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Renata and Sirius bonded over their shared family problems.

Although Renata didn't share much on her part, Sirius was more than happy to tell her about his family.

They both shared an understanding that couldn't be said for the other marauders.

I mean don't get them wrong, they loved the other guys but they had rather loving families, they had people to rely on growing up, meanwhile they had no one.

Well, Renata did have her brother but so did Sirius.

They both had brothers that they had now lost.

A fact that made their bond grow tenfold.

Some would say they were platonic soulmates. Which to be honest they couldn't disagree with.

Renata was the one that got Remus and Sirius together after they had both confided in her and she planned to get them to confess to one another. Now they were happy.

Renata loved that they were happy.

She knew that they would have each other when she was no longer here.

And that reassurance meant a lot to her.

She smiled towards Sirius who was sat next to her, leant up against a tree beside the Black Lake.

Sensing her gaze on him, Sirius turned to look back at her, and upon seeing her smile he sent her one back.

"What's wrong Rae?" He tilted his head.

She just shook her head, the warm smile growing slightly.

"Nothing, just remembering our time together."

His brows furrowed, not quite following.

"What do you mean?"

"I just mean our life, our time together..."

Sirius smiled, albeit still slightly confused.

"That's nice... I think?" Renata just let out a laugh at his confusion.

She recovered and then her expression turned serious.

"Sirius, I think you should make up with your brother..."

He recoiled, clearly taken aback by the sudden statement and mention of his brother.

"Wh- what, why?"

"Because I know you will regret it if you don't."

He let out a halfhearted laugh. "No, I don't think I would...he's an idiot who still stays with our parents no matter what they do."

She slapped him upside the head, causing an 'ow' to leave his mouth.

"What was that for?"

"He's not an idiot for staying with his parents. He's not a coward. If anything, he's strong for sticking up with his parents for as long as he has, have you ever thought that maybe because you left the same things you went through are now being inflicted on him instead?"

Sirius was at a loss for words.

"Just because you were able to run away doesn't make him a coward. You are different people, you are not the same."

"I know if it was- if it was my brother I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to him and we were on bad terms..."

"Anything can happen at any moment, he could die in the next second, do you really want to live knowing the last things you said to him, the last thing he remembers you saying to him, were mean words and actions, cold looks and ignorance?"

"I love you Sirius but a siblings love is not something to discard. He loves you and you love him, no matter how much you try to push it down, you do love each other. You need to grow up and talk to him, no matter how difficult it is."

"It may not be your fault that he stayed there, it may not be your fault he is dealing with the things he is, but at the end of the day he is dealing with those things. The very same things you were dealing with, if not worse."

Renata seemed to only take a few breaths in between her sentences, trying desperately to get her point across.

Sirius was shocked that she cared this much about the situation that he had talked so much about but had never gotten a response this deep.

Taking her words in, he felt an immense amount of guilt at the thought of Regulus- his little brother -going through even a quarter of what he did.

He had never thought of it from Regulus' perspective, but now he knew that he had to try and make up with him.

He would do anything to get Regulus to forgive him. And he wouldn't give up until he did.

He nodded, showing Renata that he agreed and understood her words.

He quickly got up, before turning towards Renata and giving her a big bear hung, thanking her repeatedly.

She just laughed and told him it was okay. Watching as he ran to find his brother, glad that she could do something to help one of the people she loved.

She felt an immense feeling of happiness at the thought of reuniting the siblings, something she would soon do with her own brother.

 She felt an immense feeling of happiness at the thought of reuniting the siblings, something she would soon do with her own brother

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