chapter four; Two broken souls make a whole

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Thomas POV

I wake up as a cold chill runs over my body and I try to find warmth when I realize I'm not in my bed and there is a body pressed against me. Sound of waves hit my ears and I slowly open my eyes it's still dark but the sun is going to rise any moment now. The body moves, pressing against me and I look down seeing Newt snuggled up in my side. I smile down at him, sighing. what is it about this boy ? I tried so hard to change myself. Being with Teresa not letting myself get close to anyone, especially guys. Well Gally doesn't count I could never fall for him. But laying here, holding Newt and looking down at him, I feel the overwhelming desire to Love him endlessly. He makes me feel normal. like what I'm feeling is not a sin. And for the first time  I'm almost happy to be gay. My feeling of happiness comes crashing down when I think of John and my mom. My mom she's alright with it she loves me like I'm a real son of hers but John... I sigh. I can't let Newt into my life. it's too dangerous. As much as I want to keep him in my life I can't. the risk is too high. I decided to let myself enjoy the moment and I gently tried to wake Newt up so we could watch the sunset. Even though it was still really early it was surprisingly hot already. Newt grumbles something pressing closer to me as I nudged him gently,making me chuckle. "Newt wake up. the sun is going to rise." at my voice his eyes shoot open and he looks up at me through his eyelashes. God I wanted to kiss him so badly but I couldn't let that happen. "Oh" he said and he quickly untangles himself from me. "sorry" he says and he looks away from me. I smile cupping his cheek to make him look at me. he slightly leans into the touch and I look at him with a smile. "Tommy ?" My heart flutters and I make myself pull my hand away before I do something stupid. "It's okay" I say and I look towards the horizon. "I thought you would want to see sunrise." I say and I see him nod in the corner of my eyes.

we watch in silence as the sky turns all kinds of colours as the sun slowly rises from the horizon. "It's beautiful isn't it." he says and I look at him. I slap myself mentally for the corniness before I say it. "Yes it is." just as he catches me looking at him. He blushes and looks down. he fumbles with his fingers and he sighs. "you know how I got this limp, Tommy?" he asks and I'm surprised at the question. he looks at me then and I feel so stupid for not seeing it before, or maybe he just hides it well, because sitting in front of me is a boy that looks so broken my heart shatters into pieces. "No" my voice is almost a whisper since I'm not sure if I even want to hear the answer. "When I came out at my last school they made my life a bloody hell. I hated it Tommy I hated every single day in that place. I tried to bloody kill myself jumping of the roof. it's a miracle I survived." he pauses and he looks at me again, tears in his eyes. "They said there had to be a reason that I survived and I think I realize now." I look at him confused. "I was supposed to meet you Tommy." my eyes widen and I look away from him. I shake my head. "Newt...I'm so sorry" I pause, my mind racing with a million things to say. "believe me when I say I am glad you're alive.. But you're not safe with me. I'm not safe." He sighs. "I know you told me before. But I don't understand." He says and he puts his hand over mine. For a moment I want to pull back but I don't. "Why isn't it safe Tommy ?" he asks and I look down at the send. "I can't tell you Newt. You have to trust me." I look at him and he nods. I lean in and softly place a kiss on his cheek. he looks at me smiling and I smile back but it's not a happy smile. "you have to promise me something Newt." and he looks at me, encouraging me to keep going. "Promise me you will stay away from me." I can see he's about to start an argument so I beat him to it. "Please Newt, Please." He squeezes my hand and then he lets go and emptiness fils my heart. "okay" he whispers and I stand up. He follows me and we get our shoes. putting them back on. "Do you need to go home or do you want to go straight to school ?" I ask and he shrugs. "school is fine."

The ride to school takes awfully long as the tension can be cut by a knife. but eventually I stop my motor in front of the school entrance and he gets of. He hands me his helmet and looks at me. "Goodbye Tommy" his voice sounds broken and I almost take him in my arms right then, almost. but I watch as he walks away from me. His limp now much more obvious than I remember. I sigh walking into the building 5 minutes later than Newt. Teresa comes running at me but before she can do anything I stop her, pushing her away. "Teresa." I say and she looks at me  in confusion. "We're over" I say and walk away from her. I know it seems heartless but believe me she'll be onto the next by tomorrow. I walk towards my locker and I see Minho running up to Newt. Jealousy fills me as he pulls him in an embrace. "Are you alright ? I was so worried Newt?!" he says and Newt smiles at him. "I'm fine Minho thanks." poor silly Newt he has no idea Minho is crazy about him.I slam my locker shut just a bit too loudly and Newt looks at me but he quickly looks away. I sigh as I walk to my class. For once I wish school would last forever. since I didn't go home last night my beat up will be even worse tonight. I wish I could run away but I can't. where would I go ? Mrs Evans is chatting away about her boring life when the bell rings. I quickly make my way out of class. I couldn't stand another second listening to her nonsense.

As I turn to corner to the bathroom. I see minho and Newt standing there. They're laughing and I pause watching them. Newt is leaning back against the locker and Minho is standing in front of him. One hand leaning next to Newts head against the lockers. He's standing way to close for my liking and I'm just about to turn away when he leans in. His lips touch Newts and Newt's eyes widen before they close. Before I know what I'm doing I'm storming towards them.


Thanks for all the support guys! I hope you like it. Who ships Minewt ?

lots of love !

Broken soulsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora