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Heading upstairs to the attic, I grab the black box on the loft. I don't know how the fuck she reached it, but I know I have got to get rid of it now.
Treading my brown boots back downstairs and outside to the side of the cabin, I set the heavy box down on rhe snow  and pull out my lighter from my pocket.
Flipping through the pages of her mom's journal, I come across one of Nadia's sorry ass attempts to get me back.
I miss us. I love you and I want our family back. I deeply regret what I've done. I swear, I won't ever betray your trust with one of our close friends again.
I tear the page from her mom's journal and light the fire. Then I toss it inside the box. Throwing the lid on top, I stand and watch it burn.
The fresh sent of pine trees around me and the smoke smells nice. I pull out a cigar from my pocket and light it to smoke.
As I press the cigar between my lips I think to myself,
I don't know how I'm gonna get that girl to behave.
I give my cigar another puff and breathe out through my mouth.
Grabbing my backpack from against the side of the brick house. I lift the heavy sack onto my shoulders and start heading for the woods.
As the cool air brushes against my face and the gentle snow falls upon my beard, I start thinking about yesterday.
Did I hurt Safana? Did she like it?
The thoughts swell up and I begin to have a migraine.
Finally, I've got her right where I've always wanted. She's begging for my attention. Her pussy was so hot and tight. I could fuck her again and again and I would never get tired.
She'll cleave to me now that she knows what a bitch her mom was. I hate that she had to find out, but she needs to keep her pretty nose out of things.
Walking through this long trail, I can finally see the lampost in the distance. Continuing my smoke, I finally reach my destination.
I throw my backpack onto the ground. Unzip, and take out some snacks. My jerky, some dried fruit and apple juice. Then I grab a chicken wrap.
I walk up the old stairs with my hands full and kick open the door.
"Foods ready." I exclaim.
No response.
Placing the food on the wooden table, I walk around the dimly lot room and inspect it.
Everything looks the same. Exactly as I left it, nothing tampered with. No attempts to do anything stupid.
"Did you enjoy the show?" I ask with a smirk on my face piering through the large window to see my backyard pool beneath the hilltop.
I'm met with many eye rolls and mutters. To which, I am thoroughly amused.
"I'll be back later. Don't do anything stupid."
Running back out into the cold, I nearly crash into the lampost. I begin my jog in a hurry to get back to my muffin. The thought of what we did last night makes my heart pound out of my chest.
The way she moaned and cried out for me. The way she begged me to do more. That pretty little sad look on her face when I denied her.
Her body was so soft. I loved the way she flinched when I pressed my cold fingertips against her waist. But what I loved most of all was the way she tasted.
Her lips like butter and her spit running down throat. Her pussy so wet, just from the bare touch of my hands. So hot, so tight, so sweet like candy.
I've fucked a handful of  girls in my lifetime, had a lot of fun. Safana isn't just fun and games to me though. She means the fucking world to me. Ive never felt this way about anyone. Even her mom. I don't know if it's the way she looks up to me or the fact that I feel like I can do anything with her by my side.
Either way, I've never felt this before. My soul is knit to hers. Fuck. I don't even believe in souls. But whatever the fuck she's doing to the chemicals in my brain, I don't want it to stop. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever.
This girl is going to be my future. I can see us now, a perfect little family. She's going to be the perfect mother of my children.
I honestly didn't expect to fall in love with this girl. I thought I'd be a crushed soul forever. Never able to trust again. I thought that no one would ever love me.
Her mother always made me seem like a monster. How dare I want my wife to be submissive and do as I say. How dare I want to her main focus to be on the home. I was always the bad guy.
She'd say my little muffin's a bore. Catering to my every wim like a pet. But she's just envious. Safana might not have seen it, but I always have. I don't love Safana because of her impressionability. I love her because of the way her eyes light up at the simplest things. The curiosity in her brain to understand everything about the world and how it works. She's resourceful and able to think on her feet. Not to mention how amazingly talented and creative she is. And beautiful.
But it's the fact that she'd be willing to lay down any opportunity for me. Even if she doesn't know it yet, I see that potential in her eyes. A potential to be loyal to me at my darkest. We want the same things. An undyingly loyal family.
We understand each other. We've both been hurt by the people who were supposed to love us the most.
As I arrive back at home I find my muffin in front of of the living room window taking pictures with her camera. When I see her my heart nearly skips a beat.
"Watcha doing muffin?" I try to say calm.
"Photographing the mountains."
"Why so?" I'm genuinely curious.
"I'm working on my hdr."
I don't know what the fuck she's talking about, but her words sound sweet like hyssop rolling from her tongue.
"What's hdr?" I say, slumping onto the couch.
"It's when you take multiple pictures of the same scene at different exposures and blend them together to create a more colorful, contrasted, and realistic image. One like you'd see with your eyes."
I can still barely understand her. She's so passionate about what she does and intelligent. To everyone else she's just a sheltered young girl who plays with her toys all day. But to me, she's so much more.
I wish I could take a picture of her right now. It wouldn't be as good. But I want to remember this forever. The way she's on the couch on her knees with her arms draped over the backboard. Pointing the camera towards the sky. Her glassy bright eyes squinted in the camera and her long dark wavy hair draped over her shoulder.
I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me. This girls got under my skin.
"Look Daddy." She crawls into my lap and shows me the camera. She looks up at me with widened eyes yearning for my approval.
"Very good muffin. I'm proud of you. It's beautiful. A work of art." I milk. But I really mean it.
"Thankyou." A grin spreads across her face and she admires her work once more.
I wrap my arms around her and plant a kiss on her head.
"Can I braid your hair love?" I ask.
"Yes Daddy." She replies.
Separating her sleek strands into four, I begin to overlap the strands working a fishtail braid. I put my nose against her locs and breathe in the scent of coconut. Mmm.
I want to ask her about last night. I feel so queasy imside, I'm scared of what she might say. Did she enjoy it as much as I did? I know she enjoyed it but I want to hear her say it.
"Yes Daddy?"
My hands start to tremble as I braid her hair.
"Um… how was your day today?" Fuck.
"It was great Daddy, just worked on my photography and waited for you to come home."
"That's great." I respond a little dissatisfied.
"But um… Daddy?" She asks.
"Yes pet, what is it?"
She sets the camera on her lap and hides her hands into her sweater sleeves.
"Yesterday was even better."
A huge smile spreads across my face and she starts to turn her head to look at me but I tilt it back the way I want it to continue her braid so she won't see my reaction.
"Yesterday was better for me too." I say trying not to sound too overly excited.
"I'm sure it was." She says with a cool tone. "You were roaring like you've never had such good pussy."
Damn. Where'd my little girl get all this confidence from?
"Oh yeah?" I say tickling her tummy.
She laughs and rolls onto the floor so I hover over her tickling her until she can't breathe. Our laughter falls into silence and we stare into each other's eyes.
I'm ready to tell her how I feel. How much I love her, but before I can share a word she gets up and pats me on the head.
"You were such a good boy." She taunts.
"Yeah yeah." I say getting up. "Fuck off.

I'd Keep Her Bound: A Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now