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That same night, just moments after her last breath, all the students were laughing and smiling whilst enjoying dinner, oblivious to the fact that one of the students they had all seen in passing before, was no longer here.

Renata wasn't stupid... she had written a note before hand, that revealed everything, her twins death, her parents part in it, the reason she did it. It was all there.

The happiness in the hall was abruptly cut of my an ear-piercing scream.

Shortly after the great halls door burst open, a crying seventh year student appearing, seemingly the one to have been the owner of the scream.

"She- She's dead!" The girl screamed out, the tears not stopping.

Murmurs echoed throughout the hall, replacing the silence.

James turned to the others, a concerned look on his face. "What do you think she means?"

The others just shrugged, equally confused, looks on concern painted on their faces.

Dumbledore and McGonagall both made their way over to the crying student, wanting to find out exactly what she meant.

"What's wrong sweetheart? What happened?" McGonagall rubbed the girls back soothingly.

The poor girl turned to look at the teacher, but her gaze seemed to be distant, like she was somewhere else.

"I-I was walking, and-and I just saw this body, I walked up- up to it and" she burst into another round of tears "-there was- there was a dead girl just lying there." She seemed to scream those words, the whole hall falling silent whilst the teachers tried to calm the hysterical girl whilst sharing equally worried glances.

The next day Renata's death was announced at breakfast.

"Unfortunately, last night...we lost one of our students." Dumbledore spoke, a look of sadness on his face.

Gasps and murmurs echoed throughout the hall, one's that were quickly silenced by the old man.


The hall fell silent once more.

"That girls name... was Renata Lestrange."

This time it couldn't be helped, gasps were heard all around the hall, tears forming in many peoples eyes, either having known the girl personally or having conversed with her once or twice before.

She was a well known girl for being happy.

The last person to end their life.

The Marauders were all in tears, some more than others, such as James.

The news was heartbreaking.

It seemed to make them world go silent.

Dumbledore paused for a moment before clearing his throat once more.

Although they were crying, they paid attention.

"I-I we found this letter, on her body, it says to read it to everyone... so we shall honour her wishes and I will now read it out.."


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