Chapter 12: Notebook

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It rained but the droplets didn't fall. It was the first time he had seen such a spectacle. He never knew that water could float in the air.

He had forgotten all. He had forgotten who he was, he did not know what anything meant. He did not realize that time had stopped. He had forgotten what this world was before. He had been feasting from the flesh of humans, he had been drinking from the liquid of life. That was all he knew, that was all he had been doing.

He did not know that he was one of them. He did know that all of those he saw were what he could have been. He went and grabbed some alcohol from his bag. He had barely touched any water. He had only drank it when he was in need of it. When he felt unwell he drank some water. When he felt unwell he ate some fruit.

He always felt better after that. It was some sort of miracle. He started drinking from the bottle. It did not burn his throat anymore. It did not hurt him anymore. It didn't do anything anymore. It was like he could resist it.

He did not know what made him look into his bag, it could have been a voice in his head, it could have been his intuition. He hadn't looked in his bag for a while. He took out the bottles of magic water. Most of them had a blood on them.

He thought that there was nothing else in his bag but there were two more things. Two books to be precise. One had a black cover and had the word "Time" written on it in silver. He could not understand the word whatsoever, he could not even read it.

The other book was different, it was smaller. It had no words written on the cover. It was full red but the blood hadn't touched it.

He opened it, he hadn't opened it in a while, he did not know what was written in it. It were all words that described how he had done things in the past. He did not know what those words meant.

There were a few empty pages but then he stumbled upon a page that had a few words written on it. It was weird and creepy. The words read:

"Save us

Save them

Break it

Destroy it"

He did not know what those words meant. He didn't really pay attention to it, no words were ever important. There was no need for them at all.

There were more pages that followed, they were empty. He did not know why he didn't stop turning the pages. He did not want to stop. He did not know why. He could not find the reason. Was he searching for something? He could not understand anything anyway. But he kept going as if there was something very important there. As if there was something that he needed to find.

On the last page of the notebook there was another text. It was gently written as if the notebook was something that needed to be protected at all cost. Something about the text brought him at ease. He did not know why it brought him at ease. He could never explain why he wanted to read it.

He wanted to understand it. He wanted to know what it said. He wanted to know what those words meant. He tried his best to understand what was written in front of him. He knew that he had known it before. He just needed to be able to read it. He tried and tried. He wanted to know what those soothing letters said. He tried to read it as many times as he could. He did not care about anything else.

He wanted to know what those words meant, those words that brought him at ease. He had never had this feeling before. He wanted to know why he felt that way. He wanted to live again. He started to feel regret again. He started to feel a lot again. He felt fear, he felt anger, he felt sorrow.

For the past time he had only known about joy, the joy of killing. All these emotions felt familiar but at the same time they also felt new to him. He had never wanted more in his life. Just wanting to know the meaning of those words would do a lot for him.

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