Clothes Shopping {Day 1}

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"Have you finished writing out your rules five times for Daddy?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good girl. Did you think of any more questions about your rules?"

"No, Sir. Thank you for asking WinWin."

"Of course! Now this is your Little Diary, I will never read it unless you show it to me. You are to use it to write about any feelings you need to work through before discussing them with Daddy at our weekly Big Girl Chat. I will also give you homework assignments. This week, I want you to write down everything you like to do that is little appropriate. Think about everything you enjoyed to do as a baby, child and teenager and make a list. It could also be little friendly things you like to do currently or wished you did as a kid but never got the opportunity to. Right now our goal is to figure out Little Molly's favourite things are so we know how to get Little Molly to come out to play, because little headspace is really fun and I think you will enjoy forgetting all about Big Molly's troubles and to just play for a little while."

"Okay, Sir. Thank you, WinWin."

"Now, before we go out we need to exchange phone numbers. So give Daddy your phone." Molly hands WinWin her phone. "What is this?!?!"

"It's a flip phone! It calls and texts like a normal phone! It even has a fun game with a snake!!"

"I kn-! I mean, I know what it is, I'm just amazed they still make them!" Staring at the relic in his hand like it might be cursed.

"I'm putting in my phone number so if we get separated at the mall for any reason, I expect you to stay where you are and call me."

"Yes, Sir."

"Okay, now I need you to go put a fresh pull-up on and to brush your hair and then we can go to the mall."

"Yay!" Molly was even so excited for the outing, she forgot to be embarrassed by the fact she needs to wear pull-ups now.

When they both got to the garage, Molly went to go to the passenger's seat but was stopped. "No, little girls sit in the backseat."

"Oh umm okay." But when she saw what was in the backseat, she went to go around to the other side but was stopped again.

"No, that adult sized car seat is yours for your safety."

Molly blushed and fidgeted with her hands. "But I didn't use a car seat yesterday, Sir."

"Yesterday you were big but today you are my little girl. I need to keep you safe and to keep you from excitedly bouncing around the car when you go into little headspace."

"Yes, Sir." Molly opened the door and gets in and struggled a bit with the straps.

"If you need help just ask little one."

"Me do it." After what felt to Molly like an eternity, she got all the clasps buckled together on her car seat. "Yay!!!"

"Good girl!"

Their trip seemed like an eternity to Molly since they lived in the country but had to go into the city. At least this city is closer than the city I used to live in. "WinWin?"


"How much longer?" Molly asked, getting antsy in her seat.

"Just about 20 more minutes. You alright little princess?"

"I'm alright. I just... I gotta go potty as soon as we get there." Molly admitted but looked out the window to avoid WinWin seeing her blushing.

"Okay. Good girl for telling me."

Once they got there, Molly grunted in frustration and couldn't get her door open. "Sir, my dumb door won't open! I made sure to unlock it!"

"That's because there's a child lock turned on so little girls don't jump out of the car and into traffic before Daddy even has taken his seatbelt off." He looked at her sternly.

"Sorry, Sir." Molly looked down at her fingers and fidgeted.

"It's okay, you are still learning how to be a good little girl and this is the first time we've gone out in public. Now, do you want me to carry you or hold your hand?"

"Ummm hold your hand, please Sir?" She blushed.

They went inside hand in hand. Molly was so excited she was practically skipping. Until she saw their destination.

"Ohhh ummm..." She blushed and tried to cover her face. "I don't need to go anymore."

"That's okay princess. Good girl wearing your pull-up while we are out. That's why we have this bag it will have everything you need to change into a fresh pull-up. I will wait out here unless you need me."

Molly blushed even more and accepted the pink over the shoulder bag. "Thank you, Sir."

They began their shopping spree in a clothing store meant for littles. All of the clothing were adult sized but looked like a child would wear it. "Now, we need to determine your proper sizes and what you'd like to wear. I want you to be a good girl and pick out 3 outfits to try on and we will adjust the sizing as necessary."

"Yes Sir." She ended up picking out a black dress with a white collar with pictures of bats up the front and back. It looked like something Wednesday Addams would wear. Then she found a matching black hoodie that had bat ears and teeth on the hood. To complete the outfit, she found some tights that also had bats up the legs and a pair of black shoes. She found a black tulle skirt to wear underneath the outfit and was so excited she was bouncing, Edwin was sure he would have lost his gentle grip on her hand if he wasn't a strong vampire. I never had a little goth before. I secretly hope she picks something with a little colour next, but if she wants to be a little gothic princess. I will make sure she's the cutest Addams everyday.

The second outfit she chose was a pastel rainbow coloured tulle skirt with a white shirt with a picture of a rainbow and unicorn on the front. The stockings were pink and the shoes were white and were designed to look like unicorns. Her favourite piece based on her bouncing again was the flowered headband with unicorn ears and horn. Is my little princess a Pastel Princess or Gothic Princess? She'll look adorable as either.

The next outfit was a pastel pink sweater with black bats on it. She picked out a matching pink bow for her hair that had a bat in the front. She paired these with a pair of black and white pinstripe pants that looked like something Jack Skellington would wear. And finally a pair of black ankle boots. Both are good but I hope she likes unicorns more than bats.

She tried the outfits on and Edwin left and changed the sizes as needed.

Edwin was at the register and Molly was distracted looking at herself in a nearby mirror wearing the unicorn headband. She was hopping around like she was pretending to be a unicorn and Edwin couldn't help but smile. He barely noticed the total before he went to pay. "I also would like everything else you have in her size that matches the same pastel goth look she likes delivered to my home address within 48 hours."

The cashier was shocked. "Everything?! But Sir-"

"I'll be leaving you my credit card and business card with my home address and her sizes on it. Cost will not be a problem."

The cashier looked at the business card and immediately recognized the name. "Of course, Sir. We will have that delivered as soon as possible."

"Thank you and make sure to buy lunch for everyone working today. My treat." Edwin said with a smile and carried the bags towards his little girl while the cashier is left shocked at his generosity and thanking him. "Ready to go to the next store, little one?"

"Yes, Sir. Thank you again. Can I wear the headband to the next store, WinWin? Pleaseeeeee!"

"Yes baby you may. Good girl being polite." Molly beamed up at him.

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