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i had been here for 6 days. every friday night for dinner we would get a "desert" there were a few options. jello, a chocolate chip cookie, a packet of fruit snacks or chocolate pudding. we could only pick one. i went for fruit snacks.

me and alex met up in the library every chance we got, to catch up and do sister things. i hadn't gotten my job assignment yet, considering i was still new.

the max guards did bunk sweeps every other night after dinner. i hid the pills i was given in a tampon tube. the guards didn't suspect anything cause the tampon was still in the applicator so it looked normal. these guards think they know every trick in the book, but i'm smarter and sneakier.

i wasn't going to flush the pills, incase daddy wanted me to pay back for them, i could just give them back. i was smart like the at, i always think ahead, i'm always two steps ahead of everyone else. i'm a good listener to, i knew about the secret drug gangs between C and D block.

my bruises were finally fading, they were more brown and green now then black and blue. and people talked to me. i look really innocent and i look younger then my age.

nicky introduced me to some of the other girls she knew from minimum. i knew lorna morello, dayanara diaz and tasha jefferson. i didn't really conversate with daya or tasha.

lorna seemed... unstable. nicky told me she had just gotten worse since she was brought to max. she had given birth to a baby boy, she had a husband named vinny but they weren't talking anymore. lorna called but he never answered.

me and nicky comforted her the best we could, she seemed like any mother would in prison. she never got to see her baby, if it were me, i wouldn't be stable either. but lorna is strong, she will get through it.

me and nichols were on a first name bases now, we were getting pretty close.. we talked every chance we got and she helped me learn how to survive in this place.

she ended up being my bunkie, i was sitting on my bed and she was sitting on the floor infront of my bed.

"so is there a feild here? to get fresh air and run?" i asked, i wanted to get back into running like i used to

she practically laughed in my face "your funny."

"nicky i'm being serious. i used to run track and i want to run again."

"our outdoor time is a brick courtyard with wire overhead. you can see the sky and get 'fresh air' but it's about the size of this cell block and if they catch you running they put you in a metal cage until it's time to go back inside. there are stories of C and D block playing dodgeball together in the 80's but they ended up closing off the feild cause they ambushed eachother"

"jesus fuck." i was practically speechless.

"yeah. sorry to crush your little.. running thing. if you want exercise they have rec time where you can walk in a circle."

"that's unbelievable. we need actual exercise."

"you sound like chapman."

"who... is chapman?"

"you sister didn't tell you?"

"tell me what?"

"your sister and chapman are prison wives."

"shit, you mean piper? i haven't seen her in like 10 years. she's here to?"

"same block as alex. they're prison married."

"wow. i couldn't imagine being married... or even in a relationship in prison."

"well i guess it's easier when your locked up with the person your married to."

"yeah, yeah i guess your right. i'm not gay so i wouldn't really know."

i fake laugh to cover up my hurt. how could my own sister not mention she was in a relationship, let alone married. i know she's gay, i don't care that at she's gay.. but we've spend hours talking in the library almost everyday and she never once mentioned that piper was in here with her.

i mean, i would've liked to know. piper taught me how to drive when i was 17 years old.. i was scared to drive so it took me forever to learn. piper was like a big sister to me, she took care of me and distracted me when alex's clients and bosses would come to the house, don't know how but they figured out where we lived, mom never found out cause she was busy working her 5 jobs. piper would take me shopping for school supplies and new shoes and she would make sure i had clean clothes. alex and piper were about 7 years older then me. i did have a job by 15 but i wasn't making anything, my money went to bills and shit while alex and piper would provide the food and clothes and things like that.

i honestly didn't know she was in the drug game until she called me saying she was arrested. piper was good at distracting people, both alex and piper were good at making sure that her bosses wouldn't recruit me to be in the drug game, they always protected me. piper treated me like a sister. she really loved alex and would do anything for her. they both did everything to protect me.



author note: hey i hope you guys are enjoying this! don't forget to vote and comment and give me feedback! thank you💗💗💗

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