Chapter 1

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Din Djarin zooms through hyperspace, nearing closer to the planet Iego and its forty-two moons, the Diathim's homeland.

The Diathim are a mysterious species of winged sentient. They are also referred to as the Angels, appearing completely human except for having delicate wings on their back that radiate a yellow-white aura. Angels are rumored to be the most beautiful beings in all of the galaxy, not that that bit of information really made a difference to Din regarding this hunt.

Din's job is to capture and bring a Diathim, any Diathim, to a scientist on the planet Tatooine, where the scientist will provide Din with a reward of a camtono of beskar for doing so. This job is a little out of the norm for Din since the task does not involve hunting down a fugitive, but that poses no concern for him, especially due to the plentiful beskar reward that awaits. He's been itching to have a full armor upgrade since the only article of clothing on him that is made of pure beskar is his helmet.

Din lands the Razor Crest gracefully in an open, deserted area of an Iego moon. Before exiting the ship, he equips himself a tranquilizer gun, sheltering it in a second holster at his hip beside the home of his frequently used blaster. After he does a quick maintenance check on the weapons attached to him, he exits his ship with confidence and steps onto the unfamiliar environment.

He scans the area, spotting a vast forest in the distance. He sets on starting his search there, acting with caution and preparing for the unexpected.

Upon immediately entering the forest, Din is met with an array of unfamiliar species of plants. The air within the forest is much cooler and crisp as compared to the dry air of the rocky terrain outside of it. In the distance, he hears the faint sound of a waterfall. Din thinks that even if he doesn't find an Angel lurking around this forest, the idea of getting in some R&R in this tranquil area for a little while wouldn't be a bad one.

Din follows the sound of the waterfall. As he hears the sound gradually roar louder, he finally discovers the waterfall just past a few more oaks in his field of vision.

He then hears someone laughing.

Din's defenses go up instantaneously. He presses his back against the closest oak. He turns his head slowly over his shoulder to peer around the tree, scanning the river that stretches from the waterfall. His breath catches in his chest at what he sees laying sprawled out on a sleek boulder in the middle of the river.


An Angel.

You lay on your stomach, your glowing wings draping intricately over your body. The tips of your wings kiss the water as it flows down the river and you laugh joyously as if you had no care in the world. You reposition yourself to lay on your side, giggling up a storm as you reach your hand into the water.

Despite your odd behavior, Din finds himself entranced by your appearance. He takes in the sight of your exposed arms and legs, thinking that the light of the sun makes your skin look just as radiant as your wings. He likes how the frilly romper you're wearing hugs your curves just right, and how addicting your smile is. To Din, your wings resemble those of a fairy, light and dainty.

Dank Farrik, Din thinks, struggling to take his eyes off of you.

It's true, she's the most beautiful thing I've ever laid eyes on.

Din eventually manages to yank his attention away from you and collect his thoughts, focusing on his mission.

Now. Now is the perfect time to tranquilize her and bring her to the scientist. I have more than a clear shot from here.

Din grips the handle of the tranquilizer gun, but before he could completely slide it out of the holster he steals another glance at you.

You continue to giggle carefree, flopping on your back.

Do Angels normally act like this? Din questions in his mind. His gut tells him that you're potentially more vulnerable than you are a threat. Clouded by infatuation and a daring drive to see how you'd react to his presence, he strides over to the river's edge towards you.

You hear the sounds of his steps. You loll your head to the side and gape at the sight of the unknown armored man, with various weapons equipped, approaching you. You sit up, completely intrigued and grin.

If you were in a normal state of mind, you would be in a fight or flight mode right now. Yet, the giddiness that you've felt for the past hour bubbles even more so when the stranger stands across the river from you, not saying a word.

"Look," you giggle, kicking your feet. "Whatever your intentions are, do not ask me if I want another drink from the cantina north of these woods."

Ah. Drunk. That explains the behavior. Din concludes, raising his chin in understanding.

You turn your body to face him and cross your legs; your boots hover above the water.

"What are you?" you ask bluntly, your words slurring a tad.

"A Mandalorian."

You like the husky edge to his voice and look him up and down with interest. His helmet shined under the midday light, yet the rest of his armor looked worn and tattered.

"Ohhh. I've heard about the Mandalorians before, just never seen one in person." You lean forward. "Can I see your face?"

Din shakes his head. "I cannot remove my helmet in front of other living beings; this is the Way of the Mandalore."

You look down at the water and your wings droop a little in disappointment. "That's too bad. I bet you're really handsome just from the sound of your voice."

"I've heard of Angels," Din says, changing the subject. "I never thought they were real until recently when I was given information about their existence."

"Is that why you're here?" You laugh, your mind in a whirlwind of drunkenness. "To see an angel for yourself?"

"Yes." It's not a complete lie. Din is here to see an Angel, to capture one.

"Mission accomplished for you then." You struggle to stand on the boulder but eventually find your balance. "Okay, I'm gonna fly over to you, so don't freak out."

Din watches intently as you flutter your wings and levitate, flying over to him and landing on your feet a little off-balance at first but you recover.

"Land better when you're sober, I assume?"

You put your hands to your hips in a sassy-like manner. "You got wings hidden under that cape of yours?"

"No, I'm human-"

"Then you have no room to judge," You banter followed by a case of the giggles.

Din maintains his serious disposition, although deep down he did find your demeanor to be quite amusing. This interaction with you has confirmed that you currently pose no threat to him, especially due to the state that you were in. You're an easy target.

"I may not fly with wings attached to my body, but I do have a ship. Would you like to see for yourself?" Din proposes, wondering if maybe you'd come aboard the ship on your own drunken accord, making this job more of a cakewalk.

You decline with a shake of your head and more laughter. Although the mysterious man is alluring to you, you know better than to just go alone with someone you just met, especially under the influence. You turn him down politely with a friendly smile, "I should be getting back home, I've been out here for too long. It was nice meeting you, Mandalorian-"

Your eyes widen when he whips out a tranquilizer gun, pointing it right at you.

The effects of your alcohol intake slows your reaction time just enough for Din to successfully shoot at you. The tranquilizer dart pins to your neck and you fade out of consciousness. He catches you in his arms.

Din has secured the target.


Hello readers! Thank you for taking the time to read this! It's been a long while since I've posted fanfiction. Chapter two  will be posted soon. :)


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