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i was in the library waiting for my sister. i was in the isle we usually meet up at. i was waiting for awhile before she finally showed up and sat with me

"hey sorry, we had a random search. sorry i'm late." she apologized

"no. no it's okay al. just happy to see you... can i ask you something?" i look at her

"yeah, of course."

"why didn't you tell me pipes was in here to? you know she helped raised me. she's my family to." i look down at my hands, picking at my fingers.

"it wasn't on purpose. i haven't seen you in a long time. i just wanted to catch up and see how my baby sister was doing. it wasn't on purpose." she reassured me.

that made me feel better. "okay. do you think maybe you can get her in here one day? i wanna say hi." i asked

"yes ella, of course." she smiled, then hugged me, of course i hugged her back. "your face is healing."

"yeah it doesn't hurt anymore."

"that's good. how's everything going in D block? you've probably heard about the drug gang by now. are they giving you trouble."

"no, no trouble. i'm keeping my head down."

"good. nichols.. she's in recovery. keep her away from the drugs. she's been clean for months now"

"of course i'll help. we're getting pretty close, we're good friends."

"she knows your straight, right? she will hit on you."

"yes alex, she knows i'm straight." i giggle.

it was some hours later. i was laying on my stomach in my bunk reading a book i had gotten before i left the library after talking with my sister. there wasn't much to do, so i was already pretty far into this book. i was reading pride and prejudice. it was pretty good. after some tiem i decided to write in my notebook, i used it as a journal and i would write everything that happened that day. this was todays entry..

—august 2013. —

i talked with my sister today, next time we meet up she's going to bring piper with her. i haven't seen piper is years! i'm really excited to catch up. me and nicky are good friends, it's nice to have friends in here. and i'm happy i get to see my sister. still no job assignment and my commissary money still hasn't come through. today for dinner we had a hamburger with some sort of pasta salad on the side, burger was dry but it wasn't aweful.. my face is healing and i'm starting to get back to my normal self... well as much as possible considering i'm in fucking prison. the guards watch everyone like a hawk. i've witnessed 2 fights, same girls. one had to go to medical and i haven't seen her again yet. i think her name was Annalise or somthing, i don't really know. i'm just staying out of the drama and keeping my head down. the last thing i want is trouble. daddy keeps offering me pills and trying to get me to join the gang. i'm not interested. like i said, i don't want any trouble, that's the last thing i need. this bald guard keeps giving me dirty looks.. his name is hellman. he's aggressive with pat downs and it really pervy. i don't engage, i try my best to ignore him.

it was lights out, so i close my notebook and i put it under my pillow along with my pen. nicky walks into our cell.

"watcha writing?" she asks

"nothing.." i respond. i get up and i start to brush my teeth.

in the dell there is a bunk bed, two overhead shelved drilled into the wall, a metal toilet with a small sink attached to the top of it , and a small aluminum cabinet witch had two shelves. me and nicky each had our own shelves. it was used as a dresser and to store our belongings.

i finish brushing my teeth and i put my things away, i liked to keep things clean. i slide off my shoes. they were flats and felt cheap. i slide them under the bed to keep the walkway clear. we changed our clothes in our cells.

for privacy, i change when the guards close the cell doors for the night. i change into a white cotton t-shirt and grey cotton shorts. i take off my bra under my shirt.

"i don't mind ella. we're both girls. i'm not going to judge you." nicky said and she lays back on her bed, looking up at the ceiling

"thanks nicky." i said. i had my laundry bag string handle hanging on the post of the bed, i put my dirty uniform in the bag before i turn off the light switch in our cell. i lay back in my bed and i try to sleep.

fantasy (oitnb// nicky nichols)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora