What Happened?! {Day 5}

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"Molly! Molly! Pumpkin baby! Look at me! Can you hear me?!" Suddenly she found those deep blue ocean eyes in the fog. Daddy's hand was on her shoulder and the other was wiping her face. But it wasn't his hand or tissue wiping her tears away. It was wet, like the face cloth Louisa used earlier.

"Daddy?" Molly finally calmed down enough to speak again.

"Baby!" Edwin looked at her relieved. Daddy looks really mad right now. I hope I wasn't so bad that his work was interrupted. She looked down at the face cloth wiping her face and shrieked.

"Icky! Blood!"

"It's okay baby. Most of the mess is gone. I want you to hold this new cloth on your face and pinch your nose and hold your face down and into my chest when I pick you up. Okay, baby?"

"Yes, Sir."

After Daddy picked her up, he spoke in an angry voice that Molly had never heard before. It sent shivers down her spine. "What the hell happened! Three littles in a fight! She's a human! You're lucky you didn't break her nose!"

He got no reply. Molly peaked out from Daddy's chest to see that the room was now mostly empty. There were only two bodyguards now, one must have left to do something. Miss Suzie and Mr Alec were there, looking down and scared. Louisa was standing with Uncle Fibber of Speech while Gabby was standing with someone who must have been her Daddy. Louisa's clothes and hair looked like she had been rolling around on the ground. Gabby looked worse, her lip looked like it was bleeding and she was starting to get a black eye.

"Well!!" Molly watched as everyone flinched at her Daddy's voice, including Uncle Theo.

"Uncle Edwin." Louisa said in a meek voice that Molly didn't know she was capable of having.

"Yes?!?!" The room flinched and Molly was sure the earth trembled too.

"It was not three littles fighting. It was two. Molly not only got hurt the worst but she is the most innocent." Louisa kept her gaze on the ground, not daring to look up. Not even when her uncle growled. "Molly was too scared to play on the swings or monkey bars and no one, no one, had a problem with that. Until, until... Gabby started bullying her and pressuring her to go down the slide."

Edwin growled and Gabby whimpered.

"Molly chose to try the slide. She said 'try'! But when she got up there she was too scared! I tried! I tried to climb up and help her down the ladder but Gabby! Gabby was in the way! And she was yelling at both Molly and me, Sir! I tried to get Molly, Sir. I did!" Tears fully falling from Louisa's eyes at this point.

Edwin growled again while Gabby sounded and looked like she wanted the earth to swallow her whole.

"Then, then Gabby pushed Molly out of the way! But not towards me or down the slide, Uncle Edwin! Gabby pushed her over the slide so Molly fell on her face!" Edwin's growl at this was loud enough to open the earth and swallow Gabby whole.

"The fight between Gabby and I happened after I called her a 'snake-y ass bitch' and told her 'to never touch my little cupcake cousin again', Sir."


"I apologize, Boss, I will take her out of daycare for a week Sir and double her largest spanking so she understands the seriousness of her actions."

"But Dada!"

"No complaints or I'll triple it. Now apologize to the BOSS and his little, immediately."


"Tripled. Apologize."

{Tripling the most severe physical punishment yet is probably not a very intelligent thing to do but Gabby is a fictional vampire and will be finnneee.}

"I'm... sowwwwy. Mr Ed... Edwin anddd and Molly."

"It's otay." Molly shocked everyone by speaking up. "Just be more careful with humans next time, otay?"

"Oh... otay? Thank you, Molly." Gabby looked around, not really sure what she was supposed to say to that so she found a rather interesting scuff on the floor and stared at it.


"Yes, Boss?"

"You will need two weeks off of daycare for that punishment. You are lucky my new little one is so forgiving. You may go now."

"Thank you, Boss."

"You two may leave too, next time, keep a closer eye on the littles in your care."

"Thank you, Sir." Miss Suzie and Mr Alec hurriedly followed Gabby and her Dada out grateful to not get in anymore trouble.

Once they had left the room, Edwin walked over to his little niece. "No tears. I know you tried to help her out, yeah? And that's some shiner you gave Gabby, eh?! You should give your Daddy some fighting pointers, he could use all the help he can get!" Making all four of them giggle, something they all needed right then.

"I do not! She's good at fighting because I taught her everything she knows!"

"You keep telling yourself that, younger brother! And I'll keep winning our fights!"

"You do not always win!"

"Do too!"

"Do not!"


The girls giggled while their Daddies bickered the whole way back to their cars.

Their parking spot was beside Uncle Fibber's. Something Molly hadn't noticed this morning.

Just before Uncle Theo opened the backseat to put Louisa in, Edwin spoke up. "And Louisa?"

"Yes, Uncle Edwin?"

With a nod to his brother, "Good girl today, Louisa. I'm proud of you."

"Thank you, Uncle Edwin!" Louisa beamed up at him and her Daddy. Theodore nodded and smiled at his brother before getting into his car to go home.

Shortly, Edwin and Molly were also on the road. But something was still troubling Molly.


"Yes, baby pumpkin?"

"My new friend? Triple spankies?"

"It's okay baby, no Daddy would ever spank their little one that much at once. That's why it's going to take two weeks."

"Grounded for two weeks and triple spankies seems like a lot for pushing someone, WinWin."

"You're not just a 'someone', Molly. I am my father's eldest son. Whenever he dies, I inherit the companies AND the family. When he dies, I become the highest ranking Dom in the family. The other littles at daycare will call me 'Papa' like they call my father 'Papa' now. You and Lilian will be the highest ranking subs, you will be my queens."

"Me really yous princess, Daddy?"

"Yes pumpkin princess, you are."

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