bed is great and so pretty!" And the least freaking embarrassing, am I blushing over the idea of sleeping in a crib or sleeping with the hunk in front of me? I don't even know anymore. Have I stopped blushing yet? Do I look like a tomato freak?

"Terrific! This is your bathroom here! Woul-"

"I get my own bathroom?!"

"Of course you do! Would you like to take a shower tonight or tomorrow morning?"

Molly looked down at her dirty clothes filled with holes. She did feel kinda icky from everything that had happened today. Her last shower felt like ages ago. "Ummm tonight, please? I promise to be quick and not waste your hot water. Miss Elizabeth got all her tenants trained to take no more than 10 minute showers and-"

"Take as long as you want!! If you want to take a two hour shower, take a two hour shower! Here is a big bathrobe and towel, everything you need should be in the bathroom. If you can't find something or you need help with anything, I will be just out here waiting in your bedroom."

"Ummm.... Okay... thank you..."

Molly shut the bathroom door and looked around. Wow he wasn't kidding about being treated like a child. There was a pink child's toothbrush with a picture of a crown on the handle and toothpastes in about 10 different childish flavours. The theme of her new bedroom and bathroom seemed to be "pretty pink princess". She never had a themed room before and she blushed, even though no one could see her, at the idea of being as special or as important as a princess. After some debate, she brushed her teeth with the strawberry flavoured toothpaste. So much better than icky grownup toothpaste.

When she got into the shower and closed the pink shower curtain with a huge princess crown on it, she noticed the childish supplies. Wowzers! It's that really fun and cute brand that the bottle is shaped like a fish. But my parents always said they were too expensive to buy! She giggled when she noticed the pink princess duckie sitting beside her pink shower puff. "Why hello your royal highness!"

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