5 Rig

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"Come here, little muffin."
"Yes Daddy?"
"We need to talk."
"You're not going on another week long trip are you Daddy?"
"No pretty girl."
This is the first time she's gone out alone and I know I have to punish her so she doesn't try it again. The way her eyes light up when she looks outside the window is dangerously upsetting to me. One day it'll come back to bite me in the ass, but not if I can stop it.
"What you did yesterday was very naughty and I can't let it happen again. Stand up, walk with me."
I lead her across the hall and down large thick cemented stairs. We walk down for what seems like forever until we reach a large red door with a steel frame. I twist the wheel to the left two times until it unlocks and the door pushes open.
Fresh cool air brushes the hairs of my skin and cools my entire body. Darkness covers the room and a hue of red light lights the space. A variety of tools like whips, chains , and cuffs are displayed on the cement walls.
There's an open style dressed displaying metal cups with knives and scissors inside. And there's a case of beautifully clean, glossy black guns on top.
Beside the dresser is a fridge, fully stocked with water and a freezer filled with a shit ton of toys.
This place is my fucking treasure.
"What is this place, Daddy?" She asks timidly.
"It's a dungeon babygirl."
In the center of the room is a large bed with black posts.
On the right of it, a bench and a chair which also has black arms and legs.
So much gear at my leisure and so many things I could to her with it.
The array of rope peaks my interest.
"Take off those shoes, pretty girl. Let me see those pretty feet."
Safana sits on the bed and starts to remove her shoes. She wasn't wearing socks underneath them.
"Here, let me help you." I kneel in front of her and lift her skinny leg. Pulling off her shoes one by one, I expose her feet. I lay sweet kisses upon them, and say "Such pretty feet you have, muffin." I rub them gently with my thumbs and breathe in her sweat. It smells so good.
"Stand by the bedpost." I command.
She stands right next to bed and the large black bedpost.
"Lift up those pretty arms sweetheart."
I grab her arms, cross her wrists, and wrap a piece of rope around her.
"What are you going to do to me Daddy?" She pouts with those sad little eyes.
"Good girl." I stroke her chin and she melts. "Stay there."
Over by the dresser is a small grey boombox hee mom left behind. I sift through a few hundred cds until I find the bright green one labeled Reckless Metal. I pop it in and skip the song number 3 titled, Lust Freak.
Heading back to my collection, I select a roll of kevlar rope that's on the thinner side. I grab a pair of scissors from the tin and begin to unwind some rope, until I form a short line about the length of a whip.
"You won't be needing this." I say, as I tear apart her top in one go.
"Daddy!" She flinches in fear and the sad little look on her face lights a fire inside of me. God she's so pretty when she's scared.
"I can't let you go unpunished for what you did yesterday."
Next, I get rid of her bra. Beautiful grapes come spilling out. They're small enough to fit in the palm of my hands. She immediately tries to cover herself with her arms but she can't because she's all tied up. I love seeing her struggle like that. She turns around in haste exposing her back to me. All that's left on her body is a pleated black skirt.
The excitement wells up inside of me and is plainly too much for me to handle. My entire body is tingling and the adrenaline rush is like electricity running through my veins. I don't know if I'm punishing her or trying to please her. Either way, I like where this is headed.
Gripping the kevlar rope in my hand, I pull out a small black lighter from my jacket pocket. I put my jacket hood up and flick on the fire. I let the edge of the rope soak in the fire for a few seconds and turn the fire off. The fire simmers down until there's only a small glow of red light at the end of the stick.
I catch Safana trying to turn her head to see what I am doing.
"Turn around little muffin. Keep your back towards me."
Bobbing my head to the heavy metal, I'm waiting for my favorite part of the song. Safana's body is tense and she's trembling. I can tell the suspense is eating away at her each waking moment.
I thrust a loud sharp blow to her back and she screams. Her entire body contracts and she throws her head back.
She begins to sob like I've never heard before and it's not pretty.
"Tell me what you did wrong, muffin." I say firmly.
She's choked up and starts to bend her knees.
"Ah ah, stand up babygirl. You can take it."
I hoist another blow. This time harder and a red mark imprints her back. She belts and contracts her body once more.
