Chapter 3

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You admire the beauty of the ship as the both of you approach it. It's not often that you get to see spacecraft so up close and personal like this. As Din opens the hatch, he catches the look of wonder on your face as you take in every detail of the ship's exterior.

"Like what you see?" He asks smugly.

"I'd be lying if I said it's mediocre." You flick your wings in approval.

"This way." He says as he heads up into the ship. You follow behind him.

Upon entering, you find the inside of the ship to be dark and eerie, but still cool nonetheless. The ship did belong to a bounty hunter afterall, so it makes sense for it to not be particularly bright and welcoming.

"So what exactly was the reward for bringing in a Diathim?" You ask as the hatch closes up.

"A camtono of beskar. For such a deep pocket reward, you were the easiest hunt I've ever had."

You roll your eyes and chuckle. "If only I wasn't drunk."

"Would you have killed me?" He asks curiously as he touches a code box on the wall behind you. With a few button presses, a set of doors swing open across from where you stand. By the looks of it, it's a weapon storage area.

"I uh..." The variety of different weapons distracts you. He reaches for a small box on a shelf inside the area and takes out an empty vial. With the bottle of your blood still in his hand, he very carefully pours the blood into the vial till it's full. He sets the bottle on the shelf and puts the vial into the small pouch that's attached to his belt.

You clear your throat. "No. As soon as you had drawn out your tranquilizer gun I would've knocked your ass out and taken you in as a prisoner for my clan and I to interrogate you. "

Din says nothing and heads back over to you and taps the code box, shutting the doors of the storage area. He then stands next to a ladder adjacent to you.

"This ladder leads up to the cockpit. After you." He motions for you to head up first.

Before you latch on to the ladder, you sheathe your wings. Din sees how the light of your wings diminish as they shrink down to nothing, vanishing from sight as if they were never there to begin with.

You begin your climb. Unbeknownst to you, Din secretly wanted you to climb up first so that he could check you out. This whole time his attraction to you, especially when it came to your physical appearance, felt like it was growing more by the second. As you make your way up, he stares at your ass, liking how short your romper is cut at the start of your legs.

You suddenly stop halfway up the ladder.

"Ow, fuck." You wince in pain.

"What's wrong? You okay?" Din asks, his voice showing total concern and confusion.

"It's my fault," you huff. "When I sheathed my wings I must've done it a little too fast which can sometimes cause severe back pain." You strain with each step as you lower yourself off of the ladder and sit on the ground. You press your back as flat as you can against the wall, attempting to help relieve the pain. You're thankful that your outfit exposes your upper back when you feel the cold, bare metal of the wall upon your skin, lessening the pain by a smidge.

"I forgot how bad these are, hasn't happened in a long while. I gotta let it do its thing. Go ahead and pilot, I'll come up there when this is gone- FUCK!" You hunch over from another surge of pain, digging your hands into your back. "I'll be okay, it'll pass-"

"Would a massage help?"

"Oh God it would." You look up at him quizzically and ask, "Are you offering or was that just a general question?"

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