Chapter five; hopeless soul

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I laugh at Minho's words but it's cut of by his lips pressing against mine. My eyes widen in shock before they fall shut and for a second I am back at the beach with Tommy. I gasp pulling away but before I can come up with anything to say a body slams into Minho and he's on the ground. He groans in pain and I look up at the person standing over him. "Tommy" i whisper. My stomach drops at the look on his face, he looks furious. The bruise on his eye only makes him seem that much more dangerous. Minho groans in pain and tries to sit up. His eyes meet Thomas' and I can see the blood drain from his face. He scrambles to his feet and Thomas grabs his collar pushing him against the lockers. By now half the school is watching and I feel my heart speeding up dangerously. "What the shuck do you think you're doing shank?" Thomas says and Minho swallows shaking his head.

"What's going on?" A voice interrupts and my head snaps around to see Gally walking up. Great. Thomas releases Minho and for a second he looks at me. What I see there is heartbreaking he's hopeless. He looks away and a mask pulls over his face cause a second later I dont even recognise the boy from the beach anymore. "Mister and mister gay were making out in the middle of the hallway" Thomas says and Gally's face hardens. He lunges forward toward me backing me up against the locker. But before he can do any damage Thomas pulls him back. " leave it Gally I took care of it" he says and pushes him away from me. Gally looks at us in disgust before walking of Thomas right behind him. He looks back at me and our eyes meet for a second before he gives Minho a glare and walking away. I stare at him as he walks of but my thoughts are interrupted as Minho speaks up. "What the shuck was that about Newt?!" He yells and I look at him in confusion. "What? I could ask you the bloody same !" "What was that look he gave you !" He says and i swallow "what are you talking about man?" He groans throwing his arms up.  "Whatever shank I get it." He turns around to leave but I stop him. "Hey why did you do that anyway?" I ask and he looks at me dumbfound "did what?" I look around nervously but no one seems interested in us anymore now Thomas and Gally are gone. "The kiss" I say and Minho chuckles "well I think it was pretty obvious or not? i like you Newt. A lot" he says stepping closer to me. I wanted to step back but i was already backed against my locker.

I felt my heart drop. i dont like Minho in that way but i can't just hurt him like that. "Minho.. Listen I came out a while ago but I went through a lot of klunk and I kinda got back in the closet.. I'm just not ready yet." I say and his face falls. It's quite for a while and the guilt is already washing over me but then he smiles and wraps a hand around my shoulder. "It's okay Newt I understand just let me know when you're ready" he says and I nod, not knowing what else to do.

I push the bathroom door open and walk to the sink. Seeing myself in the mirror I shake my head. Well haven't I made a bloody mess of it now. Great Job Newt. I turn on the water and splash some on my face I hear one of the stall doors fall shut and I look up in the mirror. My heart stops as my eyes meet Tommy's in the glass. We stand there staring at each other for a while. Suddenly anger rises up inside me and I turn around furiously. "What the shuck was that all about Thomas" he visibly flinches, I never call him Thomas. " you tell me to stay away from you one minute and the next you're crashing into my boyfriend?!" His face hardens at my words. "So he is your boyfriend?" He says stiffly and I shrug. "What do you care?!" I spat and then he's right in front of me. His face inches away from mine and I have to force myself not to kiss him. "I do care, Newt" he says and I stare at him. "Why?" My voice comes out in a whisper as my stomach flutters and my heart speeds up. He stares at me for what feels like hours but in reality are just seconds. He leans in his hot breath against my lips and my whole body is shivering. I bite back a moan but then he's gone out of the door. Leaving me shocked.


Hi guys this chapter is rather short cause it's been a long time since I updated and I'm not going to finish it if people have lost interest haha :) i hope you liked it and if you do please let me know so I can start preparing the next chapters! Lots of love !

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