Chapter 2: Search

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A few days had passed since time had stopped. Everything was still the same nothing moved, nothing made a sound. There was just pure silence.

He had lost his sanity a few times. He couldn't handle the silence at all. He had cried, without a sound. He had screamed, without a sound. He had destroyed his room, without a sound. He was barely able to keep his sanity up.

At the moments he was sane he made his backpack ready for the trip he was about to make. He didn't know if he would ever be able to return home. It scared him, it had held him back for a long time. He started running out of food and water. He had no choice. He needed to do it either at that moment or die without ever trying.

He didn't have a lot of determination to leave and search for answers. But not a lot of determination is still determination. This little bit of determination was all he needed to go out and search.

He put all the food and water that he had left in his backpack. The backpack wasn't heavy since all he had left were a few apples and bananas. He also packed toilet paper. Only a few rolls of course. If he brought too many he wouldn't have enough space for any necessities like water and food.

He looked around his house searching for tools that he could bring with him. He opened his drawer and stumbled upon a notebook, he opened it. There was nothing written in it. He couldn't remember where and when he got this notebook. But it might come in handy he thought. He took a pen and put both of them away in his bag. He was planning to write everything down so people would know what had happened if time would ever start moving again.

He did not think any further than that. The thought that people might laugh at his notebook didn't cross his mind. The thought that it might never be found didn't cross his mind.

Something that did cross his mind was how he would be seen as the saviour of humanity or how he was the chosen one. It was still a small thought because he was still unsure of the situation and of himself. He had not searched for answers yet. He had yet to discover everything about this situation.

He had high hopes for his research. He knew he was smart enough to figure everything out. He was not like those other people. Those other people who only cared about parties, sex and drugs. No way in hell would he be on their level let alone be dumber than them. It was just not possible.

These thoughts crossing his mind were not new for him. He has had them in the past at that time they were less expressive. Back then those were just innocent thoughts. He felt like he was the centre of the world, the one and only saviour of this world. Even though his arrogance was growing he was cautious, he knew there was always a chance that there was something out there that could kill him.

For certainty he took a knife with him. It was the biggest and sharpest one he had. It could be considered as a weapon. He thought about putting it in his backpack but he decided that it probably wouldn't be such a great idea, instead he put it around his waist. Always ready for battle, always prepared for trouble.

He could not think of anything else to bring with him. He has had around three to five days to think about what he needed to bring with him. He had no idea what day it was supposed to be today. He looked around one last time and spotted his glasses, they were laying around in all the mess. He picked them up, they were still intact. "lucky!" he thought.

He put them on, he could see so much better now. Now he was prepared to spot everything faster and see every single detail of everything around him. He realized that he had made a big mess. The thought of his mother shouting at him for the mess made him smile a little bit. He had tears in his eyes. He was going to miss her. He quickly wiped away his tears. There was no time to be sad now.

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