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the van was outside, me and nichols were escorted out to wait for everybody else. Red, lorna morello, gloria mendoza, and flaca. i didn't know most of these girls. once the arrive we all get onto the bus, red whispers to nicky.

"who's that?" red asks

"vauses little sister" nichols whispers back to her

"i didn't know she had a sister."

"i didn't either till a few days ago. she just got in."

about 20 minutes later we arrive at the ICE center and are brought into the kitchen. red gives orders to everyone. i begin boiling water then i start making a broth, we were making some sort of soup that red wanted to serve.

the water hadn't come to a boil yet so i wasn't doing anything. we were all wearing aprons and hairnets, it was a requirement to work in the kitchens, understandable.

i step away, into the walk in freezer. i just needed to be alone, i still felt sick. i don't know why. after about 15 minutes i come back, the water was simmering.

nicky was keeping a close eye on me, alex asked her to, so why wouldn't she. once the broth was made i add in pasta noodles and chopped veggies. we made a few loaves of bread as a side with the soup.

we eventually started serving, not everyone needed to help serve food. i was able to sneak away from everyone without being noticed. i was just in the walk in freezer witch wasn't as cold as i figured it would be.

i was overheating, dehydrated and i felt like i was going to pass out, it was really just stress. i sit down on the floor of the freezer trying to slow down my breathing. it helped after a couple minutes.

nicky looked around the kitchen "hey, anyone seen ella?" she asked

gloria shook her head "freezer. figured she was going in there to help but she's been gone for awhile."

nicky listened to what gloria was saying. she followed back to the walk in freezer and opened the door to find me. she sat down next to me

"what's going on with you?" she asked

"i miss my sister." i wipe my eyes "and i hate this prison. i can't do this nicky." i told her

"it takes some time to adjust but you'll be fine in a couple days. this place will start to feel like home to you, i promise."

"i highly doubt that. but thanks nicky." i kiss her cheek before i walk out of the freezer, she smiles to herself. she walks out a few minutes after i do

we arrive back at the maximum security prison after we finished cleaning the kitchen at the ICE facility. i was able to get a shower, i felt gross from being in a kitchen all day so my shower was really nice. i walk back to my cell as i dry my hair with a towel. i moisturize my face with body lotion i had gotten from commissary, then i brush my hair, i tie it back into a low pony tail and i sit in my cell, writing in my journal.

i'm not sure where nichols was but i didn't really care, i wanted to be alone while i wrote anyways. daddy walks into my cell, sitting next to me on my bed. she holds my thigh with one hand, and slips a baggie into my shirt pocket as she looked into my eyes.

"i told you, i don't do drugs." i told her but she cut me off

"just give it a shot, it'll help you get through your sentence quicker.." she whispers in my ear, she kisses my neck before leaving my cell.

nicky was walking back as she sees daddy leave, she stands in the doorway. "what the hell is going on? she giving you drugs now?" nicky was upset, considering she was a recovering addict.

"no i don't do drugs. she just wanted to get to know me, that's it."

"that better be it. i don't need any druggies in here when i'm recovering"

i tilt my head "i didn't know you did drugs"

"i don't talk about it."

fantasy (oitnb// nicky nichols)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt