Chapter three; bruised and broken

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Math class is almost half way through when the door bursts open and Thomas walks through. One look at the class and they all drop their gazes except for me I let my eyes scan over his body and I know something is wrong. He has dark circles under his eyes and a bruise next to his left eye. as he walks towards  me it seems forced and he seems to be in pain with every step. I catch Minho's gaze and  arch an eyebrow at him he shrugs and turns his attention back to Mr. Janson who seems to be annoyed at Thomas for interrupting his class without explaining but he doesn't say anything. Thomas sits down next to me and I expect him to start teasing me but he doesn't even glance at me and just stares at the board. He isn't paying attention though, he never does. Class passes by slowly after that I try to work up the nerve to say something to him but after yesterday I'm not sure that's a good idea. When the bell rings Thomas is the first one up and out of the class. I pack my stuff and sigh I join Minho who is waiting for me at the door and he smiles wrapping an arm around my shoulder. We drop our things in our lockers and I watch Thomas who is leaning against his own as Teresa chats away I wonder if she even realizes he isn't paying attention. "What's up with him ?" I ask and Minho follows my gaze.
"Oh well like I said he has the reputation to be dangerous I guess he got in a fight again. it happens a lot. people are even more scared of him during those days cause he's easily triggered. even Gally stays out of his way except for Teresa who seems to be oblivious to all of it." I nod.
"I'm gonna go talk to him."
"What ? Newt no are you insane ? after what happened yesterday you still want to talk to him ?"

I ignore him and turn around he reaches for my hand and pulls me back. I'm pressed against his chest and he wraps his arms around me. "Newt please. He's insane." I stare at him for a minute. "Trust me." I say finally and he sighs releasing me. I smile at him and he returns it but I can see it's forced. I turn around and to my surprise Thomas is looking at us. he looks away quickly and I take a deep breath as I walk up to him. People look at me with interest and disbelieve as I make my way towards him. He looks at me his eyes blank from any emotion and I give him a weak smile. "Are you okay ?" for a moment something crosses his eyes; pain or need, even though I don't know what he needs but then it's gone replaced by cold and I step back. He pushes away from his locker and moves in front of me. He puts his hands on either side of my face. a moment passes by and then he laughs. a real laugh and I'm almost convinced that he really is crazy. People all around have stopped to watch the scene but no one dares to interrupt. He stops and for a second the look returns and now I'm sure I saw it. He's in pain and something in my heart tightens and I feel the overwhelming need to fix him to fix his pain. to keep him safe and happy.

"Newt" his voice is low and has a dangerous  edge to it and for the first time I'm scared of the boy in front of me. "you have a lot of nerve coming to me. I told you to stay away. what is so hard to understand ?" I swallowed  my hands turning sweaty. "I just thought you wanted someone to talk. you seemed a bit down."  I try to sound confident but my voice is shaking. He looks at the faces around us and then he leans in and whispers in my ear. "I'm telling you this because I don't want to hurt you Newt. stay. away." my heart races and my stomach is twisting as his breath sends chills up my back. he leans away and looks at me. I am torn between his words and his eyes, for both of them tell a different story but I've learned from my own experience . eyes never lie and his are just pleading to be helped. so I gather all my nerves and I place my fingers around his upper arm. I feel his muscles tightening under my touch. "I'm not afraid of you Tommy." he looks at me in disbelieve and his eyes turn angry making me scared again but then in a second he's gone. storming of down the hallway and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. 

Minho walks up to me and cups my cheek and I'm slightly annoyed by how touchy he's being. "Are you alright ?" and I nod he looks at me unsure but I smile at him and he returns it as we walk to the next class. I don't see Tommy after that anymore. The day drags by and a feeling of worry consumes me. I'm relieved when the bell rings, ending the day and I get my stuff and walk to my car. Minho had free period so he is already gone. I'm about to reach my car when a motor cycle stops in front of me. I instantly know it's Thomas and he hands me a helmet. "Get on" he says and I do as he tells me. my mind is screaming at me not to trust him but I do anyway. I get on and wrap my arms around him. I feel his body tightening but then relax and I can't help but smile. we drive for about 20 minutes and I wonder where we're going. I don't know the town yet so I don't recognise anything and I'm surprised when we end up at the beach. he gets off and takes of his helmet. his hair is messy and I feel my hand twitch. desperately wanting to run my fingers through it. I take mine off too and hand it to him. He doesn't say a word as he walks away and I follow him. I take of my shoes and so does he and we leave them there since the beach is empty anyway. my feet touch the sand and I smile at the feeling. I bloody love the sea. He waits for me to catch up with him and we walk side by side  across the sand until we walk along the shore  our feet in the water. It's silent for about ten minutes until I finally break it. "Look, Tommy, I'm sorry if I was a bit pushy today I didn't mean to." he looks at me and for the first time I see him smile, a real smile and my heart flutters at the sight. "It's okay" he says and then he sits down. I sit down next to him and our shoulders are touching. he doesn't move so neither do I. "So you and Minho you have a thing ?" he asks and I almost choke on my own spit. "what ? no ! no." he  looks at me curiously. You aren't gay?" he asks and I sigh looking down. "no.. I mean I am.. it's just there's nothing going on. I mean we just met." I say stumbling over my words and I see him smile in the corner of my eye. "good" he mutters. and I decide not to question it. "Newt listen I still mean what I said. It's better if you stay away from me." I look at him in confusion and he meets my gaze. his eyes scanning my face. I take the chance to look at his lips and I feel the strong desire to kiss him but I don't. "Then why am I here ?" my voice comes out as almost a whisper and his eyes flicker up to meet mine again. "I don't know." he answers and it's silent again. He lays down and I do  the same and we watch the sky turn dark and the stars come out. we don't say anything but I enjoy the silence and I guess he does too cause he doesn't leave. My eyes start to fall shut and just before I fall into darkness I feel an arm wrap around my body and I smile.


I am crying omg aren't they just adorable ?! hahah what did you guys think ? I hope you liked it. Lots of love.

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