Until someone appeared

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The autumn doesn't surprise Hongjoong with its weather in the slightest as he appears behind a column. The hallway has no live souls travelling there and the male's silent movements can't be called exactly lively as well.

Rain makes patterns on the huge windows that have no light left to show to the inhabitants of the Academy.
It's one of the late evening hours with torch fires trembling in anticipation.

The jacket sways over Hongjoong's arm, the black bird patch turned so the male's eyes can glide over it from time to time.
His pride and joy, the male smirks at the thought.

"That devilish smile of yours will put many vampires to shame." a smooth voice tells him.
Hongjoong slows down his pace so the ancient creature behind him is able to fall into one step with him.
"In that case, have I put you to shame, sir?"
The man shakes his head.

"Quite the opposite, Hongjoong. I assume we both are walking to my lecture right now, which proves just how wrong that statement is."
The black-haired male chuckles.
"Other students wouldn't like hearing you say that."

"Most of them have been on this earth for centuries and think that's enough to not attend my lessons. That is where a harmless human like you becomes dangerous. Someone eager for new knowledge will always achieve more than someone relying on a decade old information that's rusty on the edges already."

Hongjoong did push his chest out a bit and even if the professor noticed, he didn't comment on that action further.
"I'm not sure if there is a clear winner, considering that you specialise in history and myths where someone much older has not only an advantage but probably personal experience too, sir."

"We will never know if you don't participate in any competitions, will we?" The black-haired man asks, no reproach on display in his voice.
They turn to walk down a new, just as empty hallway.
"I'm sure you will find a new seed this year to make into the perfect champion for your small quizzes."

He hums.
"I may have a bit of an eye on the Song boy."
Hongjoong isn't surprised that the vampire already knows of his friend.
"How many times did you flash your fangs before he revealed that we're friends?"
"Still no trust whatsoever, Hongjoong. I ran into him while going back from helping a young werewolf. Left them alone. If everything went according to my plan, they are friends now."

The human snorts.

"You and your shaman abilities, sir."

"I only saw that both of them were open to meeting someone new in their lives and stepped out of the way, they did the rest."
Hongjoong shakes his head and lets the man walk down the staircase before him.
"What do you think of Mingi then? I'm certain I feel something from him yet I'm not sure what it is. There may be a possibility that he came just because I am here."

"This place knows, who needs it, haven't you released that already?"
"To be fair, mr. Fair, and no pun intended here, I think we all differ from each other, so it doesn't seem possible to wish for the same thing while being so different."
"I think you understood me a bit wrongly, Hongjoong. You all come here with different purposes and leave with them as well. Some get a new life, some - new experience, a friendship that holds together longer than bones, others find love that's unable to be withheld for years or even decades. And a few leave with something that hopefully stands as a lesson to educate their further existence."

"Yet did he get in? He told me he heard the voices, so it means he has some potential, doesn't he?"
"Bold of you to assume that I was one of the teachers evaluating the exam even if I were. I'm more curious to understand why you are so taken with the idea of him either passing or failing." Mr. Fair's voice crawls against the brick tower walls to reach the student behind him.

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