"Tell me what you did, muffin."
She's shuddering from the cool air on her torso but I can tell that she's getting a rush of warmth with each new whip.
"I shouldn't have-" she chokes. "I shouldn't have gone out Daddy I'm so sorry!"
"Good girl. And you won't go out again? " I ask while continuing to shake my head to the music.
"No Daddy. I promise." She wails as tears run down the side of her chin.
Another blow to the back and she gasps for air. Her back is bright red and the smell of her hot flesh fills my nostrils.
"That's what I like to hear, muffin." I turn up the music on the stereo and relight the rope to offer her my worst blow yet. After taking a deep breath I thrash her again.
Her scapulas contract and she throws back her head and shoulders. Her foot slips and she goes crashing into the bedpost.
I quickly blow out the flame on my rope and rush over to her.
"Are you okay, muffin?"
I help her up and untie her. Red fluids run down her back and sweat drips from her forehead. She won't say a word to me. She looks traumatized and I'm afraid that I've gone too far.
"Let me grab you a drink muffin." Making my way to the fridge I turn off the heavy metal. I swing open the fridge and grab a water bottle inside. "Here sweetie."
She grabs the bottle, pops the cap and puts it up to her purple lips. She's trembling and can barely get it down.
"Allow me." I say. I grab the bottle and allow her to take several long gulps. It's dead silent and she won't look me in the eyes.
"Look at me, muffin. Talk to me. I need to know your okay."
She refuses to look my way and nods her head yes.
Underneath the dresser is a box of medical supplies. I pull it out and start to clean up her back. There's a bag of cotton balls and I use one to wipe off some of the blood from her back. I take that cotton ball and stuff it in my pocket for keeps, then I continue cleaning up her back.
I'm holding back my tears. Did I enjoy it? Yes. Did seeing her marked up turn me on? Absolutely. But am I afraid Ive gone to far. Yes.
"Muffin, please speak to Daddy. Daddy never wants to hurt youp of but I couldn't let your actions go unpunished. You understand why I did this to you right?"
"Yes Daddy, I understand."
"Good muffin. And you know that Daddy loves you right and wouldn't ever hurt you?" I give her sweet tender kisses down her blisters and kiss her neck to reassure her.
" I think so Daddy." She whimpers.
That's not what I wanted to hear.
"Little muffin, nothing will ever tear us apart. Even when you mess up I'll still want you. If I ever misuse you, I swear, I'll let you do the same to me ten times fold. I want us to be bound together even in our darkest moments." I passionately kiss her neck and dig my thumbs underneath her skirt and gently rub her skin.
"Let's head up stairs little muffin, I want to give you a bath."
Safana has 4 lashes on her left scapula. One straight down the left, and 3 in a zizag on the right. I've marked her with my initial, R for Rig.
"Little muffin?"
"Yes Daddy?"
"You're mine."
"Aren't I a little too old for you to bathe me Daddy?"
"I just punished you sweetheart, now I need to take care of you. But if you aren't comfortable, we don't have to do this."
"No Daddy, I want you to."
"Okay." I say. I take a soft cloth and lather her body in warm soapy water starting first with her back. I can tell it still stings. Trying to keep my eyes on her face, I work my way around to the sides of her waist. She looks very calm now and her breathing has gone back to normal. I lift up her arm and lather each pit then work my way down her arms.
As I begin to make my way towards her breasts, my little muffin looks up at me. This time it isn't a sad look or any look I've noticed before. Her eyes are wide and she tilts her head slightly and plays with her hair. She glances away for a moment and I know exactly what she wants. It's the same thing her mother used to do. She wants me to check her out.
My little muffin has grown so well. She has a slim frame and a v line from her shoulders to her waist. A nice ass and slender legs. She brings her eyes back to mine and I say,
"You're so precious to me. I love you so much sweetheart."
What I really wanted to say was this," You look perfect, muffin. I want to slide into you and stay inside forever. Tell me what you want me to do to you and I'll do it. Then I'll make you open your eyes and watch what the fuck you do to me."
I lather up her legs and feet and as I make my way to her princess parts she grabs my hand and says,
"I can handle that Daddy." She reaches up wraps her arms around my neck and gives me a gentle kiss on the lips.
"Uh..." I stammer. "Okay muffin, I'll just be outside the door." After she releases me, I step outside and wonder.
Did I miss the mark? Was that the perfect time to... geez.
Once my princess is all cleaned up, she walks out of the bathroom in one of my tshirts. It's rather large on her and all I see are legs. We head to the living room and I pull out my tattoo kits.
"Have a seat babygirl."
"Daddy, shouldn't I also take care of you? I'm sure it was a your just as shaken up as I am. I'm sorry to have put you through this."
"You have nothing to apologize for muffin. You've already received your punishment. Now sit down. Let me make that mark on your back look pretty. That'll cheer me up."
I reach into my kit and pull out some white ink and a stencil of roses and fire.
"Take off my shirt."
She does and only has a black lace bra and a pair of black silk shorts underneath. She takes a hair the off her arm and ties her hair up into a bun on top of her head. Then, she sits down in a chair in front of me.
First, I dig through my kit to find some numbing cream. After smoothing the cream onto her back. I place the stencils around my engraved initial and begin to fill it in with white ink.
"Shh, shh, my love. I know it hurts," I say as she winces.
When it's finished, it looks wicked good. The white ink pops against her black skin. The flames and roses will always remind her that she belongs to me and that our love will never burn out.
"Do you like it little muffin?" I ask as she gets up to look in the mirror on the wall. I toss her a small mirror so she can see the tattoo on her back.
"I love it Daddy, this means so much to me. I thought I was gonna be ugly forever."
"You're never ugly Safana. Ever. You can't be ugly because you're mine. That's why I marked you, so you'll always know who you belong to."
"Yes Daddy, I know I belong to you."
Hearing her say that is the best thing she could ever say.
I cover up the tattoo and tap my thigh twice to let her know I want her on my lap. She sits down and I pull out a hairbrush from my pocket. I pull out her hair tie and her locs gently fall out. I begin brushing out the ends first. I don't want to hurt her precious hair. She's got gorgeous dark wavy tresses. Almost black appearing with purple hues. It's unnaturally soft and compliments her dark brown skin so well.
"My sweet Safana." I place a hand on her knee and stroke it gently with my thumb. I place my other hand on her back and give her a slow soft kiss on the neck. I wish I could do so much more to her than this, but I need her to come to me. I don't need to lose her trust.
I know I shouldn't lay a hand on her. But I've got a beast inside of me, acking to get out. When it's unleashed, she'll be ravaged in ecstasy for as long as I'm alive. And when I die, the memories will haunt her. She'll live in hell knowing no one will ever fuck her the same.
Her body shudders and she lets out a slow breath.
"Yes my sweet sweet angel." I say while brushing her hair.
"Um... nevermind." She says shyly.
"What is it muffin?" She's peaked my interest.
"Will you hold me?"
"Of course, what's wrong little girl?" I try to pull her in close from the side, but she spreads her legs... fuck... she spreads her legs around me and buries her head in my chest.
"Nothing's wrong Daddy, I just need you."
I stroke her hair behind her ear and put smooches on her head.
"Want Daddy to read you a story?"
She looks up at me with a fierce gleam in her eye and starts to grin.
"Yes Daddy."
God, the way she says that makes me want to fuck the living daylights out of her.
After Safana fell asleep, I decided to grab my tattoo kit and head back to the dungeon.
I open the fridge and pull out a small plastic bag filled with some of Safana's blood from earlier today.
I won't apply any numbing cream. I want it to hurt. I want to feel her pain on my neck.
First I stencil the same template I used on Safana. The one with fire and roses all over the side of my neck.
I scream and wince in pain as my fair flesh turns pink. Fresh tears well up in my eyes and run down the side of my face to my lip. I lick the salt away, take a deep breath, and finish stenciling in the art.
After it's stenciled, I load my needles with Safana's blood and fill in the fire.
I start to bleed and the mixing of our juices provokes me.
When the tattoo is done, I wipe it clean and wrap it in film. Then I lie on the bed, slide off my pants, and pleasure my dick with my bloody hands.

I'd Keep Her Bound: A Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now