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i've never done drugs. never smoked or anything. i held the 4 oxy pills in my hand, moving them around with my thumb. i didn't know what to do with the pills, i wasn't going to take them.

growing up i was a straight A student, honor roll every year. i ran track and had my first job by 15 years old. me and alex grew up poor with an absent father and a mom who did everything she could to support us. running kept life off of my mind, me and alex didn't have any friends but we had eachother. running wasn't her thing, she read a lot of books and wrote in a lot of journals. her grades were decent but she didn't really care, she always took care of me. we took care of eachother. we never met our father.

i hide the pills under my mattress and i leave the cell, it was dinner time. i take my tray and i sit alone. i take a sip of lukewarm water and i pick at the food on my tray. i didn't really have an appetite. i eat a few bites. nicky sits across from me.

"it's nice to have someone you can talk to in here." she says

"i'm not looking for friends." i say back to her

"i'm not here as a friend, i'm here as family."

"family? nichols i just met you."

"your sister is my family. so your my family to."

"right. thanks."

"stay away from daddy and her gang, it's no good."

"she gave me oxy."

"did you take it?"

"do i look high? look, i don't do drugs and i don't smoke. i don't do anything like that. it's not one of my hobbies."

"your a good kid."

i smile a little, i don't know why she was being so nice to me. "thanks nichols..."

"like i've said. your family."

"so. what did you and alex do to get sent to max?"

"the whole prison broke out in a riot and we kept the guards as hostages and one of them died. what'd you do?"

"killed my boyfriend."

"alex know?"

"absolutely not. i don't have the guts to tell her, she would wanna know what he did to me."

"what did he do?..."

"he hit me and held me down as he.. you know. i had no say and i had enough of it."

"he deserved it then, in my books, you did nothing wrong."

"thanks, that really means alot to me. did alex get my note?"

"of course she did. she misses you. if you get laundry or cleaning crew as a job you'll be able to see her every once in awhile, something to look forward to."

i nodded "thanks."

it was after meal time, i wanted to go to the library, maybe i could find alex with her face in a book or somthing. i had been told there's actually some good reads. a CO had escorted me. there was only a few people in the library, i couldn't find alex. i was upset, as any sister would be. i walk around through the isles until i come across an inmate, i didn't see her face but she was in a blue uniform.

"excuse me.. can i get through?" i asked, as i wanted to walk down the isle.

the inmate sits up in shock and closes the book. "holy shit, is it really you?!" she jumps up, tightly wrapping her arms around me, it was my big sister.

she was taller then me, obviously. i tightly hug her back, sinking into her arms and i start to cry. "oh alex..  fuck i've missed you."

after a minute, she pulls away to look at my face. we were both crying happy tears. "god,what the hell happened? why're you in max?"

i tell her the story from the beginning, we were sitting on the library floor. we talked for maybe 2 hours before it was lights out and we were escorted back to our cell blocks. we hugged eachother again, then departed.

once i got back to my cell i was relieved, i finally saw my sister again.

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